山东省夏津实验中学外研版七年级英语下册 教案:M5U1第二课时.doc

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1、教 学 案课型 听说课 课题 M5Unit1(第二课时)年级 八年级 学科 英语 设计人 姜 雪 审核人 周洪兴 授课人: 编号 22 日期 2015年 月 课题: M5 Unit 1 What can I do for you?教学目标知识目标:1、学习、理解本单元的单词:market, supermarket, biscuit, size, take, may等,掌握他们的含义及用法,并能准确熟练地加以使用。2、学习、理解和掌握特殊疑问句的句型和用法。能力目标:1. 能听懂关于购物的对话,并从中获取信息。 2. 能准确朗读特殊疑问句;能准确地运用特殊疑问句进行口语练习。情感目标:通过有关购

2、物和特殊疑问句的学习,增进学生对日常购物的理解,也培养了他们的日常交际能力和对生活的热爱。教学重点:1. 理解和掌握下列单词的用法: size, take, may, try, certainly, sale, price 2. 理解和掌握特殊疑问句。教学难点:特殊疑问句的用法。重难点突破:以购物为核心,通过小组活动,在听、说、读、写中使单词及句型以不同的形式反复出现,从而强化学习重难点。教、学法:任务型教学法,讲授法,小组合作学习法,情境演练。教具:磁带、录音机、多媒体课件。 (六) 知识点归纳梳理(个人/小组)1. buy 2 try3 too much4 how much来源:学优高考网

3、3. Id like to buy a sweater _ my mother.A. to B. in C. for D. on4. -What _ bowl of noodles would you like, small, medium(中号的) or large?- A large bowl of beef noodles, please.A. colour B. price C. size D. kind5. They feel tired because they have _ homework to do both at school and at home.A. too many

4、 B. too much C. much too D. many too6.- This yellow T- shirt looks nice. May I _?-Sure.A. try them on B. try on it C. try it on7. The price of the skirt is too_. I cant afford(负担) it.A. expensive B. cheap C. high D. dear三、完成句子1. 你还要点什么,吉姆?半公斤草莓,一公斤苹果。_ _ would you like, Jim?_ _ _of _and _ _ of apple

5、s.2. 请稍等!我马上来。Please _ _ _! Im coming soon.3. 这些东西都是半价。你想买点什么?These things are all _ _. What do you want to buy?来源:学优高考网(七)达标检测:一根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1. Children always like sweet _ (饼干).2. I dont like oranges. I like _ (柠檬)best.3. The postcards are on _ (出售) in the shop.来源:gkstk.Com4. My grandmother l

6、ikes _ (新鲜的) fruit a lot.5. There are some _ (草莓) on the desk. Help yourself to them.6. Can you help me with my English? C_.7. Dont worry about your English. Ill t_ to help you with it.8. Whats the p_ of the dress?Its 150 yuan.9.I want to buy some vegetables in the m_ .二、单选1. -Dinner is ready. Help

7、yourself!-Wow! It _ delicious. You are really good at cooking.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes(尝起来) D. feels2. -Good morning,sir! _?-Id like buy a sweater for my daughter.A. What can I do for you?B. What are you doing?C. How about the sweater?D. Can you help me?4. 那所房子多少钱?_ _ is that house? =_ _ _ _ that house?5. What can I do for you?(同义句)_ I _ you?来源:gkstk.Com板书设计:Module 5Unit 1 What can I do for you?1 . buy a T- shirt for my mum2.What size does she take?3 What else would you like?课后反思:



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