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1、 一个人的性格能够影响其思想,思想能够决定其行为,而行为又是评判一个人善良与邪恶的标准。然而每个人所生活的环境都是纷繁复杂的,有假丑恶,也有真善美,重在自己怎样选择,能否过滤,能否在邪恶面前坚守自己与生俱来的善良品质,生活的环境越是艰苦,越是残暴,越是黑暗,上天要你接受的考验就会越残酷。能秉承初心就越是困难,然却越能体现出你的勇敢与坚强。一个人,死都不怕了,还在乎你的威逼利诱?还会抛弃自己的信仰吗?再坚强,再黑暗,再残暴不过生死的决择,面对生与死,能够秉承善良的秉性,不是真的的难能可贵吗?这篇小说中的主人公-奥利弗,这个是自己的妈妈用生命交换而来的孩子,一出身便无依无靠,虽有济生院作为落脚之处

2、,但生活在被利益腐蚀的灵魂之中,饱受虐待、欺辱、谩骂,但他只是默默忍受,并没有去伤害别人。在外人看来,生活在这样一个环境中的孩子,其命运的终点就是绞刑架。然而,命运岂是他人可以掌握和可以预料的呢?在他九岁的时候,他被送到一棺材店当学徒,但受到无数的指责和毒打。当棺材店老板的儿子侮辱他的母亲 s 时,他尽力维护自己的母亲,甚至付出被暴打的代价。最后的他逃亡到了伦敦。机缘巧合他被在路上行窃的机灵鬼带到了教会自己行窃手法的费金的老巢,这里聚集的大多是许多无家可归被费金训来作为扒手的孩子。但是奥列弗在面对他们的,如果没行窃行为时,表现得很震惊,在首次和机灵鬼去行窃时,也因内心矛盾失手,这些说明了奥列弗

3、的本性善良。一次行窃时被抓,遇上布尔朗好心的收留和悉心的照顾而让他感觉到人间的真善美,他可能连自己还可以选择另外一种生活方式的权利都不知道行为。而后面他被南希和比尔骗回去之后身处困境仍乞求把书归还以及后来行窃通报都是对自己选择权的维护,也体现了他的诚信品质。布朗尔给了他真善美的启蒙,带给他的温暖洗刷了他从小到大饱受的凄冷,他过滤掉了假丑恶带给他的影响,勇敢无畏的选择了真善美。当费金被抓入狱,他仍然决定看望他,给他安慰和温暖。 A persons personality can affect their thoughts and ideas can decide their behavior.b

4、ut the behavior is to judge a persons standard of good and evil. Yet everyone living environment is complex, there is a falsehood and also have beauty, focusing on their own how to choose.The one can filter also can still stick to their innate goodness in the face of evil, the living environment is

5、more difficult, more cruel, more dark, God wants you to accept the test will be more cruel. To uphold the heart more difficult, but more can reflect your brave and strong.A person, are not afraid of death, but also care about your coercion? Will abandon their faith? Be strong, dark, cruel but then l

6、ife and death decisions, facing life and death, to uphold the good disposition, not really valuable?The protagonist in this novel - Oliver,this is his mother with life in exchange for the child, was born helpless, although orphanage Institute as a place to live in, and by interesting corrosion soul

7、which suffered abuse、insult、abuse. To an outsider, living in such an environment of the child, the fate of the end is the gallows. However,is it the fate can master and predictable by the others? When he was nine years old, he was sent to a coffin shop as an apprentice, but by the numerous semeet th

8、e Fagin by the one who is on the way to steal the to teach myself to steal .The ones who was gathered here are mostly many homeless as children.Oliver next fate maybe can speculated ,he will become a man that the situation of the past and present want to let him become. You can guess, if not caught

9、for burglary was taken care of by Boolean Lang letting him feel the beauty and kindness 、honesty.he may has the other choice to choose another way of life.He never know he has the right to choose.That situation make him beg Nancy and Bill who cheat him back to turn the book and the money back though

10、t he is in trouble .This behavior is to safeguard their right to choose, Boolean Lang gave him the the enlightenment of the kindness and the beauty and gave him warm to wash the effects since the childhood suffered from cold and starve . In the end he filtered out from the falseness to his influence

11、, on the way to beauty and kindness 、honesty.南希的死的直接原因是为了救奥利弗于水火,向布尔朗告密而被跟踪发现,从而被自己极力维护的恶棍比尔乱棍打死,以读者的观点思考南希,她为什么选择这样做呢?这样做她能得到什么?或则说她的动机又是什么呢?其实,她的所作所为,对她自己并不是一点好处都没有,她之所以就奥利弗,不仅是出于对奥利弗被拳打脚踢的同情,对眼看一个将要走上不归路的少年的涉险挽留,对一个命运多舛的孩子的怜悯,还是对自己走在一条人生不归路的救赎,乞求以此获得上帝的宽恕;她难道没有想过就算自己不说出比尔的名字比尔就会相安无事?她难道不知道比尔和费金同是一条绳上的蚂蚱?她连这点逻辑都没有,但她还是选择自欺欺人,她相信她不说出来比尔就会因为费金而安好无事,可以说这是她作为女人的幼稚天真;她极力保护对她吆五喝六的比尔,可见她对这个男人的忠诚;她怎么也不会相信比尔会杀死那么爱他的自己,可见她对爱情的信任;她选择相信布尔朗去告发费金,相信布尔朗一定会解救出奥利弗,她对布尔朗的信任,从侧面反映了她对善良存在的认可。



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