江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册:Unit4 A good read Grammar教案.doc

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1、 8B Unit4 A good read教案Grammar教学目标1学会正确使用“特殊疑问词+动词不定式的结构。2学会正确使用must和have to。教学内容四会内容 词汇:hand review return 词组:hand in write about and so on ask for help with writing On time句型:Millie has decided what to read. Daniel did not say who to talk to about this book. Simon forgot when to meet his friends.

2、Kitty cannot decide which to choose first. Sandy is wondering where to ask for help. Amy does not know how to write the report. Mr Wu is always there to help us. “I must run away from them,” Gulliver thought. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge.来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:gkstk.Com You must not sm

3、oke in the library. We do not have to go to school at weekends.三会内容 词汇:renew教学步骤A Using question words + to-infinitivesStep I复习1根据前一课时布置的家庭作业, 教师问学生:We have read an extract from Gullivers Travels, but its not a complete story and we dont know what happened next. Im wondering about what happened next

4、. Can you tell me?2教师挑选几位不同层次的学生念自己编写的故事结局, 或者让读过原著的学生讲述故事的结果。Sample endingThe tiny people lifted Gulliver and carried him to their place. All the tiny people came and looked at Gulliver. He was like a monkey in the zoo. Finally, Gulliver saw the King of LilliputStep II呈现1教师呈现Reading部分出现的句子, 让学生关注划线

5、部分:(1) One of these small men began talking to me, but I could not understand him. I did not know what to say either. (2) I did not know how to get away.2教师告诉学生:We can use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb.3补充练习:同义句转换。(1) Gulliver did not know where he could find other people. Gulliv

6、er did not know _ _ _ other people. (where to find)(2)Gulliver wondered who he could ask for help. 来源:学优高考网gkstkGulliver wondered _ _ _ _ help. (who to ask for)(3) Gulliver did not know how he could break the ropes. Gulliver did not know _ _ _the ropes. (how to break)(4) Gulliver found out what he c

7、ould do with the tiny man. Gulliver found out _ _ _ with the tiny man. (what to do)(5) Gulliver decided when he should leave Lilliput. Gulliver decided _ _ _should leave Lilliput. (when to leave)提醒学生没有why to 结构。Step III操练来源:学优高考网gkstk1教师说:Amy and Daniel are talking about their Reading Week. Use the

8、correct question words and to-infinitives to complete their conversation on page 55.2全班核对答案, 然后让学生分角色朗读完整的对话。3教师板书并解释新的词组或句型。B Using must and have toStep I呈现l教师问:We must obey school rules when were at school. What school rules do we have? What must we do? What mustnt we do? 学生尽可能多的回答。 (1) We must we

9、ar school uniforms. (2)We must get to school on time. (3)We must keep quiet in the school library. (4)We mustnt throw rubbish on the ground. (S)We mustnt pick the flowers in the garden. 2教师对学生解释:We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary. We use must not to say that something is

10、not allowed. 3教师接着问:If youre ill and the doctor asks you to stay at home, whatll you have to do?学生回答:Ill have to ask for leave and stay at home. 教师再问:Do you have to go to school at weekends? 学生回答:No, we dont have to. 4教师对学生解释:We use have to when the situation makes something necessary. We use do not

11、 have to to say that its not necessary to do something. 来源:学优高考网S提醒学生:Have to has different forms:has to, had to, will have to and havehas got to. Step II操练1教师问:What rules must we obey when were in the library?鼓励学生用must、 mustnt、have to、dont have to说出尽可能多的规则。2教师说:Amy is telling her cousin Shirley som

12、e library rules. Look at page 56. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or do not have to. 全班核对答案, 并且让学生解释理由, 加深理解。Step III活动1教师让学生四人一组讨论制订班级公约, 用must、must not、have to、do not have to造句。教师说:Lets work out some class rules using must, must not, have to and do not have to. 教师巡视并帮助学生解决语言困难, 提供语言帮助。2每组派一名代表朗读讨论的班级公约, 小组之间互相评价。Step IV家庭作业1记忆词汇、词组和句型。2复习本课所学语法。3完成教师布置的相关练习。4预习Integrated skills。



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