牛津译林版八年级下册unit 4《a good read》(revision》)课件

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1、different types of reads(读物) to choose from,History,Science,Health,Novel,Travel,Cooking,improve my knowledge , give me a lot of confidence, open up a whole new world to me What type of book do you like to read in your spare time?,1. cooking n. 烹饪, 烹调,cook v. 烹饪, 烹调,cook n. 厨师,cooker n. 厨具,炉具,我的叔叔酷爱烹

2、饪。他家的厨房里有各种各样的厨具。几年前他上了一门烹饪课程。现在他已是我们城里著名的厨师之一了。,My uncle is crazy about _. There are all kinds of _ in his kitchen. He attended a course in _ several years ago. Now he has been one of the most famous _ in our city.,cooking,cookers,cooking,cooks,一本关于二战时期德国的书,a book about Germany in World War ,2. Ger

3、man n. 德国人Germans,German adj 德国(人)的,德语,These exchange students come from _. They can speak_ very well.,The _ government decided to send the three _ to China to learn more about Chinese culture.,Germany,German,German,Germans,improve my knowledge of the past,Do you know the book?,Jonathan Swift,/dnn s

4、wft /,He is an English writer.,Gullivers Travels.,Gulliver in Lilliput,swam as far as he could,One day, the ship crashed against the rocks.,go down,/enst/ prep.紧靠,碰,撞,3. against 表示“紧靠;碰,撞”,后接名词、代词、V-ing形式等作宾语。 他的自行车撞到岩石上,伤了腿。 His bike crashed against the rock, so he hurt his leg. 拓展:against 还可以表示“反对

5、”。 Are you against it or for it? 你对此事是反对呢还是赞成? Im strongly against _(build) a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in.,building,Language points,4. as+adj./adv.+as sb. can =as+adj./adv.+as possible“尽可能地”,我们应该尽可能经常地说英语。,We should speak English as often as we can.,=We sh

6、ould speak English as often as possible.,Language points,By the time he felt the land under his feet,he was tired out.,He fell down on the beach and went to sleep.,筋疲力尽,Language points,5. by the time=when,在我跑完800米的比赛后,我都筋疲力尽了。,When I finally felt the land under my feet, I was tired out.,6. be tired

7、out 筋疲力尽,After I finished running the 800-meter race, I was tired out.,拓展:You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it.,be tired with 疲倦 be tired of 厌倦,厌烦,看书可能使你疲劳,但不应该对看书感到厌烦。,be tied to the ground,be unable to move,/ta/ v. 捆,挷,/nebl/ adj.不能的;不会的,be unable to stand, either,/a(r)

8、/ adv.也(用于否定句中),woke up,Language points,tie v. 绑,系 be tied to被系在 ,那匹马被系在树上。,The horse is tied to the tree.,看!那个男孩正把一只小羊用绳子绑到栅栏上。,Look!The boy is tying the little sheep to the fence with a rope.,拓展:tie n. 领带,领结,Language points,7. either 也 否定句句末,如果我父母亲不去,我也不会去。,If my parents dont go there, I wont go e

9、ither.,拓展: either 两者中的任何一个,中考学案大本P78 小试身手3,Something moved up over his stomach and neck.,Until it was standing near his face,look down & find a tiny person,/tani/ adj.极小的;微小的,prep.从一边到另一边,腹部,胃,be the same size as a little finger,/f(r)/ n.手指,Language points,8. stomach n. 腹部, 胃,stomachs,趴着睡觉不健康。,Its u

10、nhealthy to sleep on the stomach.,Stomachache n. 胃疼,9. the same as与一样,我的衣服颜色和他的一样的。,My clothes are the same colour as his.,climbed all over him,shouted at them,The loud noise made them all fall over.,soon got up and continued moving across his body,摔倒,Language points,10. continue doing sth=continute

11、 to do 继续做某事,他继续向我大叫。,He continued shouting at me. = He continued to shout at me.,tried to pull one hand free,managed to break the ropes,/mnd/ v. 设法完成,管理,lifted his hand into the air,/lift/ v. 举起,抬起,提高,6.He tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.,manage vt. & vi. 设法完成;管理

12、I managed _myself up onto a wet, sloping (倾斜的) ledge (暗礁). 我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。 Jones manages the finances here. 琼斯主管这里的财务。,to pull,注意:manage to do 强调通过努力获得了预期的结果(= succeed in doing sth.); try to do 强调尝试的过程(= to make an effort to do sth.)。 He managed to escape to South America. 他设法逃到了南美。 He tried to esc

13、ape to South America. 他设法要逃到南美去。,looked down and saw a huge army of tiny people,/:mi n.大批,大群,came straight towards him,Do you think he could run away from them?,Im afraid not.,He didnt know how to get away from them.,我们可以用“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构作动词的宾语。疑问词包括疑问代词who, whom ,what, which, whose及疑问副词when, how, wh

14、ere等。常和“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构连用的动词和动词短语有:tell, show, think, learn, know, wonder, decide, remember, forget, understand, see, hear, ask, advise, explain, find out等。,Grammar,The teacher told the students how to do the experiment. 老师告诉学生如何做实验。 Can you show me how to make a paper boat? 你能给我演示怎样做一只纸船吗?,有些动词,如adv

15、ise, ask, show, teach, tell等,其后可以先加宾语再加不定式。,有些疑问词,如what, which, whose, how many, how much等,其后可以先接一个名词,再接动词不定式。 I dont know which topic to choose. 我不知道选哪个题目。 在“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构前,有时也可以是如sure, clear等的形容词。 I am not sure which way to take. 我不确定走哪条路。,“疑问词 + 动词不定式”作宾语时,相当于一个由该疑问词引导的宾语从句。 Excuse me. Can you t

16、ell me how to get to the bookshop? = Excuse me. Can you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?,注意: 所有疑问词中,只有why不可以与动词不定式连用。,中考学案大本P80 小试身手7,“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构在句中还 可以作主语和表语。 How to use the machine is a question. (作主语) The question is when to go there. (作表语),must与have to是两个常用的情态动词,两词后面都接动词原形。在使用时,应注意两词间的差别。 must 表示主语“有义务”的“必须”做某事,强调说话人的


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