牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)学案:Unit 6 Welcome.doc

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1、9上Unit 6课题Welcome to the unit学习目标1知识目标:了解与电视节目相关的词汇;了解电视节目的分类。2技能目标:学会用英语谈论喜欢或者不喜欢的电视节目类型并说出理由。3情感目标:学会怎样从压力中释放出来。学习重难点教学重点:知识目标+技能目标教学难点:学会用英语谈论喜欢或者不喜欢的电视节目类型并说出理由班级: 姓名: 得分: 【预学探标】一、预习导航1、预习漫画内容并看本单元课题,思考:本单元的主题是什么?2、预习Welcome to the unit中的内容,在文章中划出你认为重要的短语并记住。二、预习成果词组翻译1无事可做_ 2真实生活事件_3和一样精彩_4赢得一个

2、大奖_5竞赛节目_ 6尽管没有多少对话_7对做某事感到无聊_ 8更喜欢某物_【互学析标】任务一:1.校对预习检测答案(小组讨论、集体校对、识记并检查词组)。任务二:2.出示教学目标。任务三:3教学单词、词组及句子。任务四:课堂导学与互动Step1.Free talk1)Do you like watching TV?2)How often do you watch TV?3)How long do you watch TV every day?Step2. Welcome to the unit(学习A部分。)1)讨论:What types of TV programmes do you kn

3、ow?2)根据课文第79页内容,回答问题。(1). Who play the roles in a drama?(2). Where is CCTV News made in?(3). How can we see the programmes?(4). How are the programmes sent?(5). What do you need when you want to change the channel?3)独立完成课本第79页A部分的练习,全班核对答案。Say:Lets look at these pictures. Each picture represents a s

4、cene of a TV programme. Sandy is trying to match the scenes with the correct types of TV programmes. Can you help her?Step3.学习B部分。1)Listen and answer:Say: Sandy and her friends are talking about their favourite TV programmes. Lets listen to their conversation and find out who likes game show.(1) Wha

5、t type of TV programmes does Millie like?(2) Why does Millie like watching documentaries?(3) What does Amy think of chat shows?(4) Who loves cartoons?【课堂检测】一、词组翻译 1整天呆在家里乏味_2没事可做_ 3喜欢看纪录片_ 4了解更多关于大自然和真实事件 _ 5电视的类型_ 6创造你自己的戏剧草稿_ 7看关于动物的节目_ 8.对令人乏味的节目感觉乏味_ 二、根据句意、首字母或中英文提示完成单词 1. Mickey Mouse is my fa

6、vourite c_ character. 2. Youre f_ too heavy. You should eat less. 3. A d_ show you about nature , history and real-life events. 4. He is an a_ who performs in this film. 5. CCTV b_ every day. 6. We can see many films on CCTV 6 because it is a m_(film)Channel. 7. In our English class, students are en

7、couraged to make up new d_ to show themselves8. C_ is a kind of TV progrqam which are full of jokes and always make you happy. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I used to _(spend) all my pocket money _(buy) CDs. 2. I enjoy _(chat) with my friends after class. 3. There is a boy _(cry) outside, maybe he got _(lose).

8、4. I wish I _(be) a bird. 5. I am far too busy _(help) you with your English. 6. Do you know what _(happen) to him yesterday? 7. Eddie says a dogs work is never _ (do). 8. The BBC represents the British _(broadcast) Corporation.四根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。1. 妈妈的工作是永远做不完的。Mums work is _.2. 我希望你不要整天呆在家里。 I h

9、opeyou wont _all day.3. 如果你像我一样忙碌,你将不会感到无聊。 If you are _ I am, you wont _.4. 在这些节目中总有名人谈论他们的生活。 There are always famous people on these shows _.5. 我希望能多了解世界。 I hope that I can _ the world.五、单项选择( )1. Shall we going boating today? -_. A. Why not? B. Yes, we shall. C. No, I dont. D. Its fine today.( )

10、2. We often watch films _ Channel Six. A. through B. in C. on D. over( )3. Hes been busy _ his lessons these days. A. on B. in C. with D. to go over( )4. Lets go to the library tomorrow, _? -Good idea! A. will you B. will we C. do you D. shall we( )5. What programme would you like to watch? -I like

11、cooking. I think Liu Yiwei is one of the best _. A. cooker B. cook C. cookers D. cooks( )6. In American English we call the word “film” “_”. A. movies B. movie C. moves D. Move( ) 7. If you dont go to the cinema tonight, _ . A. so will I B. Neither do I C. Nor shall I D. So I will( ) 8 Jim sat _ to

12、his mother with his eyes half _ . A. closed; opened B. close; open C. closely; opening D. closely; opened( ) 9. We must be strict _ ourselves and strict _ our work. A. in; with B. with; in C. in; in D. with; with( ) 10. Bob doesnt know _ to write about. A. how B. that C. what D. where( ) 11. Dont open the window, _ ? A. shall we B. wont you C. d


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