牛津译林版七年级英语上册学案:Unit8 Fashion Period5.doc

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1、7A Unit 8 Fashion Speak up & Study skills学习目标:1. 初步认识音节。2. 初步学会划分音节。3. 学会识别名词复数附加音节的情况。学习重难点:学会划分音节。学习过程:自主学习:1、根据音标自读P128单词(100),熟读并背诵。2、Speak Up:What are these made of?听录音,回答问题: 1. What is the bag made of?2. What is the scarf made of? 3. What is this shirt made of? 4. What is is this jumper made o

2、f?来源:gkstk.Com分角色朗读Speak up,掌握重点句型。知识点总结:1) What do you think of my red gloves?你认为我的红手套怎么样?翻译下列句子:你认为我们的教室怎么样?_你认为这本书怎么样?_.2) be made of 由。制成 我们的鞋子由皮革制成。_我们的课桌由木头制成。_。3)be made from由。制成 我们的书由木头制成。_4) be made in 在。制造 这些汽车是中国制造。_5) look/ feel/sound/ taste/seem/keep 这些词后跟形容词。他看起来很神气。_. 他们觉得非常舒适。_.这首歌听起

3、来很甜。_.这汤品尝起来很好。_你似乎很高兴。_. 我们应该保持我们的教室干净而整洁。_.Study skills: A、听磁带,反复朗读A、B部分的单词,认真体会英语中的音节。来源:gkstk.ComB、预习Part C部分, 尝试写出组成的双音节词,并大声朗读,进一步体会音节。C、预习Part D部分,听磁带朗读单词,初步体会名词复数的附加音节。合作探究组长带领本组的学员大声朗读本单元学过的所有单词,并一起讨论这些单词的音节个数。1. fashion_ 2. spend_ 3. lazy_4.blouse _ 5.gentleman_ 6 style_ 7.trainer_fortable

4、_ 9.popular_ 10.among_11.purple_ 12.grey_13.smart_14.cool_15.cotton_16.scarf_来源:gkstk.Com17.both_18.jeans_19silk_20.wool_反馈练习1) 大声读出下列单词并写出音节的个数。1.house_2.master_3.father_4.school_5.summer_6.shopping_7.December_8.Satursay_来源:gkstk.Com2) 试着划分下列单词的音节:box, horse, nurse, face, bed, dog, fish, swim , len

5、d, both, lie, grey, tie, boot, silk, dark._lazy, leather, jacket, design, model, include, purple, fashion, matches, houses _3)看哪些词有附加音节:1. watch watches ( ) 2. nurse nurses ( ) 3. time times ( ) 4. hour hours ( ) 5. face faces ( ) 6. egg eggs ( ) 7. students students ( ) 8. bus buses ( )总结:单音节词是_;双音

6、节词是_;多音节词是_.课堂检测:一、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. The children _ (not run) on the playground at the moment.2. I think this coat _ (match) your trousers very well.3. Can your son _ (play) with a yo-yo?4. They dont have enough money _ (use).5. Look! Millie _ (chat) with her friends under the tree.二、选用适当单词填空,每个词只能用一次

7、 skate keep make watch learn colour have leather call luck 1. The jeans are _ of cotton.2. Everyone in our class tries _ English well.3. Do you know a boy _ John?4. Simons sister is good at _ on ice.5. Chinese people are looking forward to _ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 来源:学优高考网6. Its important for a dancer _ fit.7. We are _ enough to get the last three tickets.8. His brothers boots are made of _.9. Its not good for children to go to school without _ breakfast.10. On the Christmas tree, there are many _ lights. They are red, blue, green教后反思:这节课有大部分学生掌握了学习内容。



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