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1、Lesson 21-25,NCE-3,Lesson 21,1. fight with bare fists 空手搏斗 2. in those days=at that time day=(a period of success or fame辉煌时期) Every dog has his day. 3. draw up:制定,草拟,写出 4. changeinto把变成 5. bringto把引入,把加入到 6. adore 崇拜,喜爱 7. rise to fame 成名,8. turn against him 9. it is not untilthat It was not until

2、the thirteen stroke that the bell stopped. 10. be indebt 负债 11. fail to do sth 12. die in poverty,Lesson 22,1. know their parts by heart Learn the contents by heart 2. on end 连续不断的 或That ghost story set our hair on end. 让我们毛骨悚然 3. have no cause to falter 没理由结巴 4. this is not always the case情况并非总是这样

3、5. be cast in the role of 被安排演什么角色 e on上场/上台,7. hand in ones exercise book 交作业 Hand out 分发 at hand 在手头 8. play a joke on 拿开玩笑 9. present sth to sb把什么交给某人,向某人提出某事 。 正式的给,呈递,赠送,呈献 10. hurry off 匆匆离开=hurry away from,hasten off,Lesson 23,1. one mans meat is another mans poison. 各有所爱 theres no accounting

4、 for tastes.(Tastes differ) 2. consider octopus a delicacy consider+宾语+宾补 3. at the idea of 一想到 at the sight/mention/thought of 4. The sad truth is that. Bring up 养大,抚育 all our lives 一辈子 They made revolution all their lives.,5. more praise and abuse than 6. associatewith讲与联系起来 7. appeal to sb对有吸引力,

5、投合兴趣 Take a stroll 在散布,拟人 8. Acting on a sudden pulse, 一时冲动 9. be pleased with对感到满意开心 10. main dish 主食 appetizer 开胃品 soup entree 主食 dessert 甜点如icecream,fruit,cheese Beverage 饮料:coffee,coke,milk,beer 11. take possession of占据,占有,获得 the enemy strong hold 占领要塞,Lesson 24,1. a skeleton in the cupboard/clozet 家丑 2. concealfrom对隐瞒 3. possess(静态动词) 4. ruin毁坏 和spoil意思相近,没有明显的动作行为 spoil the game 5. be about to do即将做就要做6.,Lesson 25,1. impressive reminder 2. mark 3. take the lead领先,居首位 4. have bad luck= be out of luck运气不佳 5. fitted with difficulty 克服困难安装就位 6. call in 短暂停靠,短暂访问,



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