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1、Lesson35: Theatres Are Fun!【学习目标】知识目标:handsome playwright tragedy teahouse; in order to do sth. cant wait to do sth. cant help doing sth. 能力目标:能够通过学习课文谈论“电影娱乐”话题。情感目标:学习一些著名剧作家刻苦钻研、勇于创新的精神; 通过中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解。【重点及难点】掌握本课语言知识目标;了解古今中外一些著名电影制作。【导学过程】一、自主预习【预习指导】1.自学教材第35课单词与词组,你可以听录音跟读,根据音标读,或者请教别人读。

2、做到发音标准,弄清词性和汉语意思。2.自学教材第90页内容,仔细读课文至少三遍,弄清课文大意。用横线划出文中的重要句子。【自主学习】. 写出下列单词的词义和词性。1. handsome_ 2. playwright_ 3. tragedy_ 4. teahouse _. 翻译下列短语。1. 与此同时_ 2. 为了做某事_ 3. 迫不及待地想做某事_ 4. 情不自禁地做某事_ .在自学过程中,你还有哪些疑惑用线在文中画出来,并把它写下来,和你的同伴交流。二、合作探究Task 1. 小组讨论:看标题,猜测对话内容。1. Can you name some famous playwrights? _

3、2. What kind of plays do you like?_Task 2. 读课文,finish Lets Do It 1。Task 3. 小组讨论导学案上的Language Points。 Task 4. 小组合作,完成Lets Do It 2、3。Task 5. Write a passage about your favorite play or playwright.三、交流展示Language Points:1. famous adj. 著名的 be famous for 因而著名e.g. China is famous for the Great Wall.be famo

4、us as 作为.而著名Liu Huan is famous as a singer.2. boring adj. 令人无聊的(一般修饰物) bored adj. 感到无聊的(一般修饰人).Eg: I feel very bored.The film is boring.Be bored with 对.感到厌烦I am bored with the work.3. learn about 研究,了解E.g. I want to learn about different kinds of animals Learn more about Lets learn more about foreig

5、n countriesknow about sth. 知道,了解What do you know about that place?4. 有些动词可以用现在进行时表将来,如:go, come, leave, fly, start, die, arrive, stay等等。 例如:I am leaving for Beijing. 我要去天津了。-Where are you going?-Im going to the zoo.5. I cant wait to see them. 我迫不及待地要见到他们。【用法】句式cant wait to do意为“迫不及待做某事”;类似句式还有cant h

6、elp doing,意为“情不自禁做某事”。要注意这两个句式中动词的不同形式。【举例】The children couldnt wait to run out of the room. 孩子们迫不及待地从房间里跑了出来。来源:gkstk.Com6. Some research was done in order to make the play. 为了演好这部戏做了一下研究。【用法】当强调不定式所表示的目的时,可用in order to或so as to,这时,in order to 可用于句首,也可用于句中;so as to则只用于句中。【举例】In order to master Engl

7、ish we must work hard at it.= We must work hard at English in order to master it. = We must work hard at English so as to master it. 为了掌握英语,我们必须努力学习它。四、当堂检测. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 1. He is such a h young man that many girls like to work with him. 2. William Shakespeare is one of the most excellent (剧作家

8、) in the world. 3. That (悲剧) which happened last week touched the hearts of millions of people. 4. Where are you going, Li Mei? Im going to the t to have a cup of tea. 5. Our parents always take us out to the (剧院) to watch the drama. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. What do you want to be in the future, Tom

9、? I want to be a famous (act). 7. The boy cant wait (know) the result of the basketball match. 8. One of his new (comedy) will be on next month. 9. My sister prefers (watch) TV at home to going out on weekends.10. Jack says that he hopes (be) a famous writer in the future. 根据句意,用所给短语的适当形式填空,每个短语只限使用

10、一次。on ones way to perform a play learn about on stage one day来源:gkstk.Com11. We will at the ceremony of the sports meeting. Its name is Lilys Happy Weekend.12. , Lily played a rich lady.13. My father met an old friend his company this morning.14. My brother always dreams of becoming a famous violini

11、st .15. We the culture of tomatoes last week. . 按要求完成句子。16. Li Mei sent me her favorite watch. (改为同义句)Li Mei her favorite watch .17. Itll be nice to travel all over the world. (改为同义句)Itll be nice to travel .18. A famous director directed this play two years ago. (改为被动语态)This play a famous director t

12、wo years ago.来源:学优高考网gkstk19. He worked late into deep night so that he could earn enough money. (改为同义句)He worked late into deep night earn enough money.20. The movie is interesting. (改为感叹句) movie it is!五、作业布置1. Understand the meaning of the text. 2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.3. Fini

13、sh the activity book of lesson 35.【教学反思】参考答案:一、自主预习. 1. adj. 英俊的 2. n. 剧作家 3. n. 悲剧 4. n. 茶馆. 1. at the same time来源:学优高考网gkstk 2. in order to do sth. 3. cant wait to do sth. 4. cant help doing sth.二、合作探究Task 1. 略来源:gkstk.Com四、当堂检测I1. handsome 2. playwrights 3. tragedy 4. teahouse 5. theatre6. actor 7. to know 8. comedies 9. watching TV 10. to be11. perform a play 12. On stage 13. On his way to 14. one day 15. learned about. 16. sent, to me 17. around the world 18. was directed by 19. in order to 20. What an interesting


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