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1、英汉(汉英)词典查不到(之一)武夷山在阅读英语文学作品或其他著作的过程中,不时发现一些很生动的表达方式,我会想一想,这些表达方式相当于或接近于什么样的中文,并记录下来。这些中英文的对应表达,几乎在任何英汉(汉英)词典中都查不到。现在与大家分享一些例子。1. Im overcome. 我太感动了。2. My memory is dusty on this. 这一点我记不清了。3. Sloping shoulders, 削肩膀4. I wonder. 难说。在对话中,针对某人的某一陈述,你说“I wonder”, 就相当于“难说”,也是委婉地不同意那一说法。 5. He did everythin

2、g but got down on his knees. 他竭尽全力,就差没跪下叩头了。6. Stiff a yawn, 强忍住一个呵欠7. Give over. 针对别人的话,说Give over,大致相当于“得了吧”,“我才不信呢”。8. Eat sparingly. 别狼吞虎咽的。9. Its most unseemingly. 太不像话了。10. Bulbous nose, 蒜头鼻子11. Court-ordered lawyer, 法庭指定的律师12. Domestic tribulations, 家庭纠纷 13. I end on the hope that 写信收尾时的一种表达,

3、“最后,我希望”。14. self-glorification, 沾沾自喜15. come down the stairs four at a time, 一蹦四级台阶地下楼梯16. outstay ones welcome, 因住得太久而招主人厌烦。丹麦文学家安徒生就因为在英国文豪狄更斯家住了太多的日子而丝毫没有告别之意,使狄更斯女儿和狄更斯不胜厌烦。17. See if I care! 我才不在乎呢!(吵架时说)18. Go on with you. 去你的。19.卡牙,something getting between ones teeth20. Write by the ream, 长

4、篇大论地写英汉词典查不到(之二)武夷山21. From the best selling novel LOVE STORY - Love is when you never have to say sorry。翻译: 情到深处无怨言.(此句是何毓琦院士提供的,专此致谢!) 22. spin the occasional yarn 时不时地讲个故事23. Not in the least. 哪儿的话。(可在回答别人的谢语时用)24. tangled kites 难办的事(本义是绞在一起的风筝)25. His hair is receding rapidly. 他正在迅速歇顶。26. He pus

5、hed himself off and began to pedal. 他蹬地偏腿上车,然后骑了起来。27. He should know better than to hope that 他应该知道,抱这样一种希望是不现实的。28. studied reserve 刻意做出的矜持姿态29. bottle refundable瓶子可退款30. Barefaced与汉语的“不要脸”从形式到含义都一致。 31.They are always leery of foreigners.他们对外国人总是不放心。32. He felt close to tears. 他几乎要哭出来了。33. make s

6、mall talk敷衍几句34. Lets cut loose at night. 我们晚上放松一下。35. The forward has a packed stadium in their spell. 满满当当的全场观众都被中锋吸引住了。36. I take a dislike to him on sight.我看到他就烦。37. knife-edged crease笔挺的裤缝38. I hold you to that.你说了这话要兑现啊。39. rag and bone man收破烂的40. His deeds pass description.他做的丑事不能提。41. inflic

7、t a crushing blow给予狠狠的打击英汉词典查不到(之三)武夷山42. heave ones suitcase on to the rack把手提箱举到行李架上43. live on the same staircase住同一楼层44. bang down cards重重地把牌甩下来45. lay a mental finger on(某事)有点眉目了46. sweeping-brush head板刷头47. I could have died laughing.(这事)简直要笑死我。48. slam the book shut重重地把书合上49. shotgun wedding由

8、于未婚先孕而匆匆举办的婚礼50. out-of-wedlock birth非婚生51. sweat the details认真考虑细节52. hang on to title蝉联冠军53. unwinking glaze of the sun毫无遮拦的暴晒54. ceiling fan吊扇55. shock baton电棍56. line of thought思路57. beak-nosed鹰钩鼻子58. Girls like to check now and again.姑娘喜欢时不时地照镜子。59. mandatory leave强制性的休假60. easy divorce轻率离婚61.

9、food doctored with additives兑入各种添加剂的食品 62. You certainly have gone to town.你实在搞得太过分了。英汉词典查不到(之四)武夷山63. The lid blew off.盖子被顶开了。比喻想掩盖的事态掩盖不住了。64. loose count马马虎虎. 挂一漏万地数一下65. twice-doubled piece of paper对折了两次的纸66. formulaic extrapolation from foreign experience公式化地照搬国外经验67. It is heartening to hear欣闻

10、什么什么 68. Hard times build character.困世铸性格。请对照:时势造英雄。69. A credit line was inadvertently omitted from由于疏忽,漏掉了一句感谢的话。(文字道歉时用)70. 英国大文豪G. K. Chesterton有两句诗:We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea,And we owe each other a terrible loyalty.可译为:风暴滔天的海面上,我们同乘一条船,我们相互之间得献出忠诚赤胆。两行文字相当于四字中文成语“同舟共济”。71. nut

11、-case-left极左72. cast the first stone首先挑衅73. travel light轻装旅行74. see somebody onto the train把人送上火车75. immediate family直系亲属76. My tooth is killing me.牙疼死我了。77. Dont wait for the train to go.别等开车了。(上路者对送行者说)78. a comprehensive test ban全面禁止核试验79. sumptuary laws关于取缔挥霍浪费的法令80. card-carrying genius货真价实的天才英

12、汉词典查不到(之五)武夷山81. Wear a sling(骨头受伤者)吊着石膏82. You name it, you have it.应有尽有。经常只说前一半就可以表达同样的意思。83. Dust jacket(硬皮精装书外面那层纸质)挡灰套84. bang the same drum唱同一个调子85. Cram course补习班86. Officials who parrot “Mr. Docrees”动不动就拿“文件规定”说事儿的官员87. Leap onto roofs and vault over walls飞檐走壁88. Shrug off responsibility推卸责任

13、89. Dreams go by opposites.梦见的东西与生活中实现的东西是相反的。90. He is the favorite butt of jokes.大家最喜欢拿他打趣。91. Walk-in guest事先未订房的客人92. Mealy-mouthed油嘴滑舌93. Teething troubles开始阶段遇到的困难94. stub out cigarette with elaborate care小心翼翼地掐灭烟头95. swords into plowshares铸剑为锄96. Face squarely the reality直面现实97. He possesses

14、a “life-and-death stranglehold” over他对什么什么拥有生杀予夺之权。98. Self-disparaging自暴自弃99. Last-ditch effort孤注一掷100. Lapse of discipline纪律松懈英汉词典查不到(之六)武夷山101. Prompted by this realization, 由于认识到这一点,102. the sense of calling使命感103. Keep down and dont make a sound.趴下!别出声!104. He was kept in by the teacher.他被老师留下来

15、了。105. Dont talk daft.别说傻话。106. Keep your hair on.别着急。107. Dont kick against fate.别跟命作对。108. a low wind-down after exertion剧烈活动后慢慢放松109. This book is cheap because it was shop-soiled.这本书便宜,是因为作为样书给弄脏了。110. lay off visits取消访问111. ossification of thinking 思想僵化112. stringent precautions严密的防范措施113. passengers are requested not to lean out of the carriage windows.旅客们头. 手请别伸出窗外。114. Can you learn off the part by the end of the week?周末之前你能背会(所扮演角色的)台词吗?115. She likes to have a lie-down after


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