广东省河源市中英文实验学校人教版七年级英语上册学案:Unit 8第4课时.doc

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《广东省河源市中英文实验学校人教版七年级英语上册学案:Unit 8第4课时.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省河源市中英文实验学校人教版七年级英语上册学案:Unit 8第4课时.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、河源中英文实验学校两段五环讲学稿(7英)执笔 王孟 审核 教研组长 授课日期第16周 班级 姓名 课题:Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B2 P48 3a-Self Check 第4课时学习目标:1. 能熟练地写出关于日期及日程安排的短文。2. 了解中西方文化差异,通过对生日表达法的学习,学会关爱他人。第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step1 : Free talk1) Do you have school trip?2) Do we have a Music Festival this year?Step2: Review(一)

2、 写出下列中国节假日的日期。1. When is Children s Day? Its on_.2. When is National s Day? Its on_.3. When is Women s Day? Its on_.4. When is New Year s Day? Its on_ .5. When is April Fools Day? Its on_ .6. When is Mid-Autumn Festival? Its on_ .7. When is Christmas Day? Its on_ .(二)根据句意及课文内容完成句子。1. _ is your _?你的生

3、日是什么时候?2. My birthday is _ _. 我的生日是5月2号。3. _ _ are you? 你多大了?4. My birthday is_ _. 我的生日是8月份。Step3: Leading 来源:学优高考网Finish P48-3a,complete the note.Step4:品读 -读出理解(自主学习:独立安静完成)品读-读出理解。给朋友些一个便条,邀请对方参加学校的某项活动。下边的问题对你会有帮助. What is your friends name? What does your friend like to do ? What activity do you

4、 have in your school? When is the activity?来源:学优高考网_第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记Step1: Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences.Step2: 完成Unit8 P48页3b内容。建议:组员集体接力展示所读内容,做到声音自信、洪亮、不卡壳。(接受台下PK,力争流利准确,语音优美)模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记【及时反馈】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.You can see many _(东西) in the room.2.This t

5、erm Im very _(忙的).3.The new_(学期)begins(开始) on September 1st.4.”You re my _(亲爱的)daughter,”the mother says to the girl.5.When is your English _(测试). 课题:Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B2 P48 3a-Self Check 第4课时模块四:当堂训练 班级 姓名 老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功!一、单项选择( )

6、1. -When were you born? -I was born Ain June three,1989 Bon June the third,1989 Cin June the third,1989 Don June the three,1989( ) 2.Sally is a middle school studentShe is in Class Six,Grade one,How old is she? AThe thirteen BThirteenthCThirty DThirteen( ) 3.Tomorrow is birthday Amy mother BI mother

7、 Cmy mothers Dme mothers( ) 4. comes before December,but after October ANovember BSeptember CAugust DJanuary( ) 5. Today (今天) is my birthday. _ A. Happy New Year! B. Thank you very much C. How are you D. Happy birthday!二假如你是班长,新学期开始了,请你根据下面表格中的内容,向同学们介绍一下本学期的主要活动安排。词数不少于40,已给内容不计入总词数。EventsTimeart festivalSeptember 8thschool tripOctoberEnglish testNovemberEnglish partyDecember 2ndsoccer game December 20th Hello,everyone.We have some interesting and fun things this term._来源:gkstk.Com


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