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1、每日一句英语自编例句音标备注What shape is this ? This is a circle ; This is a square.shape英音:eip; square英音:skwSquare正方形;方形物;方块Help yourself 请随便吃!英音:juselfDo you have anything to say? 你有什么话要说吗? (什么东西,什么事情)英音:eni,iAi ni xingAnything to drink? 你想喝点什么?英音:eni,iDo you have anything to say? 你有什么话要说吗? (什么东西,什么事情)Excuse m

2、e 对不起,打扰一下!英音:ikskju:zYi ke si kiu z tooth for tooth 以牙还牙Do you want some fruit? 你想要水果吗?Would you like some 想要来点Would you like some dumplings ?你们想要一些饺子吗?英音:dmpliWhose box is this ? 这个盒子是谁的?Its time to have breakfast 该吃早餐了Where are you from ? 你从哪来?I am from + 地点例句音标备注Are you from beijing ? 你来自北京吗?Its

3、 time to get up !Its time for homeworkLets go and eat . 我们去吃东西。Do you have a table for two? 有两个人的桌子吗?Tasty ! one more please.好吃!再来一杯。(美味的;可口的英音:teistiTei s diCould you take me there ? 你能带我去吗?Thats for hands. 那是用来洗手的。Enjoy yourself 请随便用英音:juselfYou r sai l f Drink it all . 把它喝光吧。Do you want everythin

4、g? 全都要吗?Lets take a rest. 我们休息一下吧。英音:restRe=ruaiWhats wrong? 你怎么了?例句音标备注Leave the tree!快离开这树! 离开(某处)(+for) 过去式left 英音:li:vHelp yourself 请慢用!Why does everyone love her ?为什么大家都喜欢她?英音:hwai 英音:dz 英音Because she is a polite girl 因为她是一个有礼貌的小女孩英音:bik:z英音:plaitShe is very polite. 她很有礼貌。May I use your pen? 我用

5、一下你的笔可以吗? (用,使用)May I come in? Yes, please. (表示许可或请求许可)可以我可以进来吗? 请。 Drink a glass of water. 喝一杯水。 一杯(的容量)英音:gl:sShe made a pot of tea for her guests. 她给客人沏了一壶茶。 一罐(壶、锅)之量C(+of)Have a good trip 祝你们玩得愉快。 (旅途)trip英音:tripChui pWhy dont you answer? 你为什么不回答呢?英音::nsAn serWhy doesnt he answer? 他怎么不回答?You ar

6、e impolite ! (无礼) 你太没有礼貌了!英音:,implaitIn m p lei t例句音标备注Im the winner !我赢了 winner获胜者英音:winWei ner I ran too fast! You run slow! 我跑得快!你跑得慢!I walk fast! You walked slowly! 走得快!你走得慢!Please answer my question! 请你回答我的问题!Wash your hands after pee. 小便之后洗手!英音:pi:Wash your hands before eating 吃东西前洗手。Wash your

7、 hands before you eat 。吃东西前要洗手Can i borrow a pencil? 我能借一支铅笔吗?英音:bruMay i use your knife? 我可以用你的刀吗?No, I want to use it too. 不行, 我想用它了Could youlendme your dictionary? 你能把字典借给我吗 (把.借给)英音:lendLen d The wind is blowing hard.Amy eat well at school? 艾米在学校吃得好吗?Today, the wind is so big! 今天风好大啊!Sunny today

8、! 今天阳光明媚!英音:waind风太大了,好冷啊,Its too windy, so cold. windy英音:windiAbout 在.的身边I had no money about me. 我身边没有带钱。 英音:bautMom, can you give me some money? I want to buy a bottle of juice. Baby, I had no money. 妈妈,可以给我些钱吗?我想买一瓶果汁。宝贝,我没带钱。裂缝,裂痕There are many cracks in the old wall. 旧墙上有许多裂缝。 crack英音:krkDid y

9、ou mention this to the boss? 你跟老板提到这事没有? mention英音:menn花(钱),花费(+on/for) I spent $100 on the bike. 我花了一百美元买下那辆自行车。spend英音:spend还,仍旧 They are still working in the fields. 他们还在田里工作。 still英音:stil使)改变;更改;使变化(+from.to.)(+into)On second thoughts he changed his mind. 进一步考虑后,他改变了主意。 change英音:teind1; 灰色的;偏灰的

10、His hair is gray. 他头发灰白。 2; 阴暗的;阴郁的It was a gray day.那是个阴天。 gray英音:greiWas. was英音:wz美音:wz (is或am的过去式)【美】【口】(初到城市的)乡巴佬,土包子Its too rube 它太土了。Rube英音:ru:b1;燕子COne swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。 swallow英音:swlu例句音标备注2;吞下,咽下He swallowed the pills with a cup of water. 他用一杯水吞下了这些药丸。 swallow英音:swluS w

11、o lou在.附近He sat in a chair near the door. 他坐在靠门的一把椅子上。 near英音:ni should英音:ud1; 损坏;糟蹋;搞糟2; . (食物等)变坏,腐败The apples spoiled. 苹果烂了3,。 spoil英音:spilS bou I o1; 任一,每一He wanted a job, any sort of a job. 他需要一个工作,任何工作都行。 any英音:eni暗;黑暗的 Its getting dark. 天快黑了。 dark英音:d:k1; 满的;充满的(+of)The room was full of peopl

12、e. 室内挤满了人。 2; 吃饱的 I cant eat any more; Im full up. 我不能再吃了;我已经饱了3; 极盛时;顶点 Summer is past the full. 盛夏已经过去了。 full英音:ful1. 角;街角A cabinet sits in a corner of the room. 房间的一角立着一只橱柜。 2;在角落的Z We sat at a corner table. 我们坐在一张放在角落处的桌corner英音:k:n1;物,东西 I cant see a thing in the dark room. 屋子里黑漆漆的,我什么也看不见。 thi

13、ng英音:i1谷类加工食品;玉蜀黍薄片;麦片CUIve just bought a box of cereal. 我刚买了一盒麦片。 cereal英音:siril(buy的过去式和过去分词)bought英音:b:t仔细的;小心的(+of/about/with)+to-v+v-ing+Wh-+(that)John was careful not to say anything about this to her. 约翰小心翼翼,避免向她提及此事。careful英音:kfl1;直到.时,到.为止Will this fish keep until tomorrow? 这鱼能搁到明天吗? 2. (用于否定句)在.之前,直到.(才)She didnt go to bed until eleven oclock. until英音:ntil例句音标


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