新标准外研版小学英语五年级下册unit 1 let’s send an email教学设计.doc

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《新标准外研版小学英语五年级下册unit 1 let’s send an email教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新标准外研版小学英语五年级下册unit 1 let’s send an email教学设计.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新标准外研版小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 lets send an email教学设计新标准外研版小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 lets send an email教学设计Module7石壁镇中心学校周小妹一、教材分析:本课学习的重点:学习如何发送电子邮件。本课结合多媒体网络进行教学,为学生提供了比课本更生动更真实更丰富的资源,更容易引起学生的兴趣。根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标:重点为单词,message,another,idea,click on以及发送电子邮件的四个步骤:click on “Email”,click on“Write”,write your message,cl

2、ick on “Send”.本节课采用视听说为主 、读写为中心的学习策略,让学生在有节奏的说唱中体验语言,在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,创设真实的情景,让学生学会如何发送电子邮件。让他们在做中学,在唱中学,从而为培养他们运用英语进行顺利的交流打下坚实的基础。二、教学目标: 知识目标:掌握新单词message,another,idea,click on,知道Whats an email?以及发送电子邮件的四个步骤:click on “Email”,click on “Write”,write your message,click on “Send” 能力目标:学会发送电子邮件。 情感目标:乐于向他

3、人学习、乐于同亲友交流。三、教学准备:课件、单词和句子卡片四、教学过程:Step1. Warming-up Greeting Sing a song.Step2. Leading-inHow do you communicate with your friends?(讨论各自同亲朋好友保持联系的方式,教师引导他们说出电话,书信等方式,学生可能会说出电子邮件这种方式,由此引出本课教学主题)。Step3.Presentation Listen and watch the video then answer the questions.Q1:Who send an email?Q2:Who help

4、 Tom to send an email?Q3:Who will get the email?(这部分属于快速阅读,让学生理清本文的大意)。 Learn new words. Listen and watch the video again then find out the answer.Q1: Whats an email?Q2:How to send and email?(让学生仔细阅读课文,小组讨论问题并找出答案)。1)T: Whats an email?2)Ss: Its a computer message.Ss: It goes from one computer to ano

5、ther computer.(课件显示Its a computer message. It goes from one computer to another computer.)(通过多媒体课件直观形象地演示了email.对于课文中的长句子的意义理解也是一点即破)。2)T: Now we know what an email is. How to send an email?S: Click on “Email”.S: Click on “Write”.S: Write your message.S: Click on “Send”.(学生起来说步骤,老师在大屏幕上,展示出来,领读)T: N

6、ow we know there are four steps to send an email.Lets try to put them in order.(先让一位学生上来说出步骤 ,教师把句子卡片依序排好,之后让学生与学生之间操练)。 Read the text after the tape.Step4.ConsolidationPractice.T:Now we know how to end an email. Can you help Lingling to send an email?Ss: Let me try!T: That boy, please! You say the

7、steps and I do.S:OK! Click on “Email”.S: Click on “Write”.S: Write your message.S: Click on “Send”.(先找一位同学和教师上台实际演示一遍,之后可让两位学生上来操练。)发送电子邮件的过程既是技能的掌握过程,又是学生练习使用新知的过程。Lets chantEmail, email ,click on“ email”Write, write, click on “write”Message, message, write your messageSend ,send, click on “send”Step 5. HomeworkWrite an email to me .



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