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1、 硕士研究生学位论文湖南省高标准农田建设项目后期管护问题研究研究生姓名:曾博指导教师:黄煌 教授学位名称农业经济与管理研究领域:农村与区域发展授予单位:湖南农业大学答辩日期:二一二年五月一日摘 要高标准农田建设是我国农业现代化和集约化经营的重要一环,是农业可持续发展的必由之路。目前,全国各地区土地整治规划工作正全面铺开,如何规划和建设好高标准基本农田已经引起了各方重视,建设成效斐然。但是,基本农田的建设并非一劳永逸的工作,因为气候地形等因素随时会对农田设施造成破坏,而密集化的种植使得土地的肥力呈现出下降趋势。因此基本农田建设项目后期管理工作与前期建设具有同等的重要意义。特别在当前我国农业生产存


3、的成因可以归结为:工程产权主体不明确、建后管理经费缺乏来源、运行机制僵化、管理体制和市场经济相背离,对此应当针对问题,逐一制定完善对策。本文选取的样本可以代表我国中东部广大地区高标准农田建设项目后期管理的基本状况,反映出的相关问题具有较强的典型性,由此保证了本文研究结果的科学性和实践性。本研究的进行,不仅有利于引起各方对于高标准农田建设项目后期管理问题的重视,更有利于推进我国基本农田建设后期管理工作的全面铺开和日臻完善。关键词:高标准农田建设项目;后期管护;项目管理AbstractInfrastructure of science and rationality largely determi

4、ne the effectiveness of comprehensive agricultural development projects, infrastructure can long continue to run well determine the comprehensive agricultural development project can play its expected long-term benefits, promote sustainability agricultural efficiency and farmers income, which is the

5、 project of comprehensive agricultural development projects of the present.The central government supports the development of sustainable agriculture initiatives implemented gradually yielded results, but there are still some deficiencies, such as re-engineering project, light system innovation, the

6、 current heavy construction, light subsequent management and protection, heavy government promotion, light masses participation. Next, we need to further sum up the pilot experience and improve policies, strengthen management, and promote sustainable agricultural development policies to achieve long

7、-term. Sound investment policies, a sound mechanism to guarantee sustainable development of agriculture.In recent years, The State Council attached great importance to land management work, clearly stated, to promote the rural land remediation, speed up rural land consolidation and reclamation, and

8、strive to improve farmland quality construction, large-scale construction Hanlaobaoshou high standard basic farmland, consolidate the foundation of modern agriculture. But the construction of a high standard basic farmland will encounter some problems, such as management and protection of basic farm

9、land after the construction. This link is weak, which affects a high standard basic farmland construction largely hindered the development of production agriculture. Therefore, take appropriate measures to manage and protect the work of the project after the intensive management is vital to be able

10、to play as much as possible long-term effects of the project has been built.In this paper, high-standard farmland construction projects in 2014, Hebei Province, 14 counties, for example, through interviews, questionnaires, field research and other methods to collect information, a study from the ana

11、lysis of final management and maintenance Status and Problems of high standard farmland projects through literature review, field research, empirical and theoretical research method of combining, on the current situation and problems of comprehensive agricultural development project final management

12、 and maintenance of the system analysis to determine the main problem of the final management and maintenance management and protection and thus make recommendations accordingly in order to follow-up on the post-practice management and protection of agricultural development projects and related rese

13、arch to provide a reference and reference.Key words:High-Standard Farmland Construction Projects; Final Management and Maintenance;Project Management目 录1引言11.1研究背景与意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义11.2研究目的21.3国内外文献综述21.3.1国外研究综述21.3.2国内研究综述41.4 研究思路、研究方法及技术路线81.4.1 研究思路81.4.2 研究方法81.4.3技术路线91.5研究的创新点102相关概念界定与


15、重投入,轻管理224.1.2管理体制严重滞后224.1.3管护资金来源不足234.1.4农民主动参与意识淡薄234.2高标准农田后期管护中存在问题的原因分析244.2.1工程产权主体不明确254.2.2高标准农田建设后期管护资金不足264.2.3管理体制不顺,运行机制不活264.2.4高标准农田现代经营模式与农村单家独户传统经营模式的冲突265高标准农田项目建设后期管护的对策建议28 5.1加快产权改革以明晰管护责任主体285.2理顺村基础设施监督管理体制285.3建立后期养护的多元资金筹措机制295.4加快产权改革以增强农民参与养护的积极性305.4.1明晰集体土地产权,提高产权主体保护其权利的积极性305.4.2建立土地流转机制,通过产权的最优配置促进土地的合理利用305.4.2设立土地发展权,通过土地发展权流转调控发展和保护之间的利益平衡关系316 结论31参考文献33附录35致谢38河北省高标准农田建设项目后期管理问题研究-基于河北省14个县的调查1引言1.1研究背景与意义1.1.1研究背景河北是农业大省,是我国重要的农产品基地和保障粮食安全的重要区域之一,由于河北省地貌多样既有高原、山地又有盆地、平原,地区间气候差异很大,因此河北地区的农作物种类繁多导致河北省农



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