9_05 海底两万里1

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《9_05 海底两万里1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《9_05 海底两万里1(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 教学参考 1 典范英语 (9_05)教学参考 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (I) 教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架, 帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。 鼓励教师结合学生实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。 一、教学目标 1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故 事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。 2. 非语言目标:增强学生对大自然,特别是对海洋和海洋生物的热爱;引导学生树立热爱和平、 反对战争的态度。 说明:语言目

2、标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,一般根据 故事主题进行设计,需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情, 让学生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言。 二、课时安排 典范英语 (9)因难度、长度稍大,要求两周完成一部作品。第一周读完 Chapters 1-6,第二 周读完 Chapters 7-11。每周读完后安排一节实验课。 三、课前任务 本周学生应完成 Chapters 1-6(P4-56) 。要求学生每天朗读 15-20 分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结 合,并适当积累好词好句。 四、课堂教学基本步骤 1. 导入(Le

3、ad-in) 教师提出以下问题,帮助学生理解作品题目: What does the title mean? Do you know the meaning of “leagues”? “league”是老的距离单位, “20,000 leagues under the sea”是指“在海底航行了两万里” ,而不 是“到达离海面两万里深的地方” 。 然后,请学生根据他们课前任务的完成情况、课外学习到的知识或者发挥想象力作答: What can you find 20,000 leagues under the sea? 设计问题的目的在于增强学生对故事的兴趣和理解 (相关问题可参考英文教案 Te

4、aching Notes) 。 2. 了解故事背景(Understanding the storys setting) 介绍小说的写作背景和作者的相关信息 (参考英文教案 Teaching Notes) , 可以由教师单独完成, 也可以请学生参考 P92 的作者简介,课上做简短的 presentation: 20,000 Leagues under the Sea is a classic science fiction published in 1869. The book is based on the end of the nineteenth century when many exp

5、lorers were discovering new species and ideas. It was also a time when science and technology inspired the writing of popular science fictions. The story is also set in the background that the powerful countries at that time, for example the Great Britain, were busy colonizing countries in Africa, A

6、sia, and so on. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French author who is considered as the “Father of Science Fiction”. 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法 教学参考 2 He is best known for his novels Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (18691870), Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) and so on. When Verne

7、 was young, he would often row a boat around his hometown Nantes, a busy harbor city, where he found the sight of all the ships very exciting. This stirred his imagination, and he would later write inventions in his science fiction stories that were uncannily accurate in their predictions of future

8、transportation and technology. 随后,教师可简要概括 Chapters 1-6 的大意,引导学生回到故事情景: I, as a naturalist, joined an expedition on sea together with Conseil and Ned. However, later we were held captive by Nemo, the captain of a ship called Nautilus, which kept sailing under the sea and attacking ships on the sea. W

9、hile learning the wonderful world beneath the oceans, I experienced a lotI saw Nemo killing orcas, escaped from the Papuans, walked under water, and fought against a shark with the others. 3. 复述故事情节(Retelling the story) 请学生分组复述。复述前先引导学生把这六章分为五个部分,以 Chapter 1 为一个复述单位,以 Chapter 2-3 为一个单位,后面三章各一个单位,让学生

10、在组内分工,把每一个单位里的故事要素如 时间、地点、人物、主要事件归纳出来。如第一章: In the year of 1867, my friend Conseil and I, together with Ned, sailed in the ship Abraham Lincoln to get rid of a mysterious sea monster, which were said to be powerful and dangerous. 然后,要求组员把所有单位的主要内容整理在一起,派一位代表复述这六章的故事情节。 4. 朗读故事片段(Reading passages alo

11、ud) (1) 请学生朗读 Chapter 4 (P29-35) 和 Chapter 6 (P47-56), 要求在理解故事的基础上读出感情。 朗读时要求学生通过人物对话和 “我” 的心理活动描写, 归纳出 Captain Nemo, Conseil, Ned, 和 “我” 的性格特征。 (参见英文教案 Teaching Notes) (2)朗读结束后,教师请学生形容这四个人物性格(这一步可以复习前两部作品的语言) ,并 要求学生引用原文说明问题。例如,Captain Nemo 的性格可能被认为是 brave, merciless(残忍的), eager to defend the weak(

12、热衷于保护弱小) ,例证是 P24 第二段以及 P30 最后一段 Nemo 说的话。 5. 拼读训练(Phonics) 作品中出现了一些具有拼读规律的词,选择难度适中的几组进行听写: drown scowl scare declare quarter equator sail rail tail trail swoop saloon harpoon kangaroo bow show glow arrow dead weather meadow fern herd sperm stir bird circle calm palm moan groan burst surface 说明:自然拼读(phonics)能够帮助学生掌握字母及字母组合的发音规律。具有拼读规律的词通常指 读音相同、拼写相同的字母组合(如 row、glow) ,也包括读音相同、拼写不同的字母组合(如 stare、hair) 。 从故事中选择的单词应以符合拼读规律为标准,切勿太难。 6. 作业(Assignment) (1)写作(请学生任选一题完成) 请记录你同学或者朋友说过的一段话并以此说明其性格特征。 根据 Chapters 1-6 的内容写一个 summary(故事摘要) 。 (2)读 Chapters 7-11,注意积累生词和好句。


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