牛津译林版英语九下unit 1《asia》(reading)ppt课件

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1、,Nancy,my e-friend,Beijing,the capital of China,Beijing is famous all over the world because it has many famous attractions. Lets see what they are.,the Palace Museum,Tiananmen Square,the Summer Palace,the Great Wall,(向往的地方),the Forbidden City,The Forbidden City 1.Where is the Forbidden City? _ 2.Wh

2、o used to live there? _,in the middle of,The emperors ofused to,There is a boat in the middle of the river.,in the middle of “在中间”,训练反馈 河的中间有一条小船。,The Forbidden City 3.What was it turned into in 1925? _,be turned into,4.Why do so many people like visiting the Palace Museum ?,中考链接【2013天津】 There are w

3、onderful buildings and art treasures inside the Palace Museum. It is well worth a visit.(合并为一句) _ wonderful buildings and art treasures inside ,it is well worth _ .,With,visiting,Because there are wonderful buildings and art treasures inside.,Tiananmen Square 1. Is Tiananmen Square the biggest squar

4、e in the world? _ 2. Why do tourists gather on Tiananmen Square early in the morning? _,Back to Beijing,Yes, it is.,To watch the raising of the national flag.,raise v. 举起;升起;提高;饲养 raise ones hand 举手 raise the national flag 升国旗 raise the price 提高价格 raise ones voice 提高嗓音 raise a family 养家糊口 raise mone

5、y for sb. 募集钱给某人,Tiananmen Square,Back to Beijing,辨析:raise/ rise(work in groups),raise 是及物动词,主要说明主语发出的动作作用于其他事物。 rise 是不及物动词,意为升起,起身,起床说明自身移向较高的位置。,中考链接【2013盐城】 Those who want to say something more _your hands and _ to speak. rise; raise B. raise; rise C. rise; rise D. raise; raise,north-west,garden

6、,natural,emperors,summer,中考链接【2014镇江】,He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to _ in the big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living D. living; live,The Great Wall The Great Wall _ across northern China, _ watchtowers every few hundred metres. It was first _ over 200

7、0 years ago. It was one of the_ of the world.,runs,with,built,wonders,训练反馈 这个山脉绵延穿过中国的西部。,The mountain runs across western China.,(绵延),The Great Wall,辨析:wonder, wonderful, wonderfully,wonder (1) v 想知道 (2)n 奇迹 wonderful adj. 精彩的,奇迹的 wonderfully adv.精彩地,极好地,中考链接【2013武汉】 I _ (want to know) whether Lang

8、lang will hold a concert in Wuhan next year. How I wish I could meet him !,中考链接【2014宁波】 “Yesterday once more“ was _ song that he has ever heard. He never finds a more wonderful song than it. (wonder),wonder,the most wonderful,桂林山水甲天下,East or west, Guilin landscape is best .,Guilin is really a beauti

9、ful city. Where does it lie?,lie on the two sides of,lie vi. 躺,卧,位于(lay,lain, lying) vi. 说谎 (lied,lied,lying) n. 谎言,中考链接: 1.I was on the grass when I fell asleep.(lie) 2. Dont (说谎) to others.If you tell (谎言), people wont be friendly to you.,lying,lie,lies,Back to Beijing,How do the mountains in Guil

10、in stand?,_,in different shapes,Why do lots of visitors come and visit Guilin? _,Because of its fantastic landscape.,shape v. 塑造 n.形状,外形,训练反馈 (1) It is you who (塑造) your life and future. (2) The dancers appear in the of a star.,shape,shape,The Reed Flute Cave,Why is the Reed Flute Cave praised as th

11、e “Art Palace of Nature”?,Because in this underground cave, it is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes-some hang down, and others point upwards.,underground (1) adj. 地下的 (2)n.地铁,训练反馈 (1)在这个老房子里有个地下室。 (2)从北京乘地铁到天津我们只需要1个小时。,There is an underground room in the old house .,It takes us

12、 only an hour to go to Tianjin from Beijing.,hang vt./vi.悬挂(hung,hung,hanging),中考链接【2014大庆】 Wet clothes are often near a fire in rainy weather. hang B. hanged C.hanging D. hung,point (1) n.分数,点 (2) v.指,指向 point at 指着 point out 指出 point to 指向,中考链接【2014重庆】 The teacher (指向) at the map and told me where

13、 Britain was,pointed,Tourists like to _ _ _ _ along the Lijiang River. It is also popular to _ a bicycle and ride around the countryside.,take a boat trip,hire(租用),How do people travel in Guilin?,Work in pairs: The winter holiday is coming. Which city would you like to visit ,Beijing or Guilin? Id l

14、ike to visit. Why? Because there are many famous attractions in, such as What do you know about? . A. I also want to go there.,八礼四仪之一:游览之礼:,善待景观、爱护文物 尊重民俗、恪守公德,While travelling, what details should we pay attention to?,be careful with try to protect respect. obey. Dont.,To be a civilized citizen,Whe

15、n in Rome, do as the Romans do.,填空 1.Have you ever seen the _ (升起)of the national flag? 2.Diaoyu Island_ (位于)in the east of China. 3.The Eiffel Tower is one of the greatest_ (奇迹) in the world. 4. Every year, many_ ( traveller) came here to watch the beautiful scenery. 5. It is a long wall which_(蜿蜒) more than 5000 kilometres across northern China.,课堂巩固,rais


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