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1、新干中学 曾爱华,新干中学 曾爱华,Lead-in(课堂导入): If you come across the new words in your reading comprehension , how will you deal with them?,The better way - Guess,阅读理解中如何巧猜生词 ?,Todays Task (教学任务): How To Guess Unknown Words Properly In Our Reading Comprehension ?,高考例题Yet, shopkeepers may have to spend much time

2、to deal with problems, such as shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without paying for them. (2011年全国卷),一 . Word Formation 构词法,派生法(Derivation),合成法(Compounding),转化法(Conversion),缩略法(Abbreviation),lucky unlucky; design designer,space + ship spaceship,clean adj. clean vt.,Information t

3、echnology IT,1、派生法(Derivation),前缀(prefix) + 词根(root) = 新词 词根 (root) + 后缀(suffix) = 新词,un- dis- im- mis- non- in-,understand polite smoker agree fair active,unfair disagree impolite misunderstand nonsmoker inactive,To enlarge his vocabulary, last night Tom stayed up late into the night. As a result ,

4、 he overslept this morning.,2. over- : (1) too much (太,过于),overeat/overweight/overwork/overtired/overcook.,Some important prefixes(前缀):,1. The trains are _during the Spring Festival. (crowded) 2. The little boy is _ for his age. (develop) 3. Our teachers often _us to study hard .(courage),overcrowde

5、d,overdeveloped,1. en- : 使,enable/ endanger/enrich/encourage,发育过度,过于拥挤,encourage,鼓励,Some important suffixes 后缀 (root + suffix ):,collect hope home improve decide short happy eat,-ment -sion -tion -ness -ful, -able -less -en,collection n. hopeful/less adj. homeless adj. improvement n. decision n. sho

6、rten vt. happiness n. eatable adj.,-ment, -tion, -sion, -ness, -ful, -able, -less, -en等,Lets have a competition!,I. Guess the Chinese meaning of the complicated words. imbalance immoral abnormal illogical irregular irrelative inhuman inseparable nonstop unintentionally unbelievable theoretical envir

7、onmentalist,II. Change the roots as many as possible according to prefix and suffix compete vary believe consume concern logic attend devote person intend real organize produce hope legal forget,with their shining brown eyes, shaking tails(尾巴) and unconditional love, trained dogs can provide the non

8、judgmental blind men with useful help . (2010NMET),unconditional: nonjudgmental:,无条件的,绝对的,没有判断力的,高考题 根据构词法和语境猜测划线词义.,2、合成法(Compounding),把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词。,worldwide underwear waiting-room heart-to-heart,世界范围的,内衣,候诊室/候车室,心连心的,练习题 In this World Football Cup for the ball players from both Spain and Ho

9、lland, playing well in the final football game and winning are the life-and-death affairs. ( 2011 News Report from China Daily),生死攸关的,Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.,V.,n.,n.,V.,麻烦不找你就别惹是生非。,3、转化法( Conversion ),由一种词性转化为另一种词性的词。,4、缩略法( Abbreviation ),PC 3G SOS WWW VIP,Personal Compu

10、ter,Third Generation,Save Our Ship,World Wide Web,Very Important Person,对比/转折,因果关系,同位关系,定义解释/生活常识,. Guess by finding clues in the text. (根据上下文线索猜测生词),1.Though Toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. 2.John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things;while his w

11、ife is very thrifty. 3.If you agree, write “ yes”; if you dissent, write “no”.,1.污秽的,2.节约的,3.不同意,点拨一 根据对比/转折关系推测词义。对比是描述和说明事物的常用方式,对比的事物是相反的,因此根据对比或转折关系可从已知推出未知。,2. That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. A. small B. large C. dull D. beautiful,1. The

12、flowers in the vase withered because they had no water for a long time. A .were sweet B. were red C. became dry D. were ugly,点拨二 根据因果关系推测词义。常用来表因果关系的词有because, since, as, for, so, therefore, so/suchthat, so that等。,点拨三 根据同位关系推测词义。同位语是对前面的内容进行解析,两部分之间多用逗号,有时使用破折号、冒号、分号、引号和括号等。同位语前常用or, that is (to say

13、), in other words, namely, i.e.等.,1. One of the major features of English vocabulary is polysemous many meanings. 2.It will be very hard but very brittle that is , it will break easily.,adj. 一词多义的,adj. 易碎的, 脆的,A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a carpenter. 2. Hi

14、s uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 3. Steve Paul Jobs died last year. Over a thousand people attended his funeral.,木匠,动物学家,葬礼,点拨四 根据定义解释、生活常识、逻辑推理推测生词。,练一练,1. Another secret about eyes is that they can be transplanted. It is quite difficult to join an eyeball to a new he

15、ad. A再造 B. 移植 C. 重组 D. 搬迁 2. Dont listen to his nonsense. What he said made no sense. A. meaningless words B. meaningful words C. beautiful words D. clever talk,根据构词法或句中线索猜测红色字体词义.,构词法 + 语境,4 . Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read well. 5. The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year,牧人(定语解析),语义学(同位语),6. There were so many people in the Red Square that he had to elbow his way through the crowd. 7. Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy and quiet person who does not like to go to parties or to m


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