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1、Module3 第四课时说课,青岛广水路小学 张瑞春,学习内容: 复习本模块的重点词语和结构开展真实的语言活动鼓励学生朗读或表演课文。 明确本模块所学语言的功能开展听说读写的综合练习。培养学生总结归纳语言特点的能力。 巩固本模块所学词语的正确发音,掌握其义,结合前面所学的相关词语作话题词语的归纳。 目标与要求: 1、能独立完成活动手册Unit2的1、2、3大题。 2、鼓励学生表演课文。 3、进一步总结归纳重点句式的用法并做相应的练 习。 4、同学之间能相互调查都有哪些书。并能相互调查最喜欢的书或电影等。,重难点:在巩固本模块的重点词语和句式的基础上进一步明确所学语言结构的功能。这既是本课的重点

2、也是难点。 总的设计思路: 复习巩固扩展总结,1、 Have they got CDs with music? 2、 Have they got books with stories?,library librarian v_d_o r_t_ _n c_mp_t_r u_e _ngl_sh w_ _k t_ _k to your f_ _ends,library librarian video return computer use English week talk to your friends,return: hamburger talk : all tall wall ball fal

3、l ( el : help tell well bell fell ),library librarian video return computer use English week talk to your friends,选择正确的单词完成句子。 1、We have got a Snow white _. 2、You can do homework at the _. 3、Ms wang is a _. 4、You should _ it in two days . 5、You can _the _ in a library.But you cant _.,video,library,l

4、ibrarian,return,use,computer,talk to your friend.,A:Have you got_? B: Yes,I have./No,I havent.,_ has/hasnt got _.,KEY SENTENCES:,library,shop,bookshop,supermarket,A: Excuse me.Have you got_? B:Yes,we have./No,we havent. A: B: ,AB U2 part3: Whats your favorite book?,8 childrens favorite book is Harry

5、 Potter.,Lets read: Many Chinese libraries are very big.they have got both books and CDs.You can borrow books and CDs here. You can do homework here. You can also read books here.But you cant run or talk to you friends.,Judge(T/F),1、All of Chinese libraries are very big. 2、They havent got CDs. 3、You

6、 can do homework here. 4、You can talk to friends at the library.,( F ),( F ),( T ),( F ),Answer the questions:,1、 What can you do at a Chinese library? _ . 2、 What cant you do at a Chinese library? _ .,AB U2 PART 1 You can_. You cant_. AB U2 PART 2 Write down your class rules: You can/cant_. You should/ shouldnt_.,Homework:,1、Make a survey.(调查同学们最喜欢的水果、食物、体育运动、课程等,制作成表格。) 2、试着写一写“Our school rules”or “My family rules”,



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