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1、英语II(2)网考B作业(2)题目一、 第一部分 交际用语(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1. - Is Mary there? - _ A. Speaking. B. I am not Mary. C. Who are you? C. Mary is well today. 2. - What does Pater do? - _ A. Hes good at fixing things. B. He can speak good German. C. He does the washing-up after supper. D. He is a language teacher. 3

2、. - Good-bye for now. - _ A. The same to you. B. Thats OK. C. See you. D. Long time no see. 4. - Are you going on holiday for a long time? - _ A. It was a long time. B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days. D. Not long time ago. 5. - How much is this necklace? - _ A. Its very nice. B. Its a b

3、irthday present from my parents. C. It costs fifty pounds. D. Its a bargain. 6. - Must I take a taxi? - No, you _. You can take my car. A. had better to B. dont C. must not D. dont have to. 7. - Is that seat taken? - _ A. Please dont worry. B. I dont think so. C. Why not? D. Its very nice. 8. - How

4、did Mr. Jones get to the cinema? - _ A. At ten oclock. B. To Mrs. Jones. C. By car. D. To the Grand Theater. 9. - What do you think of your new teacher? - _ A. He came to teach us last week. B. He teaches us English. C. He has two children. D. He is very nice. 10. - David injured his leg playing foo

5、tfall yesterday. - Really? _? A. Who didi that B. Whats wrong with him C. How did that happen D. Why was he so careless第二部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)Passage 1The dark smoke that comes out of stacks (大烟囱) or from a burning dump (垃圾) contains of tiny bits of solid or liquid matter. The smoke also contai

6、ns many gases, most of which cannot be seen. Altogether, they make up serious problems of air pollution. In so many places it keeps us from seeing the sun, irritates (刺痛) our eyes, causes us to cough and make us ill. Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to ano

7、ther. Some northern European countries have had “black snow” from pollutants that have travelled through the air from other country and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is a global problem. It can kill babies, older people and those who have respiratory (呼吸) disease. In 1952, four thousan

8、d people died in one week as a result of a serious air pollution breakout in London. In 1948 in a small town in Pennsylvania, 20 people died in a four-day period of air pollution. As often found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of lung disease, such as bronchitis and asthma. Of course, s

9、moking and other factors help to cause these illnesses, too, but these causes have increased greatly during recent years as air pollution has become worse. 11. Which of the following is NOT true about the “black snow” incident? A. It happened in the northern European countries. B. It happened there

10、because air pullution in these countries was most serious. C. Pollutants that fell with snow made it dirty. D. It is a global problem. 12. Who can be killed by air pulution? A. Earth and plants. B. Stones and birds. C. Those who suffer from respiratory illnesses. D. Both A and C. 13. How many people

11、 died of air pullution in Pennsylvania in 1948? A. 4,000. B. 20. C. None. C. 4,020. 14. What are bronchitis and asthma? A. Different types of headache. B. lung diseases. C. Heart diseases. D. Different types of stomach aches. 15. According to the passage, air pullution increases peoples chance of ge

12、tting _. A. Headache B. A lung disease C. Stomachache. D. Nervous breakdownPassage 2A million tourists go to Barcelona every year. They want to see Antonio Gaudes church. This unusual church has a strange history. Gaude was born in Spain in 1852. He had to work and study at the same time. He often m

13、issed classes because he had to work, but one day he designed a very unusual show-case for an exhibition in Paris. People began to give him work. He designed houses, offices and gardens. They were all very unusual. He was soon rich and famous. Then a rich bookseller said, “Will you build a church fo

14、r the poor people of Barcelona? I will pay. I will build schools and workshops, too. They will help the people.” “I will do it”, said Gaude. He worked for forty years, but he could not finish the church. It was too big. He needed $10,000,000. He gave all his money to the church. He was poor again wh

15、en he died in 1926, and only the front of the church was finished. But architects, engineers and tourists from all over the world come to see it. It is very strange, very modern and very revolutionary.16. Which of the following titles best fits the passage? A. Barcelona- A Famous City B. A Strange History of An Unusual Church C. A Poor Architects Unusual Works D. Antonio Gaudes Life17. Which of the following is NOT true? A


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