【名校推荐】河北省武邑中学2017-2018学年高一上学期英语每日小练63 word版含答案

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《【名校推荐】河北省武邑中学2017-2018学年高一上学期英语每日小练63 word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【名校推荐】河北省武邑中学2017-2018学年高一上学期英语每日小练63 word版含答案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第第 2017-2018高一 每日小练姓名 班级 学号 命题人:第 63 期第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking,emailing, sending and reading message. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no _21_ for stillness.And when we are _22_ to be

2、 still because were in line for something, or waiting for a doctors appointment, or on a bus or train, we often_23_ something to do. Some will play with mobile devices; others will read something. Being still isnt something were _24_This comes at a_25_: we lose that time for _26_, for observing and

3、listening. We lose peace.And _27_ yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get _28_ done.Take a moment to think about _29_ you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering _30_, checking on the news

4、 and the latest stream of information? Are you always _31_ through your schedule?Is this how you want to spend your _32_? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be _33_. Dont think about what you have to do, or what youve done already. _34_ be in the moment.Then after a minute or two of

5、doing that, consider your life, and how youd _35_ it to be. See your life with less movement, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more _36_. Then be that vision.Its pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. _37_ youve gotten used

6、to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too_38_, slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of _39_ for it. 40_ the stillness. Its a treasure, and its available to us, always.21A.place BNecessity Cfreedom Dtime22A.forced BOrdered Cinvited Dtold

7、23A.catch BFind Cbuy Ddownload24A.familiar with Bcurious about Cused to Dafraid of25A.cost BRisk Closs Ddanger26A.play BFood Csleep Dconsideration27A.further BWorse Cfarther Ddeeper28A.everything BAnything Cnothing Dsomething29A.how BWhere Cwhy Dwhether30A.articles BProblems Cphones Dmessages31A.wal

8、king BRushing Cstepping Dgoing32A.school BYouth Cwork Dlife33A.silent Bpatient Cstill Dquiet34A.Nearly BEver CJust DAlready35A.like BDecide Cchoose Dneed36A.activity BResearch Cstudy Dpeace37A.Because BUntil COnce DUnless38A.frequently BSlowly Cfast Dsoon39A.asking BSending Ccalling D.waiting40A.Val

9、ue BMiss COwe DThrow【语篇解读】如今生活的快节奏迫使我们时刻运转不止,身心疲惫。放慢脚步,活在当下。珍惜宁静的生活,珍惜这触手可及的财富。21A.place BnecessityCfreedom Dtime解析:我们没有时间(time)静下来(我们不能停下来)。答案:D22A.forced BorderedCinvited Dtold解析:句意:当我们因为排队或等待医生的预约或在公共汽车、火车上而被迫静下来。be forced to.强调非主观因素的影响。答案:A23A.catch BfindCbuy Ddownload解析:我们常常找(find)事情去做。答案:B24A.

10、familiar with Bcurious aboutCused to Dafraid of解析:我们不习惯于(used to)静下来。答案:C25A.cost BriskCloss Ddanger解析:句意:这要付出代价(cost)。答案:A26A.play BfoodCsleep Dconsideration解析:句意:我们失去了思考、观察和倾听的时间。文章第六段的consider,consideration也是提示。答案:D27A.further BworseCfarther Ddeeper解析:句意:还有更(worse)糟糕的是。答案:B28A.everything Banythin

11、gCnothing Dsomething解析:句意:你可能疯狂地四处奔跑,但什么(nothing)都没做成。答案:C29A.how BwhereCwhy Dwhether解析:句意:考虑一下你是如何(how)度过你的日子的。答案:A30A.articles BproblemsCphones Dmessages解析:句意:你是不是在不断地阅读和回复短消息(message)?答案:D31A.walking BrushingCstepping Dgoing解析:此处rush through意为“仓促完成”。答案:B32A.school ByouthCwork Dlife解析:句意:这是你想要的生活(

12、life)吗?答案:D33A.silent BpatientCstill Dquiet解析:根据前文中的stillness和still可知选C。答案:C34A.Nearly BEverCJust DAlready解析:句意:就只(just)处在这静止的时刻。答案:C35A.like BdecideCchoose Dneed解析:句意:思考你的生活,考虑一下你想要你的生活是什么样子的。would like“想要”。答案:A36A.activity BresearchCstudy Dpeace解析:根据前文可知应是:更加平和(peace)。答案:D37A.Because BUntilCOnce DUnless解析:句意:一旦(once)你习惯了这种做法。答案:C38A.frequently BslowlyCfast Dsoon解析:句意:当你感到自己移动得太快的(fast)时候,就深呼吸。答案:C39A.asking BsendingCcalling Dwaiting解析:句意:寻找幸福而不是等待(wait)它。答案:D40A.Value BMissCOwe DThrow解析:句意:珍惜宁静,它是一种财富,并且我们总可以得到它。答案:A


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