高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)

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《高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary 课件(外研版必修1,课标通用)(66页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语课件,此ppt下载后可自行编辑,Module 2 My New Teachers,US National Teachers Day It is unclear when American National Teachers Day was started.Around 1944,a teacher named Woodbridge talked to political and educational leaders about the need for a day to respect teachers.In 1953,Woodbridge wrote to the Congress

2、 to make a National Teachers Day.,The NEA(National Education Association)and other groups in Kansas and Indiana asked the Congress to name a national day to celebrate teachers.So the Congress decided to make March 7,1980 National Teachers Day for that year only. The NEA and the other groups continue

3、d to pay attention to Teachers Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985.Then the NEA and the National PTA(Parent Teacher Association)set up Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May.The members of NEA then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National TeachersDay.,National Teache

4、rs Day is for the contributions teachers made to help children succeed in school and in life.School provides students their first chance to vote.They think that school is where they all learn that wherever they are from,they are united as Americans. Americans believe that teachers are true heroes in

5、 their communities.And the majority of teachers in the United States are NEA members,proud to be admired for children.,1佳句仿写一二三 对学生来说,想把英语学好背诵课文是很有必要的。 _ 警察让小偷靠墙站着,以便搜身。 _,It is necessary for students to recite the text if they,want to learn English well.,The police asked the thief to stand against

6、the wall to search him.,2翻译佳句,放眼高考 They think that school is where they all learn that wherever they are from,they are united as Americans. _ _,他们认为只有在学校,他们学会了不管他们来自何方,他们都作为美国人而团结在一起。,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,单词识记 1_/mjuzI/adj.好笑的;有趣的 2_/Impren/n.印象,感想; 印次,印数,压痕 3_/sImIllI/adv.

7、类似地,相似地 4_/rIspekt/vt.尊敬,尊重 n尊敬;敬意,问候 5_/lItrt/n.文学,.,amusing,impression,similarly,respect,literature,6discipline /dIsIplIn/n._ 7energetic /endetIk/adj._ 8organized /:gnaIzd/adj._ 9. summary /smrI/n._ 10patient /peInt/adj._,纪律,精力充沛的,有组织的,有系统的,总结;摘要;提要,耐心的,短语天地 1_避免做某事 2_第一印象 3_取得进步 4_尊敬某人 5_非常有条理,有秩

8、序 6as a result_ 7wave ones hands_ 8tell jokes_ 9do well in_ 10get bored_,.,avoid doing sth,the first impression,make progress,respect sb,be well organized,因此,挥舞双手,讲笑话,开玩笑,在方面做得好,厌烦,讨厌,语境助记 Our literature teacher gave us a deep impression. He was an energetic and strict man. His class was always well

9、 organized and sometimes, he liked to telling some amazing jokes to avoid making us feel bored in class. He was very patient with us even if we didnt obey the discipline. With the teacher teaching us, we did well in the exam and he always ask us to write summary after exam, so we made great progress

10、. As a result, all of us loved and respected him a lot.,.,句型搜索 1I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us. 信息提取 as引导原因状语从句。 例句仿写 他未能按时做好准备,我们没等他就走了。 _, we went without him.,As he wasnt ready on time,.,2.but I think that Ill do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching us. 信息提取 with M

11、rs Chen teaching us是with的复合结构作状语,Mrs Chen和teaching是主动关系。 例句仿写 在地方政府的支持下,我们成功地完成了任务。 _the government_us, we succeeded in finishing the task.,With,supporting,3She explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! 信息提取 so.that “如此以至于”,that引导结果状语从句。 例句仿写 他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来。 He was_weak_he cou

12、ld hardly stand up. 4She is very strictwe dont dare say a word unless she asks us to 信息提取 unless she asks us to是动词不定式的省略。 例句仿写 吉姆邀请我去看电影,但是我不想去。 Jim invited me to go to see the cinema, but I_ _ _,so,that,want to,didnt,5Mr.Wu has only been teaching us for two weeks and hes already very popular. 信息提取

13、has only been teaching是现在完成进行时,常用于表示延续至今的连续性或重复性的动作。 例句仿写 他在西藏工作已经15年了。 He_ _ _in Tibet for 15 years.,has been working,预读理解 1Fast Reading:Scan the text and do the following true or false questions. (1)The reading passage mainly tells us_. Amy first day at school Bmy first impression of my new school

14、 Cmy first impression of my new teachers Dthe difference between my senior high school and junior high school teachers,.,(2)In her first class,Mrs Li was a little nervous,because_. Ashe was worried about her students misunderstanding her Bit was her first lesson with her students Cshe wanted to leave us a perfect impression Dshe was lack of confidence and was worried she couldnt teach her students well,(3)Why are Mr


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