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1、同课异构中听力设计的反思 安吉县孝丰镇中学 马颖一、同课异构的实例比较:授课内容:义务教育教科书八年级上册Unit10 Section A (1a-2c)授课教师:马颖,陈淑云,胡婷授课时间:2013年12月13日至12月17日,孝丰镇中学学科组赛课比赛Knowledge goals : Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these phrases: wean jeans, letin, have a great time, half in class, organize the party gamesAbility go

2、als: Be able to use the structure If以if 引导的条件状语从句。Moral goals: Know the rules of different kinds of parties.Key points: Listening strategies If, willDifficulties: Different Listening strategies between 1b and 2b.我的教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Preparation: 1.Hows the weather today?Its sunny but really hot. so you

3、 should wear warm clothes. 2.If I dont wear warm clothes, what will happen?3.If I have a cold, what will happen?Students guess what will happen.Use free talk to prenent the new structure. If, willPresentation: New years Day is coming.If you have a cold,youll miss it.So look after yourselves and keep

4、 healthy. There will be a party in our school next week. 1.Do you like going to the parties?2.What will happen if you go to the party?If I go to the party,Ill have a great time.Ill eat a lot of delicious food.Teach and practice the new structure.Listening practice: Karen is my friend.she usually get

5、s up at 8. If she gets up at 9, what will happen? Karens classmates will have a party. What will happen if they do like this?If she gets up late,shell be late for school.If she is late,the teacher wont let her in.(T:What will Miss Peng do if you are late?)If she is late,shell be sorry.Listen and fil

6、l in the blanks in 1b.Listen and imitate.be latebe sorryletin呈现赶赴Party可能出现的问题,让学生带着问题去做听力。Pairwork: T : Dont fight! If you have disagreement with classmates,you should ask the teacher for help.Do homework carefully , youll get good grades. No pains, no gains.Wear jeans to schoolBe lateFight with cla

7、ssmatesDo homework carefullyHave a party at home on Sunday A: Ill wear jeans to school.B: If you do,the teacher will1b听力之后设计pairwork,既是对听力材料的再现,也是复习if句型,并根据实际情况拓展。Production :Listening part: Next, were going to learn how to have a party and organize a party. Look at the picture, the beautiful girl i

8、n red is Nelly. She is talking with her friend Mark.Listen to 2a and 2b. Fill in the blanks according to 2b.Nelly and Mark wants to have a class . If they have the party today, half the class come. If they have it , students will leave early to a .If they watch a , some students will be . So they ma

9、ke it on Saturday afternoon. Nelly will makeSome delicious food. Mark the party games.通过填空的形式重组听力材料,了解how to organize a party.Progress: Groupwork: 话题三选一,选择一个话题,讨论并用if 句型接龙。Topic 1: 如果学校开一个圣诞party, 如果你们去参加,将会发生什么?参考句型:If you go to the party, youll If Topic 2: 如果你的伙伴努力学习,将会引起什么一系列的结果?参考句型: If you stud

10、y hard, youll If Topic 3:如果你的朋友们天天看电视很迟,将会引起什么一系列的后果?参考句型: If you watch TV late, youll If 学生的Groupwork可能出现两种情况。一种是每个人一句,对话题进行预测,每个人之间无关联。另一种是每个人一句,前后之间有因果关系。因此,我给出的范例有两种:1. A:There is going to be a New Year Party next week.B:If you go to the party,youllC: If you go to the party,wellD: If you go to t

11、he party,2. A: If you watch TV late, youll sleep late.B: If you sleep late, youll be late for school.C: If you are late for school, 通过Groupwork巩固If句型,并对事情的发展进行预测。教师要对小组的表现进行小结。小结时也可以运用我们的新句型。如:“I hope your dream will come ture.”“If she is your real friend, Please tell your friend not to watch TV so

12、late.”“If you take part in the party, what will you do?”本人对听力材料的处理主要是三步:1. 提前教学重点词汇,为学生的听力训练做准备。2. Listen结合Imitate重视语音语调教学,以pairwork形式校对听力答案,使学生出口成句。3. 对大篇幅听力材料进行变形重组,以填空的形式巩固重点词组和句型。陈淑云老师对于本课时教学的设计如下:1. 在导入环节呈现了各种各样的Party,并初步了解了the rules of the party.2. 解析1a图片,口头描述加文字一起呈现,并让学生大胆预测。这些句子为1b作了充分的铺垫。3.

13、 利用当天天气,做了pairwork。4. 对于2b听力材料的处理也是采取填空的形式,但多了一些句子填空。“If they have it today, .”这样做更保持了听力材料的完整性。胡婷老师的设计也是对听力材料作了精心的处理,把2b回答问题改成了选择短语填空。三位老师尽管对听力材料进行了不同的处理,但是效果是显而易见的:学生不但成功完成了听力任务,而且得到了一定的拓展。二、听力设计的反思听、说、读、写是英语教学的四项基本内容。对于初中生来说,听力和写作往往是他们畏惧的内容。但事实上,听力能力的好坏对阅读和写作都起到了决定作用。只有把握好听力训练这一关,学生英语学习的兴趣才会增加,学生口

14、语交际的水准才会提升。因此我们教师在备课时一定要精心设计好听力训练,把听说前、听说中、听说后三个阶段有效地结合起来,使学生有的放矢,全神贯注,印象深刻。(一)听说前的教学听力材料中的词汇是解决听力任务的关键。教师应加强听前辅导铺垫,分析各类词汇,运用各种策略,指导学生学习词汇,帮助学生扫清语言,背景知识等障碍。听说前的教学方法有: A.复习促新知B、直观教学C、创设情境D、英语释义(二)听说中的教学在听说的过程中,指导学生初步解决任务。下列两种方法有助于解决任务:A、大胆预测B、即时评价(三)听说后的教学听说后教学作用举足轻重,它涉及到词汇的再次应用,和听力文本的深度和厚度,所以在听说练习后要给学生创设机会来使用词汇和文本。听说后的教学方法有:A、造句B、 变形。变对话为小语段。英语听说课分时段教学不仅可达成既定听力目标,而且可以做到对教材的整合利用。所以我们要积极地运用符合学生实际的教学策略来指导学生的



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