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1、做书呆子的4个好处4 Reasons Why Its Awesome To Be A NerdBeing a nerd isnt something to be ashamed of. Its something to be proud of and most definitely an awesome way to be! With that in mind, Ive come up with a few reasons why this is the case:做个书呆子并不是件可耻的事情,而是一件值得骄傲的事情,而且还是件极好的事情,针对这个事情,我认为有以下几个原因:You know

2、who you are你知道你到底是个怎样的人When you are a nerd you know what you like, what you dislike and youll stand by it till the bitter end. Youll be the kind of person who has an attitude that says you either like it or lump it with no bending or shaping who you are to please others. Being a nerd means that you

3、understand what goes on in the world and where your place is among it all. Youll be true to yourself, even through difficult times and because of that youll encourage others to be the same.“书呆子”都知道自己喜欢的是什么,知道自己讨厌的是什么,并且还会坚持到底。你是那种爱恨分明的人,不会因为取悦别人而改变自己的态度,改变自己。作为一个书呆子,你能明白这个世界发生着什么,你自己处在一个什么位置。即使是在最艰难

4、的时期你会忠于自己的内心,因为你也会鼓励别人忠于自己的内心。You know your loves and passions你很清楚自己喜爱的是什么,在哪些方面有干劲This is what makes you most unique, because your loves and passions are what drive you in life. For many, these have mostly gone unchecked or hidden out of sight. Yet a nerd will embrace them wholeheartedly, shouting

5、from the roof tops and willing to share with whomever will listen. Your dreams will come from such desires, and will no doubt push you towards them quicker than those who dont have any. Youll defend your loves and passions till the very end, travel far and wide to achieve them and the best thing abo

6、ut being a nerd youll never be afraid. You understand better than anyone that your loves and passions are what make you who you are, and make life so rewarding.你的喜好会驱使你在生活中不断前进,这就足以让你不再平凡。对于大多数人来说,他们要么是不知道自己的喜好,要么就是将其忽略了。但是呆子会用一整颗心去呵护他们的喜好,愿意将这些大声的讲出来,也愿意讲给那些想要知道的人。你的欲望可以变成你的梦想,毫无疑问的是,你的梦想会驱使你比那些没有梦

7、想的人进步得更快。哪怕是到了最后,你也好坚守你喜爱的,你的激情,在实现梦想的路上才能走得更宽更远-书呆子最大的一个好处就是-永远不会感觉到害怕。对于自己喜欢的,对于那些自己一直都怀有激情的,你永远都要比别人懂得多,这也就成就了你,你也能从生活收获更多。Youll surround yourself with other nerds你的周围都是和你一样的书呆子It has been said that you are the average of 5 people you surround yourself with, meaning that if you surround yourself

8、with positive, uplifting, aspiring people you will be just like them or vice versa.When it comes to being a nerd, you are more likely to surround yourself with people that you feel are like you. Those kinds of people wouldnt usually be the type to laugh at your funny ways, your intellect perhaps or

9、who criticise your obsession with comic books. No, these people share your obsession, because they actually get you and encourage you to be just as individual, as creative and as nerdy as they are! Being a nerd means that youll know yourself well enough to not put up with those who put you down当你是个书

10、呆子的时候,你更愿意与和你差不多类型的人相处。这种人通常都不是那种可能会嘲笑你比较奇葩的行为,比较异类的思维方式,也不会批评你漫画书看太多。这些人和你有一样的喜好,因为他们实际上是“源自于你”,会鼓励你做你自己,有自己的想法。作为一个书呆子就是说你肯定相当的了解你自己,你没法容忍别人贬低你。You aspire to be honest, compassionate and kind你想要成为一个诚实、富有同情心、善良的人For me, as a nerd, I felt real compassion for those who were bullied at school just bec

11、ause they were labelled different. It seemed to me that those who were unique in some way, were always the good kids, the ones who worked hard and kept out of everyones way. Yet these kids were always made to be in the spotlight usually subjected to some kind of torment, when rather theyd have prefe

12、rred to naturally shy away from it. They, including myself, werent the liars, the cheats, the bullies or the ones who clowned around in class. No, they were the ones who stood out because they stood for what they believed, always had time for their friends and were the kind of kids whod even be kind

13、 to their enemies.对我来说,作为一个书呆子,我很同情那些因为被标榜为“异类”而被欺负的人。似乎对我来说,在某种程度上还算独特的人应该是乖乖孩子型。这些人学习努力,却又有自己的想法。这些孩子总认为在台上就是在忍受一种痛苦,那时候他们更愿意选择回避。他们,包括我自己在班上都不善于撒谎,不会欺骗别人,不会欺负别人,也不是班上的小霸王。他们会比较突出,因为他们会坚持他们他们所信仰的,他们总会给朋友共度时光,还可能会是那种会善待他们敌人的人。Being a nerd means that you have an innate ability to see things differently, rather than just going along for the ride like everyone else.they know how to be themselves with no pretence.书呆子意味着你天生就有一种与他人不同的对待方式,而不是像别人一样随波逐流。他们知道怎样毫无伪装的做自己。


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