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1、大连理工大学网络教育学院大学英语3辅导资料二主 题:Unit 1的知识扩展、Unit 2 的重点单词和短语学习时间:2011年4月18日4月24日内 容:汉译英中常出现的错误:(1) 这本词典的价钱是多少?Wrong: How much is the price of the dictionary?Right: How much is the dictionary?Right: What is the price of the dictionary?说明:how much已有多少钱的意思,不能再用price.(2) 罗伯特的个子很高。Wrong: Robert is a high man.Ri

2、ght: Robert is a tall man.Right: Robert is very tall.说明:表示人“高”要用tall,不可用high。(3) 多谢你的帮助。Wrong: Thank your help very much.Right: Thank you for your help very much.说明:感谢某人做了什么事要用thank sb. for sth.的结构。此外还有help sb. with sth.和praise sb. for sth.(4) 他的名字叫约瑟夫。Wrong: His name is called Joseph.Right: His nam

3、e is Joseph.Right: He is called Joseph.说明:汉语中的“名叫某某”译成英语时要按“名是某某”或“叫某某”。(5) 她英语学得很差。Wrong: She studies English very poor.Right: Her English is very poor.Right: She is poor in English.说明:此处poor是形容词,不能修饰动词studies.(6) 那天晚上,她在晚会上玩得很痛快。Wrong: She enjoyed very much at the party that evening.Right: She enj

4、oyed herself very much at the party that evening.说明:enjoy是及物动词,当表示“玩得痛快”之意时,要用词组enjoy oneself.(7) 我花了两天时间做这项实验。Wrong: I spent two days to do this experiment.Right: I spent two days (in) doing this experiment.说明:当表示“某人在某事上花费多少时间”之意时要用 “spend +时间+(in) doing”的结构。(8) 我也认识他。Wrong: I know him, either.Righ

5、t: I know him, too.说明:too和either都表示“也”之意。但是either用于否定句中,too用于肯定句中。(9) 你昨晚什么时候睡的。Wrong: When did you sleep last night?Right: When did you go to bed last night?说明:sleep的含义是“睡眠”,而go to bed是上床睡觉的意思。(10) 你最好别听他的。Wrong: You hadnt better listen to him.Right: You had better not listen to him.说明:惯用语had bette

6、r的否定式是had better not do.NEW WORDS (对Unit 2重点单词的解释)1. acquire vt. 掌握,获得(知识、技能等)e.g. I look on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.(我把这当作是一次学习新技能的机会。) The team has acquired a fearsome reputation.(这去队伍赢得了令人生畏的名声。)2. apparent adj. 显而易见的;明白易懂的搭配 apparent toe.g. Her anxiety was apparent to everyo

7、ne.(大家都看得出她焦虑不安。)句型 1) it became apparent thate.g. It soon became apparent that our opponents were too strong for us.(很快就看出,我们的对手太强。)2) for no apparent reasone.g. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, he walked away.(他莫名其妙地就突然走了。)3. application n. 实际用途e.g. A micro computer has a wide range of applicatio

8、ns for businesses.(微型电脑在商业方面用途很广。)搭配 application of/to/ine.g. the application of this theory to actual economic practice(这一理论在经济实践中的应用)4. approach n. 方法;步骤搭配 approach toe.g. a new approach to teaching languages(教授语言的新方法) 5. aspiration n. 强烈愿望;志向,抱负e.g. Hannah ahs always had political aspirations.(汉纳

9、在政治上一向有抱负。)搭配 aspiration of e.g. the aspirations of the working classes(劳动阶级的强烈愿望)6. attain vt. 实现;获得,赢得e.g. More women are attaining positions of power in public life.(越来越多的妇女在社会生活中获得权位。)7. broaden vt. 使扩大,使增加e.g. Broaden your knowledge of English with this book(看这本书来扩充你的英语知识)搭配 broaden your horizo

10、ns开阔视野8. claim vt. 声称;断言;主张e.g. He claimed (that) hed been dining with friends at the time of the murder.(他声称,凶案发生时自己正与朋友们进餐。)搭配 1) claim to bee.g. She claims to be a descendant of the murder.(她宣称自己是查尔斯狄更斯的后裔。)2) claim to have donee.g. Doctors claimed to have discovered a cure for the disease.(医生声称已

11、经找到了治疗该疾病的方法。)3) claim responsibility/innocence/credit(声称有责任/无辜/有功劳)9. conduct n. (尤指在公开场合和工作中的)行为,举止e.g. The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.(这个记者被指责违反职业道德。)10. curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲搭配 1) curiosity aboute.g. Children have a natural curiosity about the world around them.(儿童对周围的世界有天然的好奇

12、心。)2) out of curiositye.g. Just out of curiosity, how old are you?(我只是出于好奇,请问你多大?)3) burning with curiosity 非常好奇4) satisfy your curiosity 满足自己的好奇心e.g. I just had to satisfy my curiosity, so I opened the parcel.(我只是想满足自己的好奇心,于是打开了包裹。)11. gain v. 取得(成就);获得e.g. She gained high grades in English and Mat

13、h.(她的英语和数学得了高分。) After gaining independence in 1957, it was renamed Ghana.(1957年获得独立后,它改名为“加纳”。)搭配 1) gain experience/support/a reputation etc(获得经验/支持/名声)e.g. The Greens are gaining more and more support.(绿党正获得越来越多的支持。)2) gain in popularity/confidence etc(变得越来越受欢迎/越来越有信心等)12. innocent adj. 天真无邪的;阅世不

14、深的e.g. I was thirteen years old and very innocent.(我那时13岁,年幼无知。)补充 innocent还有“无罪的;无辜的”的意思。e.g. Nobody would believe that I was innocent.(没人肯相信我是无罪的。) innocent victims/bystanders/people etc(无辜的受害者/旁观者/人们等)搭配 innocent ofe.g. Hes innocent of murder.(他没犯杀人罪。)13. interact vi. 交流;交往;互相理解搭配 interact withe.

15、g. He interacts well with other children in the class.(他和班里的其他孩子相片得很好。)14. involve vt. 包含(必要的部分或结果)e.g. What will the job involve?(这份工作包括什么?) I didnt realize putting on a play involved so much work.(我没有想到演出一场戏需要做这么多的工作。)搭配 involve doing sth.e.g. Every day each of us makes decisions that involve taking a chance.(每天我们每个人作出的决定都包含碰运气的成分。)15. practical adj. 1) 实践的,实际的e.g. How much practical experience do you have of working with computers?(你有多少操作电脑的实践经验?) a practi


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