transmission of selected texts from antiquity从古代选定的文本传输

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《transmission of selected texts from antiquity从古代选定的文本传输》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《transmission of selected texts from antiquity从古代选定的文本传输(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Transmission of Selected Texts from AntiquitySummarized from Renaissance Thought: The Classic, Scholastic, and Humanist Strains by Paul Oskar Kristeller (1955, 1961).Key:+ = works by this author largely available in the Latin west of the Middle Ages = works by this author known in part during the ea

2、rly Middle Ages, but the corpus wassubstantially supplemented and corrected during the late Middle Ages (e.g., Aristotle)and especially the Renaissance* = works by this author largely re-discovered in the RenaissanceRoman/Latin WestGreek/Byzantine EastCentury8th-5th B.C.E.Homer* (8th c.)Herodotus* (

3、5th c.)Thucydides* (5th c.)Sophocles* (5th c.)Hippocrates (460?-377?)4th B.C.E.Xenophon* (430?-355?)Plato (427?-347?) Of Platos works themselves, the Latin west of the earlier centuries of the Middle Ages (i.e., 6th-12th centuries) had only portions of one dialogue, the Timaeus, thanks to works by C

4、icero and Chalcidius that reproduced Platos text. From the Arabs and Greeks during the late 11th through 13th centuries, the Latin west also recovered the Phaedo and Meno and parts of the Parmenides. During the early Renaissance of the late 14th and 15th centuries, many more of the dialogues were ne

5、wly translated into Latin, including the Republic, the Laws, the Gorgias, and part of Phaedrus.Isocrates* (436-338)Aristotle (384-322) Of Aristotles works, the Latin west of the earlier centuries of the Middle Ages had only the Categories and On Interpretation, thanks to Boethius who made translatio

6、ns of both. Especially Arab transmission during the late 11th-13th centuries gave the Latin west the rest of Aristotles systematic workson logic, rhetoric, poetics, ethics, metaphysics, economics, psychology, physics, and natural historyeverything except the Politics.Demosthenes* (384-322)3rd B.C.E.

7、Euclid (330-260)Archimedes (287-212)2nd B.C.E.1st B.C.E.Cicero (106-43)Lucretius* (96?-55?)Virgil+ (70-19)Livy+ (59BC-17AD)Ovid+ (43BC-17AD)1st C.E.Seneca+ (4BC-65AD)Philo* (30BC-45AD)Quintillian* (35-100)Plutarch* (46-120)Tacitus* (55-120)Epictetus* (55-135)2nd C.E.Apuleius+ (?)Lucian* (?)Galen (130-200)Ptolemy (?)Clement (150?-220?)3rd C.E.Origen (185?-254?)Plotinus (205-270)Porphyry (234-305)4th C.E.Ambrose+ (340-397)Athanasius (293?-373)Jerome+ (342-420)Chrysostom (347?-404)Augustine+ (354-430)5th C.E.Proclus (410?-485)6th C.E.Boethius+ (480?-524?)Benedict+ (480?-547?)


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