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1、徐州市城北中学初二英语教学案8A Unit5 Wild animals Reading II学习目标1. Repeat the story of Xi Wang.2. Review the problems that the giant pandas are facing and then start to think of ways to protect the pandas.3. Review the words and expressions to describe the growth of Xi Wang, the danger giant pandas face, the acti

2、on we need to take.来源:学优高考网4. Be aware of the importance of wild animal protecting.自主学习一、翻译下列短语1. 出生_ 2. 一开始_3. 以食为生_ 4. 因此_5. 处境危险_ 6. 采取行动_7. 立刻,马上_ 8. 看起来像_9. 再也不,不 _ 10. 在四个月大时_11. 面临严重的问题_ 12. 在出生时_来源:gkstk.Com13. 立法保护熊猫_ 14 结果 _来源:gkstk.Com2. Ask students to revise What happened to Xi Wang at

3、different times? Read and find out.TIME WHAT HAPPENED TO XIWANGAt birth (1 day old)be born4 monthsStart to 6) _6 months/8 months7) _ 12 months/20 monthsHave to 8) _展示交流1. Read the report in groups.2. Fill in the blanks and retell the text.When Xi Wang was _, she weighed just 100 grams and looked lik

4、e a little _ _. At four months, she weighed 8 kilograms and started to _ _ for the first time. When she was 6 months, she _ _eat bamboo. She _ _ look after herself when she was 20 months old.Sadly, they _ _ _ in the wild. _ _, it is difficult for pandas to _ _ and the bamboo forests are becoming _ a

5、nd _. As a result, they may not have _ _ to live or food to eat. We must take some _ right away. We should _ them have more babies, _ more panda _ and make laws to _ them.3. Explain some importances and difficulties.课堂反馈一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. When Tom was born, he _ (weigh) 3 kilograms.2. We should take _

6、(act) before its too late.3. Its _ (danger) for you _ (play) in the street.4. When I feel _ (boring) or unhappy, I always play with my dog.5. Jim started _ (learn) Chinese at five years old.6. He spends most of his time _ (practice) _ (play) the violin.7. In the _ (begin), we played a game together.

7、8. We all like the giant panda _ (call) Tuantuan.二、选词填空look after oneself; for the first time; on ones own; in danger; notany more; in the future; look like; keep crying; be made from; take away1.His parents died when he was 10 years old. He had to_.2.He broke his arm in the accident and can_ play b

8、asketball_.3.Remember to do your homework _,boys and girls.4.The little boy sang for the class_. He was too nervous to know what to do.5.The old man is badly ill and is _now.6.The baby feels uncomfortable and she_.7.Tom is very handsome and he_ a pop star.8.Do you know the paper _ wood?9.I dont know

9、 who_ my English book.10.It will be sad for us to live in this world with no wild animals_.三、翻译短语:1.1ions are_(动物世界之王) the animal world.2.We need_(需要为大熊猫做些事情)3.At 5 years old, the boy_(第一次开始外出)4.Its easy for baby pandas_(很容易生病)5.Giant pandas_(主要靠一种特殊的竹子生活)6.We should_(立刻采取行动保护野生动物)7. The bamboo forests_(正变动越来越少)8. In the wild, some wild animals_(面对严重的问题)教后反思:


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