外研版七年级英语下册精选优秀教学设计:Module7 Unit3.doc

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1、Book 2 Module 7 My past life主备人:沙慧琴 审核人:彭瑞珍 复备人:_一、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use二、 课型:Revision and application三、 教学目标: 1. 正确运用本模块的词汇及短语2、掌握动词be(was/ were)一般过去时的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其回答.并能询问对方过去的经历。3、运用所学的知识介绍同学过去的生活。四、 教学重难点:掌握动词be(was/ were)一般过的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其回答.并能运用一般过去时来描述过去的生活。五、 教学准备:本节课型为Revision and appli

2、cation,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯、图片、调查表等。六、 教学过程:教学步骤 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的1. Leading-in(8)1.Show some pictures and ask students to discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:I was born in a sm

3、all town.My first teacher was Miss Chen.1. Discuss in pairs and make sentences like these:I was born in a small town.My first teacher was Miss Chen.Review and consolidate the sentences which they have learn.2. While-task(20)1.Explain the grammar to the students: 一般过去时:was/ were2. Let the students do

4、 Activity 3, then check the answers.3. Ask the students to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about Liu Yun, themselves and their partner. ( Activity 1 and Activity2)1. Listen to the teacher to explain the grammar:一般过去时: was/ were2. Do Activity3:Complete the sentences with the correct form

5、of be.3. work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about Liu Yun, yourselves and your partner. ( Activity 1 and Activity2)Review and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary just learned in the first two units.4. Ask the students to do Activity 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

6、word and expressions.5. Ask students to read “Around the world”, and then answer the questions after reading.Q1:What was Nelson Mandela?Q2: When and where was Nelson Mandela born?6. Check the answers.4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word and expressions.5. Read “Around the worl

7、d”, and answer the questions after reading.Q1:What was Nelson Mandela?Q2: When and where was Nelson Mandela born?6. Show the answers.Review the words.Enlarge the knowledge about the world.3. Post-task (10)1.Ask students to work in pairs: Talk about their past life and their classmates pat life. Writ

8、e down the information in the table in Activity 1.2.Ask the students to make a report about their and their partners past life. 3. Get the Ss to write about their partners past life.4. Let students do some exercises and then check.1. Work in pairs: Talk about their past life and their classmates pat

9、 life. Write down the information in the table in Activity 1.e.g. A: Where were you born? B: I was born inA: What was the name of your first school?B:A: Who was your first teacher. Etc.2. Make a report about their and their partners past life. Then share their ideas with the class.3. Write about the

10、ir partners past life.4. Do some exercises and then check.(达标训练题)To practice the skills of speaking and the language points.To practice the skill of writing.4. Summary(1)Ask the students to say out what to learn.Students conclude the knowledge that they learn.Let the students internalize the grammar

11、 theyve learned in this module.5.Homework(1)Finish the workbook of Unit 3.板书设计达标训练题一、 单项选择。( )1. Was Miss Ling your first English teacher? - _,A. Yes, she were B. Yes , she wasnt. C. No, she wasnt D. No, she werent ( ) 2. She was born _ 8th March, 2009. A. on B. at C. with D. in( ) 3. - _ was your f

12、irst teacher _? - He was strict but friendly.A. What ; like B. What ; be C. When ; like D. How; like( ) 4. Look! The boy _ a small dog under the tree.A. is playing B. is playing with C. plays D. played( ) 5. Can you _ him the news? A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell二、阅读理解 Mrs. Read was an old woman. Sh

13、e was about sixty. She liked flowers very much. She had a small garden. There were many flowers in the garden. Some of them were red and blue, and some were yellow and white. They were very beautiful.One day, her doorbell (门铃)rang(鸣响). She opened the door and saw a small boy in front of her house. H

14、e was about six years old. He had many beautiful roses in his hands. Some were red and blue, and some were yellow and white.“ Im selling roses, “ he said.“ I dont want to buy your roses. I have many beautiful roses in my garden, “ said Mrs. Read.“ Oh, no,” said the boy. You dont have any in your garden now. They are all in my hands.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mrs. Read was about _.A. forty B. fifty C. sixty D. seventy ( ) 2. There were many _ in Mrs. Reads garden.A. flowers B. trees C. animals D. apples( ) 3. One day, Mrs. Read saw a boy



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