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1、基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构”八(下)Unit6 Topic1 Section A教案设计(新授课)设计:王仲杰一、学习目标确定的依据:1、课程标准相关要求:英语课程标准(2011年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意的单词和短语 单词: field, proper, mount, vehicle, airline, price, 短语: go on a visit to , make a decision, tooto decide on。2、教材分析:本节课为本话题的第一节课,建议用1课时上完。学生用交际用语参与关于旅游话题的讨是重要的考点,并且学生容易记混,需加以强调。3、中招考点:本节

2、课考查重点有两个方面:一是考查有关旅游的话题;二是动词不定式的运用。4、学情分析: 由于本节课涉及到新的知识点,学生在学习新课的时候知识点会有难度,特别是学生对知识点的理解,所以在课堂上时应多加强调与训练。二、学习目标1.会说P2728的生词、短语和重点句型,并能用来谈论有关旅游的话题.2.能初步运用动词不定式来做相关练习.三、评价任务1、针对目标1,根据图片提供的信息进行问答练习;旨在让学生熟练掌握句式,尤其是take和cost的用法;通过1a对话,让学生找出重点的短语,并完成1b.2、针对目标2,找出课本P28的Part3例句中的“to + v.”结构;能模仿例句进行交流. 四、教学过程学

3、习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳目标1会说P2728的生词、短语和重点句型,并能用来谈论有关旅游的话题.自学指导1-11.自学内容:有关旅游的图片.2.自学方法:小组讨论.3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:能根据图片正确表述大意.自学检测1-1How much does it cost to reach Mount Tai by?It costs How long does it take to go there by?It takes 自学指导1-21.自学内容:课本P131的单词表中的相关生词.2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音.3.自学时间:3分钟4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意

4、思,并了解其词性.自学检测1-2英汉互译:field n.田野proper adj. 正确的,恰当的mount n. 山,山峰vehicle n.交通工具airline n.航空公司price n.价格,价钱total adj.总的, 全部的partner n. 搭档,同伴自学指导1-31.自学内容:课本P27的1a.2.自学方法:听录音,扫读.3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:听1a,完成1b. 读1a,完成下面填空.自学检测1-3They will go on a _ visit to Mount Tai. Michael wants to _ there, but it will _ t

5、hem a few days. So they need make a _ together. There are other _for them to choose. Miss Wang asks them to find out the _ to go by train, by bus and by air. They will decide _ the best way to go on their field trip the next day. (Answers:three-day;cycle;take; decision; vehicles; cost; on)学生看图,可用Do

6、you want to travel to Mount Tai? / How would you like to go there? / Which is the best way to go there?来展开话题分组讨论学生能否熟练说出、写出生词,并能进行英汉互译。学生口语训练,围绕1a的内容,谈论不同的交通方式,所花时间、价格,从而选择出行的最佳方式ake a plane / by air / by plane / by airline 归纳重点短语:the spring field trip 春游go on a visit to去.旅游/参观make a decision做决定find

7、 out查明,弄清over the phone 通过电话;在电话里decide on sth 决定某事the best way to do sth.做的最好方式the cost for .的费用弄清含有动词不定式的句意.I have some exciting news to tell you.(定语)It will take us a few days to get there by bike. (主语)4. Its too far to cycle. (主语)3. You need to find the cost for the bus. (宾语)4. Well decide on th

8、e best way to go on our field trip. (定语)目标2能初步运用动词不定式来做相关练习.自学指导2-1:1.自学内容:课本P28的Part3.2.自学方法:两人一组进行问答练习.3.自学时间:6分钟4.自学要求:找出例句中的“to + v.”结构. 能模仿例句进行交流.自学检测2-1Questions:1.Where would you like to go to travel?2.Whats the best time to go there?3.Which is the best way to travel?4.How long does it take t

9、o get there?5.How much does it cost自学指导 2-21.自学内容:课本P28的Part4.2.自学方法:先浏览,后听录音.3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:浏览关键词和短语. 能独立完成 A B.根据图片和问题提示,学生能否顺畅进行有关旅行的话题谈论“to + v.”结构当堂训 练1.It took him two months _(write) the novel.2.They organized a show_ (raise) money.3.We need a _ (decide) on where to go on a trip.4. How long

10、 do they _ doing the work? The book_ me 20 yuan. (spend/take/cost)5. I want to ask for a _ leave. A. 3 day B. 3 days C. 3-day D. three days6. Finally we _ to Kunming by airplane. The cost was too high. A. decided to go B. decided not to go C. decided to visit D. decided not to visit7 I have a lot of

11、 clothes _(wash).(Answers: to write; to raise ; decision; cost; C; B; to wash)课时小 结We know something about the spring field trip. We can use infinitive correctly.We master some useful expression家庭作业1.复习本话题的单词和表达法.2. Ask students to write a report according to the table of 4-A. 3. 预习 Section B in Topic1


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