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1、,第二部分选修八,一举双得的课前预案,一气贯通的课堂学案,一卷冲关的课后练案,30分钟师生互动,10分钟自主提升,Module 4,(一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词) 1A paper (相关的) to this research was published by him. 2These brief remarks may serve to (澄清) the fact. 3I am (反对) to drunk driving. 4These (潜在的) effects must be studied carefully. 5If so, your points of view are bou

2、nd to (冲突) with his.,conflict,clarify,relevant,opposed,potential,6After a long the bill was passed. 7I myself fortunate in having good health. 8Please a channel to begin with from left. 9We the meaning to children with pictures. 10He many hurdles to become a lawyer.,debate,overcame,select,count,conv

3、ey,(二)重点单词 A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式 1 adj. 能辨认的,能认出的 v. 辨认出 2 n. 意义;含义 adj. 重大的, 重要的 3 v. 反抗;抵抗 n. 反抗;抵抗 4 n. 好奇心 adj. 好奇的,significance,recongnise,curious,recognisable,resist,significant,resistance,curiosity,B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空) 5The assistance that there were too many letters of about the product.(co

4、mplain) 6His blood pressure to stabilize. This shows the operation is very successful.(tend),complaint,complained,tended,tendency,7The evidence all of us that the conclusion he was of is true.(convince) 8He the plan and gave his of us launching a fundraising campaign.(approve),convinced,convincing,c

5、onvinced,approved,approval,(一)根据汉语提示写出短语 *1. 区分开 *2. 只要 *3. 在于 *4. 总之;最后 5. 大量的,tell .apart,a huge number of,in conclusion,as long as,lie in,*6. 开始做某事 *7. 使某人失望 8. 与相联系,与有关 9. 与有关 *10. 仔细考虑,get down to sth.,let sb.down,reflect on,be associated with,be relevant to .,(二)选用以上带*的短语填空(其中两项是多余的) 1 I live,

6、 I must study. 2Your problem lacking efficient methods. 3He is a bit by the low grade he got. 4 , she wished her comrades every success in their work. 5Its difficult to the two girls .,So long as,lies in,tell,In conclusion,let down,apart,1. In this sense everybodys use of language whether English, C

7、hinese, or any other is different.,2It is estimated that 1.3 billion people will use English as either a first or a second language by 2050.,3Not all idioms have been common for many years.,1debate n辩论;辩论会 v争论,辩论,Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best .(教材P45

8、原句) 如今在新加坡有一个争论,那就是哪种英语是最好的,hold a debate,with,about,They will hold a debate on education. 他们将举行一场关于教育的辩论会议。 He debated with our maths teacher about the solution to the problem. 他和数学老师争辩这道难题的解法。,个性比较 debate, argue,多维演练 A选词填空 (debate, argue) There was a long in Parliament on the question of capital p

9、unishment. They the question openly. He for a continuation of the search.,debated,debate,argued,B介词填空 The truth of this news story is debate. The proposal is debate. He dared them to debate him it.,beyond,under,with,about,C单项填空 There is a heated _ on the role of education throughout the country. Ade

10、cade Bdebate Cdecline Ddelay,解析:句意:就教育的作用在全国范围内进行了激烈的讨论。decade“十年”;debate“讨论”;decline“减少”;delay“耽搁”。 答案:B,2convinced adj.确信的,信服的,Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their own.(教材P51原句) 专家相信这种现象将来会发生,因为学英语的人越来越多并且把它叫做自己的英语。,深信某事

11、be convinced that . 深信 convince sb. 说服某人去做某事 convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事 convince sb.that . 使某人相信 convincing adj. 有说服力的,be convinced of sth.,to do sth.,Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,. (选自2011年高考浙江卷阅读C) 激烈的竞争使他们相信使乘客高兴是一个主要的市场工具, He wa

12、s convinced of her innocence. 他确信她是无辜的。 We convinced her to go with us. 我们说服她和我们同行。,多维演练 A完成句子 You will that our product is superior. 你一定会相信我们的产品比别家的好。 We him go by car. 我们说服他开车去。 Our football team firmly its victory over the visiting team. 我们足球队坚信能打败客队。 The theory sounds quite . 这一理论说听起来很有说服力。,be c

13、onvinced,convinced,convinced of,to,is,convincing,B单项填空 (2011黑龙江哈师大附中模拟)It is useless to try to _ her that she doesnt need to lose any weight. Abelieve Bconvince Cwarn Densure,解析:句意:想让她相信她根本不需要减肥毫无用处。convince“使信服”,符合句意。believe“相信”;warn“警告”;ensure“保证,确保”。 答案:B,3oppose vt.反抗,反对,., meaning we will oppos

14、e prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.(教材P53原句) ,意味着我们反对黑人种族歧视,反对和美国人之间的冲突。,oppose 反对做某事 be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事 opposition n. 反对,对立 sb. on sth. 在某事上与某人意见相反,in opposition to,doing sth.,She opposed your going abroad. 她非常反对你去国外。 We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this question. 我们发现在这个问题上我们与我们的朋友立场相反。,多维演练 A用所给动词的适当形式填空 They we



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