人教版英语八年级下教案 unit6第四课时B(1a1d).doc

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1、Unit6 The old man tried to move the mountains.Section B (1a-1d)Learning goals/Teaching and learning goals:一、语言知识和语言功能:1.能争取学会使用下列词汇和有用的表达:gold, emperor, silk, underwear, nobody, stupid, cheat ,once upon a time, keep sth. for oneself.2.理解并复述a story called “The Emperors New Clothes”。二、学习策略:1.通过听力训练,提倡

2、学生主动参与,采用复述讲故事的形式理解掌握本课知识。2.在语境中理解和记忆故事内容,提高听说水平。三、情感态度:Know more about western fairy tales(童话故事). We should be honest , not hypocritical (虚伪的). (目标引领:从知识功能、学习策略以及情感态度方面阐述了本节课的教学目标,层次清晰,一目了然。)Teaching and learning steps:Step1. Pre-listening activities1. Preview Translate the following Chinese into E

3、nglish. Ask the students to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the students to put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.(1) 为某人保留某样东西_ (2)欺骗国王_ (3) 为国王做特殊的衣服_ (4)听起来愚蠢_【设计意图】:本节课是一节听说课,课前对文本中的重点短语有所了解,能够帮助学生更好的完成听力、对话练习,课上有针对性的听讲,更能培养学生的自主学习

4、能力,还可以根据检测结果,以学定教。)2.Warming up and lead-in. (1) Enjoy a video.T: Boys and girls, do you like stories?Ss: Yes.T: Great! Look at the picture. Do you know this story?Ss : The Emperors New Clothes.T: Good. Ill play the story for you, there are also 2 questions here, after that you should answer the que

5、stions, OK?(After watching)T: Do you like the video? Ss: Yes. T: Who is the main character in the story? S1: The emperor.T: What is he wearing?S2: He is wearing an underwear.T: Whats his underwear made of? Can you guess?S3: Its made of silk.T: Well down. The emperor is very rich, he owns many golds.

6、 (2) Match the words with the pictures in the pictures in 1c.T:Boys and girls, there are 3 pictures here, please match the words with the letters in these pictures. Do them by yourselves. T: From 1a we know, the man in the picture is the emperor, lets look at the picture T: What are they doing? Lets

7、 listen to the recording and get the main idea of the conversations.【设计意图】:让观看视频歌曲皇帝的新装,用唱歌的形式讲述了该故事,学生非常感兴趣。并通过歌曲中的图片来导入本节课的新单词,进而转入1a的练习。)Step2. While-listening activities.Listening Practice I1.Listen for the general idea听取大意 【设计意图】:让学生通过听录音整体感知,并找出谈论的主旨大意。这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力,多数学生根据图片就能猜测出大意内容,此环节比

8、较简单。)2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task1. Listen and number the pictures (1-5). T: From the conversations we know they are talking about an emperor who loved clothes best. There are five pictures about him. Next, lets listen to the recording and number the pictures (1-5) in 1c. Before listening

9、, you can predict the right order. Now, lets listen and check your answers.【设计意图】:皇帝的新装学生非常熟悉,七年级语文课本中也学过。因此,听听力之前,让学生对五幅图进行了预测,并且让学生自己先试着排序,学生基本能够根据图片猜出正确顺序,因此听听力的过程其实就是检测自己猜测的过程,不太难。)Task 2. Choose the right answers to the following questions.T: Lets listen again and try to find out the right answ

10、ers to the following questions. Before listening, Ill give you a few minutes to read them.1. What was the emperors hobby? A. He loved buying new clothes.B. He loved looking at his new clothes.C. Both A and B.2. How did the two men deal with(处理) the silk and gold ?A. They kept everything for themselv

11、es.B. They gave them away to the poor.C. They made some new clothes.3.Why did everyone say that the new clothes were really nice? A. Because they loved the emperor. B. Because nobody wanted to sound stupid. C. Because they thought the clothes were beautiful.4. What were the relationships between the

12、 two men? A. They were friends. B. They were classmates. C. They were brothers.5. Who said that the emperor wasnt wearing any clothes? A. A woman. B. A man. C. A boy.【设计意图】:听一段对话,选择正确答案,这是考试必考的也是学生得分率比较低的题,因此设计的这种题型目的在于让学生把练习当考试,把考试当练习。另外,也是为下面的听力填空做好铺垫,降低难度。)Task 3.Listen and fill in the blanks wit

13、h the correct words. T: Well down! You are so clever! Now lets look at the sentences on your own paper. Can you guess the answers? Ss: Yes.T: OK, before listening, Ill give you a few minutes to read and guess the answers.(After a few minutes)Next, lets listen to the recording again and fill in the b

14、lanks.This story is about an emperor who loved_. One day two_ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.emperor. The emperor had to_ them silk and gold, but they _ everything for themselves. They were trying to_ the emperor. When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear. But

15、he didnt want people to think he was _, so he said his new clothes were very beautiful. Nobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy _ that the emperor wasnt _ any clothes!T: Great! Now please listen to the recording carefully and fill in the chart. If you want to get the answers quickly and correctly, please p



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