牛津上海版英语八下uint 1《tree》ppt课件1

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1、Trees(第一课时),1、掌握课文核心词汇,并练习造句。 2、掌握课文语法知识,并熟悉搭配。 3、理解课文主要内容,并回答问题。,学习目标,average vrd adj. 平常的;平均的;典型的 n. 平均水平;(速度等的)平均率;平均估价 The international average is around 10%. 国际平均的水平是在10%左右。 fighter fat(r) n. 战士(尤指士兵或拳击者);航战斗机,歼击机;斗争者,奋斗者 The fighter pilot seems to be losing his dash. 战斗机飞行员似乎已经没有了往日的风光。,1、核心词

2、汇,interested ntrstd adj. 感兴趣的; 拥有权益的; 有成见的 v. 使感兴趣(interest的过去分词) Geely is also interested in volvos technology. 沃尔沃的技术也是吉利感兴趣的方面。 suppose spz vt. 假定; 猜想,推测; 认为; 让(用于祈祷语气) vi. 想象,猜想; Suppose you have a facebook page. 假设你有一个facebook主页。,1、核心词汇,breathe bri: vi. 呼吸; 活着,生存; 小憩一会儿,歇歇气; 散发香气 vt. 呼吸; 吸进(如香气

3、); 尤指平静地吐露,低语 I couldnt remember how to breathe. 我都不记得怎样呼吸了。 release rli:s vt. 释放; 放开; 发布; 发行 n. 释放,排放,解除; 释放令; 公映的新影片,发布 的新闻消息 He released Christina. 他释放了克里斯蒂娜。,1、核心词汇,produce prdju:s vt. 敏感的 He says he is alive only because he is foreign. 他说他还活着的唯一原因就是因为他是外国人。,1、核心词汇,warn w:n vt.警告,告诫; 通知; 预告 vi.发

4、出警告 Economists warn that risks still lie ahead. 经济学家警告称,前方仍有风险。 protect prtekt vt.保护,保卫; 贸易保护; 备款以支付 Wear clothing can protect exposed skin. 穿上衣服能保护皮肤。,1、核心词汇,replace rples vt.替换; 代替; 把放回原位; (用)替换 Then, can you replace them with a larger size? 那可不可以换一双大一点的? hardly h:dli adv.几乎不; 简直不; 刚刚; 严厉地,粗鲁地 He

5、hardly ever passes his exams. 他几乎从来没有通过考试。,1、核心词汇,breathe destroyed are interested in warned released communicate People are being not to go outdoors until the fierce typhoon has passed. The man was after three years in prison. They swimming, so they often go to the beach. Nowadays, many people choo

6、se to with each other by e-mail. Its nice to live in the countryside and fresh air every day. The earthquake thousands of houses in the town.,课堂练习,warned,released,are interested in,communicate,destroyed,breathe,average 平常的;平均的 fighter 战士 interested 感兴趣的 suppose 假定; 推测 breathe 呼吸; 活着 release 释放; 发布,课程小结,produce 生产; 制作 alive 活着的; 活泼的 warn 警告; 通知 protect 保护; 贸易保护 replace 替换; 代替 hardly 几乎不; 简直不,谢 谢,



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