牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)教案:Unit3 Teenage problems Grammar.doc

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1、9A Unit3 Teenage Problems课 题Grammar 总第 课时备课时间Sept 21上课时间课 时Period 4教 具 Pictures tapeTeaching aimsTo learn object clauses introduced by question wordsTeaching focusTo learn how to give suggestionsDifficult pointsTalk about teenage problem with object clauses introduced by question wordsTo learn objec

2、t clauses introduced by question wordsTeaching methodTask-based approach,Scene pedagogy and Teaching with humorTeaching proceduresThe second preparing lessonsStep1 Read and find 1 I do not know how I should deal with it.2 Sometimes we forget when we should stop.3 I do not understand why they are so

3、strict with me.Step 2 PracticeStudents are talking about their problems. Help them complete each object clause below with a correct question word.1 Finish the exercise in part A12 read the object clausesStep 3 Work out the rule (1)遵守主句和从句的时态呼应(2)从句中要用陈述语序而不用疑问语序即 引导词+ 主语+谓语+ 其他E.g. how old is Tom? I

4、 want to know. I want to know how old Tom is.(3)含有助动词do, does, did的疑问句变为宾语从句时要将帮助构成疑问句的助动词do does, did 去掉,从句中的谓语动词要根据主句的时态做出相应的变化E.g. When did the train leave? I want to know.-I want to know when the train left.What time did she get up? The young man asked.-The young man asked what time she got up.(

5、4)如果宾语从句中的引导词恰好在从句中充当主语或主语的定语,则句子保持原有结构Whats the matter with her? Can you tell me?-Can you tell me whats the matter with her?What has happened to him? We dont know.-We dont know what has happened to him.Work out the rule!The word order in an object clause introduces by a question word should be _dif

6、ferent from_ that in a wh-questionStep 4 Exercises1 Finish exercise in part A2 (pay attention to the correct word order) Millie wants to introduce Mr. Friend to her classmates. Help Millie complete her email with the correct question words.2 Finish the exercise in part A3Activity three giving sugges

7、tionsStep 1 PresentationMillie doesnt have enough time for homework and hobbies. Can you give her some suggestions?We give suggestions politely using structures such as Why not? Why dont you ?What/How about ? Lets.Shall we?Perhaps you should(询问建议的方式,通过让学生回忆归纳,教师需点明的是标点符号和动词形式)Read some sentencesWhy

8、not eat less and exercise more?Why dont you let your parents know you need them?What/How about choosing your hobby according to the time you have?Lets write a letter to Mr. Sigmund Friend.Shall we have a meeting about this?Perhaps you should manage your time better.Step 2 PracticeMillie feels tired these days. Amy and Sandy are trying to help her. Use the correct structures to help the girls give suggestions.Step 3 Work out the rulesA suggestion using _, _, _, _or _ ends with a question mark. A suggestion using _ ends with a full stop.Step 4 HomeworkTeaching notes


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