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1、上海市嘉定区2012届高三第一次质量检测英语试题 (一模)参考答案1-10 ABBCD CAACD 11-16 BDD ACB17. Professor18. solar19. Engineering20. roadside 21. leisure sporting activities 22. Jogging and tennis23. athletic shoes24. conscious and concerned 25-29: BCDCA30-34: BABCD35-37: CCB38-40: BDA41-49 EDHIF, GACB50-54:CDBCA55-59: CDDAB60-

2、64: DABCA65-68 BDCD 69-71 ABB 72-75 CDAB 76.D 77.F 78.A 79.E 80. B81. they cant exercise control over themselves.82. They think that their failure is only because of bad luck.83. depends on ones attitude/level of self-confidence84. no doubt fail/lose/achieve nothingTranslations1. Many streets/roads

3、(streets or roads) are named after famous people or big cities.2. It is the governments responsibility/duty to provide safe shelter and food to/for the people./provide the people with safe shelter and food.3. I dont approve of children competing in Chinas Got Talent, which will make them dream of be

4、coming famous overnight/for/because this/it will make them dream of becoming famous overnight.4. By the time this railroad has been extended to the remote small city, the local economy is sure to develop/be developed very fast.5. The project/schedule/scheme/plan was/had been meant to raise money to

5、help those poor children who cannot/could not afford to go to school, but for one reason or another/various reasons, it was quit/quitted/given up.Writing:We can see in the picture a child is burdened with heavy schoolbags as well as huge mental pressureWhen he was young, he was expected to be able t

6、o go to a key elementary school,and later a key high schoolAnd now he is expected to be admitted to a key universityUnder such distress and difficulties,how can he seek dynamic and active self-development?Reducing the childrens heavy burden requires efforts from schools, society, as well as parentsEducation that breaks the natural rules of childrens development in body and mind is bound to failIn short,parents as well as teachers should become active supporters of all-round character education and work closely with each other in guiding the students towards a balanced development


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