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1、Unit9 speaking,学英语打电话的常用语,情况一:你要找的人不在怎么办? - Hello, This is carol. May I speak to Miss Chen? - I hope I didnt catch you at a bad time. 抱歉这种时候找你。(含有希望没有打扰到你的意思) - Its urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number? (提示:打电话先行自我介绍是一种礼貌。电话中最常用“This is.“的形态而不是 “Here is.“或“I am.“,这是打电话需要注意的。),情况二:被告知对方不在后如何请

2、求稍后回复? - Please ask Miss Chen to call me back. 请陈小姐给我回电话。 - Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible? 能不能请她尽快打电话给卡洛? - Can I leave a message? 我可以留言吗?,情况三:对方不在 请问他何时回来? - When will he be back? 他何时回来? - Is he coming back soon? 他会马上回来吗? - Do you know what time she will be back?你知道他几点回来? 或者,

3、你也可以询问对方别的联系方式,以便即使联系: - How can I get in touch with him? 我怎样才能和他联系? - Could you tell me where I can reach him?可以告诉我怎样才能找到他吗? - Whats the easiest way to contact him?什么方法可以最快找到他?,情况四:如何解释对方要找的人不在? 如果是别人来电,但是他要找的人不在,你该如果解释呢? - He is not in right now. 他现在不在。 - Im sorry, but he is out right now. 很抱歉,他刚才

4、外出了。 除此,你还可以说出具体原因:如“休假中”,“回家了”,“出差了”等等 - Hes already left for home today. 他已经离开回家了。 - Hes in New York on business. 他在纽约出差。,情况四:如何解释对方要找的人不在? 如果是别人来电,但是他要找的人不在,你该如果解释呢? - He is not in right now. 他现在不在。 - Im sorry, but he is out right now. 很抱歉,他刚才外出了。 除此,你还可以说出具体原因:如“休假中”,“回家了”,“出差了”等等 - Hes already

5、left for home today. 他已经离开回家了。 - Hes in New York on business. 他在纽约出差。,Power n. 力量 powerful adj. 有力的 power off 停电 power on 通电 power point 电源插座,2. Notice 通知 Take notice of 注意到 notice sb doing sth 注意某人做某事 Come to ones notice 醒来 noticeable adj. 显著的,Appear It appears to me that 据我看来 Appear 和seem当似乎讲的区别 S

6、he appears to be happy. She seems to be happy. Appear 表里不一 seem表里如一,4. Major n. v. 主修 Majority n. 多数的 Her majors in English= English is her major.,5. Advantage disadvantage have an advantage over 优于 take advantage of 利用 To sbs advantage 对某人有利,6. Attitude Attitude of mind 思想方法 take an attitude of 采取.的态度 Take up an attitude :摆出姿势,


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