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1、SICENCE 新闻发布 作者:卢漫 稿号:N201303068超声对地震伤员周围神经损伤修复的及时及后续评价既往对地震伤员的研究主要集中在挤压综合征、骨折、感染和横纹肌溶解症等方面,关于地震所致周围神经损伤的报道非常少见。中国四川省人民医院卢漫博士所在团队的一项研究发现,经临床查体及超声筛选出 2008 年中国汶川大地震所致周围神经损伤患者中,98%手术前超声结果与临床诊断相符。经神经松解、吻合或移植治疗后,86%出现明显好转,且手术前和手术后临床和超声的结果之间有较高的一致性。因此,作者认为超声不仅可以对周围神经损伤做手术前诊断,还可以做手术后随访评估,是一种无创、动态、有效、方便的检查方

2、法。相关文献发表于中国神经再生研究(英文版) 杂志 2014 年 3 月第 6 期。超声检查显示神经不连续,在瘢痕组织周围出现球状低回声肿块Article: Follow-up evaluation with ultrasonography of peripheral nerve injuries after an earthquake, by Man Lu1, Yue Wang2, Linxian Yue1, Jack Chiu3, Fanding He1, Xiaojing Wu2, Bin Zang2, Bin Lu2, Xiaoke Yao2, Zirui Jiang4 (1 Depa

3、rtment of Ultrasound, Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; 2 Department of Orthopedics, Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; 3 Department of Radiology, University Hospital, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada; 4 Chengdu J

4、iaxiang Foreign Languages School, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China)Lu M, Wang Y, Yue LX, Chiu J, He FD, Wu XJ, Zang B, Lu B, Yao XK, Jiang ZR. Follow-up evaluation with ultrasonography of peripheral nerve injuries after an earthquake. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(6):582-588.欲获更多资讯:Neural Regen Res Ultra

5、sonography evaluation of peripheral nerve injuries after an earthquakeMultiple previous studies of earthquake injuries have focused mainly on crush syndrome, fractures, infections, and rhabdomyolysis. Published data on peripheral nerve injury are very limited and there is no report of the findings o

6、n ultrasonographic scans. Dr. Man Lu and co-workers from Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital in China evaluated 34 patients with persistent clinical symptoms and neurologic signs of impaired nerve function, who were selected from 211 patients with clinical signs of impaired peripheral nerves wounded

7、 in the Wenchuan earthquake undergoing clinical examination, electrodiagnostic tests, and sonography. Among the 34 patients, the concordance rate of ultrasonography findings with those of surgical results was 98%. Postoperative ultrasound follow-up revealed that the majority of patients (86%) had a

8、good recovery after neurolysis, anastomosis or transplantation, showing the better concordance between clinical outcomes and ultrasonographic outcomes. Preoperative and postoperative clinical and ultrasonographic results were concordant, which verified that ultrasonography is useful for preoperative

9、 diagnosis and postoperative SICENCE 新闻发布 作者:卢漫 稿号:N201303068evaluation of injured peripheral nerves. These findings have been published in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 6, 2014).High-frequency sonography shows the median nerve (arrow) that is completely disrupted with a hypoechoic t

10、erminal neuroma (star) at the ending of the proximal stumps. Article: Follow-up evaluation with ultrasonography of peripheral nerve injuries after an earthquake, by Man Lu1, Yue Wang2, Linxian Yue1, Jack Chiu3, Fanding He1, Xiaojing Wu2, Bin Zang2, Bin Lu2, Xiaoke Yao2, Zirui Jiang4 (1 Department of

11、 Ultrasound, Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; 2 Department of Orthopedics, Sichuan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China; 3 Department of Radiology, University Hospital, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada; 4 Chengdu Jiaxiang Foreign Languages School, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China)Lu M, Wang Y, Yue LX, Chiu J, He FD, Wu XJ, Zang B, Lu B, Yao XK, Jiang ZR. Follow-up evaluation with ultrasonography of peripheral nerve injuries after an earthquake. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(6):582-588.



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