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1、Unit 1acclaim /klem/ n.praise for a person or ones achievements 赞誉,赞赏1-Aaffect /fekt/ vt.to make someone feel strong emotions使某人产生强烈的感情1-Aaging /ed/ adj.old 年迈的1-Aanecdote /nkdt/ n. a short story based on someones personal experience轶事1-Adenounce /dnans/ vt.to express strong disapproval of someone o

2、r something, especially in public谴责,斥责1-Aemotion /mn/ n.a strong feeling 情绪,情感1-Aexile /eksal/ n.a situation in which someone is forced to leave his own country to live in another country, especially for political reasons 流亡1-Afake /fek/ vt.to make something seem real in order to deceive 伪造,捏造1-Afor

3、bid /fbd/ vt.to keep from happening 禁止1-Afrail /frel/ adj.physically weak(因年老或疾病而)虚弱的,衰弱的1-Agenius /dinjs/ n.someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence 天才1-Ahenchman /hentmn/ n.someone who assists in a plot 走狗,帮凶1-Aincredibly /nkredbl/ adv. extremely 异常地,极端地,非常地1-Aknight /nat/ vt. to ra

4、ise (someone) to knighthood 封(某人)为爵士1-Alunatic /luntk/ adj. mad, insane 疯狂的1-Aobsessive /bsesv/ adj.thinking about something or someone too much or in a way that is not normal(兴趣、关心等方面)过分(到不正常程度)的1-Apersecution /pskjun/ n. cruel treatment of someone, especially because of their religious or politica

5、l beliefs 迫害1-Aplaywright /plerat/ n. someone who writes plays 剧作家1-Apremiere /preme/ n.the first public performance of a play or movie (电影的 )首映,(戏剧的 )首演1-Atake /tek/ n.the act of a scene for a film or TV(电影或电视节目) 一次拍摄的镜头1-Atheatrical /trkl/ adj.of or relating to the theater 戏剧的,剧院的1-Atightrope /tat

6、rp/ n.a rope or wire high above the ground that someone walks along in a circus(杂技表演用的)钢丝1-Atriumph /tramf/ n.accomplishment, achievement, victory 成就,成功1-Aturmoil /tml/ n.a violent disturbance 混乱,骚乱,动乱1-Avicious /vs/ adj.evil 恶毒的1-Avictim /vktm/ n.someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害

7、者1-Aalien /eljn/ adj.截然不同的,非常怪异的1-Bcell /sel/ n.单人牢房,小囚室1-Bcombat /kmbt/ vt.与斗争1-Bconfusing /knfjuz/ adj.令人困惑的,难懂的1-Bdogged /dd/ adj.不屈不挠的,坚持不懈的,顽强的1-Bdough /d/ n.生面团1-Bfierce /fs/ adj.极其强烈的,很厉害的1-Bfragile /frdal/ adj.脆弱的,易碎的,易损坏的1-Bhurl /hl/ vt.猛投1-Bknead /nid/ vt.揉,捏(湿面粉)1-Bmonarch /mnk/ n.君主,国王1-

8、Bpantry /pntr/ n.(家庭中的)食品储藏室1-Bphenomenal /fnmnl/ adj.非凡的,惊人的1-Brage /red/ n.盛怒,狂怒1-Brelease /rlis/ n.摆脱,释放1-Bshiver /v/ vi.(因寒冷或恐惧而)颤抖1-Btutor /tjut/ n.家庭教师,私人教师1-Bunruly /nrul/ adj.难驾驭的,任性的1-Bvibration /vabren/ n.颤动,震动1-Bcut off使隔绝1-Bdeprive sb. of sth.剥夺1-Bin someones name以某人的名义1-Bmake sense of s

9、th.弄懂,理解(尤指困难或复杂的事物)1-Bthrow tantrums/a tantrum (突然无理地)脾气发作1-BBraille布莱叶盲文1-BHelen Keller International国际海伦 凯勒(机构)1-BRadcliffe拉德克利夫学院1-BTadoma泰德马(盲人使用的交流手段)1-Bthe Royal National Institute for the Blind英国皇家国立盲人学院1-Baccomplishment /kmplmnt/ n. 成就,成绩1-Cambassador /mbsd/ n.大使1-Capparently /prntl/ adv.显然

10、地;明显地1-CArgentinean /ntnn/ n.阿根廷人1-Cboost /bust/ vt.促进,提高1-Ccampaign /kmpen/ n.运动,活动1-Ccelebrity /slebrt/ n. 名人1-Ccompliment /kmplmnt/ n.赞美1-Ccondemnation /kndemnen/ n. 谴责,指责1-Cdeserve /dzv/ vt.应得,值得1-Cfollower /fl/ n.追随者,微博(或博客等)粉丝1-Cfractious /frks/ adj. 易怒的,暴躁的1-Cguidance /gadns/ n.指导,辅导1-Cmentor

11、 /ment/ n. 导师,良师1-Cmicro-blog /makr blg/ vi.写微博1-Cmilestone /malstn/ n.里程标,里程碑1-Copponent /pnnt/ n.对手1-Coutburst /atbst/ n.(感情的)发作,迸发1-Coutrage /atre/ n.愤慨,义愤1-Coverwhelm /vwelm/ vt.压倒,压垮1-Cquarterfinal /kwtfanl/ n.四分之一决赛1-Crejuvenate /ruvnet/ vt.使恢复青春,使恢复活力1-Crekindle /rikndl/ vt.重新燃起,重新激起1-Cresona

12、te /reznet/ vi. (使)共鸣;(使)共振1-Cspotlight /sptlat/ n.聚光灯; 公众注意的中心1-Csemis /semis/ n.半决赛1-Ctournament /tnmnt/ n.锦标赛,联赛1-Ctumble /tmbl/ vi.跌倒,摔倒1-CAchilles heel /klz hl/ 致命的弱点1-Cat ease安逸,舒适,自在1-CGrand Slam大满贯1-Csettle down(使)冷静下来,平静下来1-Cthe US Open美国网球公开赛1-CUnit 2beast /bist/ n.an animal 动物,野兽2-Ablessi

13、ng /bles/ n.a gift from God or anything that brings happiness or good fortune 上帝的恩赐,幸事2-Abreed /brid/ n.a kind or class of animal or plant usually developed under human influence 品种(常指人工培育的动、植物)2-Acivilized /svlazd/ adj.having a highly developed social organization 开化的,文明的2-Aduplicate /djuplket/ vt.to copy exactly 复制2-Aencounter /nkant/ vt.to meet or have to deal with 遭遇,遇到2-Aescape /skep/ vt.to stay away (from) 逃脱2-Agrateful /retfl/ adj.thankful 感激的2-Aholdin


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