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1、巧记口诀学英语随着英语在世界各地的日常生活和工作中的地位日益重要,它不再只是升学的基本要求,更重要的是,它已经成为我们在这个日渐激烈的“地球村”上更好生存的本领。语言是交流思想的工具,世界上的任何语言都是按照一定规律构成的,要学好英语就得学好英语的语法规律,这样才能领会英语语言的含意,正确地使用它。笔者在多年的教学中不断进行摸索和总结,归纳出一些行之有效的记忆口诀,仅供大家参考。口诀朗朗上口,易于记忆,简于运用,是学好语法的便捷途径之一。一.词性n. 名 v. 动 (Vt.及物watch Vi.不及物 ) adj. 形 adv.副 口诀:英语词类有十种,所做成分各不同,冠介连词和感叹,名代副动

2、数形容。形饰名,副饰副、动、形,它们关系要记清,搭配之时不发蒙。Tom is a careless boy. (形容词) He often does things carelessly.(副词) His carelessness causes him a lot of trouble,(名词)but he didnt care. (动词)二.含be动词的句子:我用am, 你用are , is连接他,她,它。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。便否定, 很容易, be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,大写之余问号莫丢弃。This is my book. It isnt your book. Are

3、 you ten? Yes, I am. No, Im not.Is this your pen?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.These are my teachers.Those are my classmates.三.含行为动词的句子:遇到疑问,如有动原,阿do出现;动词s随三单,一人一物也包含。疑问否定略不同,does (not)记心间。小心动词须还原。1. I love you. I dont know.2. Do you know? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3. He works hard.4. Does he like apples? Yes

4、, he does. No, he doesnt.5. He doesnt do his homework.四.疑问句语序:疑问词放开头,助do, does跟在后,人称主语跟着走,动词原形不要丢,其他词放在后,不划问号不罢休。1. -Where do you live? - Where does he live?2. When do you go to school? I go to school at 7.3. When does he go to work? - He goes to work at 8. 4. How does he go to school? By bus. 5. -

5、How do you spell it?五祈使句:动原开头祈使句,表达命令与客气,主语是you常略去。否定Dont放在先,Lets用we记心间。Sit down, please. Be careful next time.Dont ( you ) forget it.Lets go home together, shall we?Let us have a rest, will you?六语音1. 较为重要的20个元音,可以这样记忆。 J aJIue eIaICI(鹅屋里住着三只小鹅) (这间屋子里住着它们的三个阿姨女主人)B:i:u:R: ( 啊!一屋好鹅)QIueCA(小鹅们在唱短音歌)要

6、熟悉开音节和闭音节中元音字母的发音情况,多记住一些字母组合的发音。 er, or在词尾常发 worker, sister, mother, igh中gh不发音:light, right, night, fight, might, trtrtrip tree, drdrdress drink ,thrWrthree through, venvnseven inventiontionFEn nation information tiontFEnquestion suggestion sion VEn decision conclusionture tFE future picture sh F s

7、he fish, edidwanted neededblebltable terrible,dledlnoodle middle, plepl apple people stlesl whistle castle th W thin through,thT weather whetherchtFcheap catch watch qukwquite questionphfphoto laugh, ingiNsing playingsonsnperson lesson sonznreason season带有oo的词 多发u:和u:1. 多读常音加食物, 2. k,d前脚短u读,3 血水成灾惊呼

8、,4.非重room短u读. 口诀释意:1. 在多数单词中发u:,如:moon, spoon 在食物food 中也发u:2. 在字母k,d前和脚foot 中发u,如:childhood, stood, wood, look, good, foot 3. 在血,水灾中发,如:blood, flood 4. 在含有room的合成词中,多发u如:classroom, dining-room七名词单复数:名词不许光秃秃, 不用冠词用复数。事物一个与a 连, 遇到元音an放前,或视语境复数变。 变法:一般词尾+s, es跟在 s, x, ch, sh后面。(stomachs是特例)以0结尾不一样,若有生命

9、尾巴长。变y 为i es, 元音可不是这样。( boys)ves 替 f(fe), 几个特例+s.中日不变英法变,其余后面+s. (craftmen)没有规则特殊记,单复同形巧计忆。名词单数做定语,man 与woman不一样。He comes from poor family. ()a university student an honest boybuses, boxes, watches, bushesphotos, zoos, heroes, tomatoes, potatoesfamilies, boyswives, thieves, leaves, roofs,safesEnglis

10、hmen Frenchmen, Germanschild- children foot- feet tooth- teeth ox- oxen sheep- sheep fish- fish deer- deermeans- means species- speciesseries- seriesa girl student two girl studentsa man teacher two men teaches八冠词: (1)the的用法:. 沙漠、河流与群山, 乐器、建筑、海洋、船;2. 姓氏复数全家人, 序数词最高级前;3. 抓打人体某部位, 带language 指语言;4. 独一无

11、二发明物, 整十年代单位前;5. 过去分词形容词, 专有名词含普通;6. 抽象名词限定语, 定冠可添不可删。口诀释意:1. 表示沙漠、河流与群山,乐器、建筑、海洋、船的词前多用the。eg: the Huang river ;the Alps; the piano; the pacific; the Titanic2. the + 姓氏复数表示全家人或夫妇二人,序数词、形容词和副词最高级前加theeg: the Turners; the first; the most beautiful3. 抓、打人体的某部位,常表示为:eg: lead sb.by the hand; catch sb. b

12、y the arm; hit sb. in the face带language 指语言: English = the English language4. 世界上独一无二的东西或谈及发明物时常用the。eg: the moon, the earth, Who invented the phone? 整十年代或单位前,eg: in the 1990s, by the hour5. 过去分词或形容词前加the, 指一类人。由几个普通名词构成的专有名词,需带the. eg: the rich, the poor, the wounded, the Great Wall, the North Stre

13、et Hospital6. 抽象名词后有限定语时,前面加the.eg: The little money that he earned wasnt enough.(2)a, an 用法一类人物中一个, 相当any表类别,某人某物非具体, 单位前面表每一,又一,再一序数前,多少一点固定短,一个式的不一般。eg; A child needs love. I have a pen.There is a Mr.Wang waiting for you.We work eight hours a day.If you fail for the first time, why not try a seco

14、nd time? a little/ a bit a good many / a great manyHe is a Lei Feng in our class.(3)不用冠词的情况:专用,抽象和物质,一般情况不加冠,前有代词作定语,周月季年节假天,复数名词表一类,称呼职位头衔前,习惯用语by交通,棋牌球类与三餐,前面不把冠词添。China, love, waterThis is my book. Teachers DayThis week spring, in 1997, in JanuaryBooks are my best friends.We made him monitor.go to school, in town, on foot, by busplay chess, play football, have lunch九物主代词:形代修饰名,不可独立用,名代独立行,可做主宾表。一变,二不变,其余加s.My your his her its our your their Mine s his s its s s sThis is m



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