牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)学案:Unit 6 Task.doc

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1、9A Unit 6 Task班级: 姓名: 得分: 学习目标1.学会在正式写作前先列出提纲。2.学习会简单的电视剧本。【预习】知道下列短语的意思: 一预学导航receive a message with guns in their hands be pushed into a minibus open the back door of sth.二预习成果翻译下列词组1.收到一条信息_2.打开某物的后门 _3.打电话给警察_4.穿警服的三名男子_5.手中拿着枪_6.被推进一辆中巴车里_【学习过程】Step I 呈现 教师提问,以检查学生对Part A部分内容的理解。1) Who was the

2、story about?2 )Who lived in Hill Building?3) Why did Sarah send a message to the twins?4) What did the twins do at once?5) What did the twins see?6) What happened to the twins?Step II 范文学习阅读B部分,并用A部分的信息填空。.提醒学生可以从who, what, where, when和how等方面考虑,并注意参考C部分的提示。Step III 活动1. 学生四人一组,展开故事提纲写作竞赛,提醒他们要为自己的故事

3、选好主题,还要考虑故事发生的地点,故事中的人物以及这些人物的姓名、外貌、动作、语言、想法等。【当堂反馈】Writing完成课课练P.66页作文。【课堂检测】一、词汇运用1. It is I who _(be) wrong ,so I must say sorry to every one of you.2 . I such an interesting story before. (not hear)3. The coat must be one of the _(direct) over there, and it doesnt belong to (produce)4. Thanks to

4、 our school _(领导们) wise leading, we succeeded again.5. There will be a football match. / Our teacher often tries to make her class _ . (live)6. Im afraid that this is the best way we can think of _ you. (help) 7. The problems between them should be dealt with _.(peace) 8. They have to be _ (现实的) abo

5、ut their chances of winning.9. Of all the teams, our team seems to be the _(luck). 10. As he _ (listen) to the MP3, it began to rain. 11.Many viewers will help the poor after this TV programme _(cover)12. Little Tom often feels sleepy while _ (see) films.13. He lifted the big stone without _ (努力). U

6、se your head, and you _ (find) out the answer.14.The students were talking about the film when the teacher _ (进入) the classroom.15.They are talking _ (live) about how to keep the little swan _ (live).二、翻译词组1.抓住读者的注意力_ 2. 描写所发生的一切_3. 创造一个争端使得故事有趣_4. 银行内的入室窃贼_ 5. 设法阻止他们离开_6. 如果被邀请的话_ 7. 写有意义的对话_三、选择填空

7、。( ) 1. None of the students knew what had happened _ they told us about it. A until B when C after D though ( ) 2. Zhongshan Road is road in our city.A. the two widest B. a second widest C. the second wider D. the second widest( ) 3. Wuhan is _ Shanghai than Nanjing. A far from B farther to C farth

8、er from D further from ( ) 4. There was _ much noise _the teacher couldnt make herself heard. A so, that B such, that C so, as D such, as ( ) 5. They seldom had time to play computer games, _? A had they B hadnt they C didnt they D hadnt had they ( ) 6. We wont leave _our work. A until we will finis

9、h B until we finish C after we finish D after we will finish ( ) 7. -Why are you lying on the ground?-I have had a _ walk. A two-hours B two-hours C two-hours D two-hour ( ) 8. -What do you think of his ability?-Oh, no one is _. A well B good C best D better ( ) 9. _ of us likes reading novels writt

10、en by William Shakespeare. A Everyone B Each C All D Every ( ) 10. Twelve months _ passed. Its _ long time. A has, quite a B have, very a C has, a quite D have, a very( ) 11 You shouldnt buy clothes _ animal fur.A. make of B. made of C. are made of D. are making of( ) 12 David feels _ when he watche

11、s the _ sports games.A. excited ; excited B. exciting; excited C. exciting; exciting D. excited; exciting( ) 13 - “Which colour do you prefer, red or pink?” -“ . I really dont mind.”A. BothB. NoneC. EitherD. Neither( ) 14 Everyone dislikes _.A. being laughed B. to be laughed C. being laughed at D. t

12、o laugh at( ) 15 work has been done, has it? A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little( ) 16 Which will you enjoy this weekend,swimming or fishing ?A spend B to spend C spending Dspent四、句型转换1.Do they want fried chicken? He asked the boys.(改为宾语从句)He asked the boys _they _fried chicken.2.Was the watch made in Shanghai?I dont know.(改为宾语从句) I dont know_ _the watch _made in Shanghai.3. “Do you wash your clothes yourself?” Tom asked the girl next to him.(改复合句)Tom asked the girl next to


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