Unit 2 English around the world全单元教案2

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《Unit 2 English around the world全单元教案2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 English around the world全单元教案2(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 English around the world I教学内容分析本单元通过对“世界英语”这一话题的探讨,以加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解。世界在变化、时代在发展、社会在前进,作为人类交流的工具,语言必然随着时代的发展而变化,特别是英语,这一被公认的通用语言的变化更是让人始料不及。由于英语在世界上的重要地位和它的广泛使用,各国人民在使用英语的过程中不断发展、改进、更新他们使用的英语和本国语。这种不断的吸收、交融、容纳、创新就形成了各种各样带有某个国家、某个民族、或某个地区特色的英语。“热身”(Warming Up)部分简要介绍了英语的不同种类,以及他们

2、的形成原因,使学生在感受英语的多元化的同时,能够了解到语言的多样性,激发学生学习英语的好奇心。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分的三个问题引发学生的对课文主题的思考, 使学生产生悬念,以便进一步讲解课文。 “阅读”(Reading)该部分主要讲述了英语的起源 、发展、及演化的过程,让学生对英语的历史有一个初步的了解。文中通过对英语与美语的简单比较,让学生知道尽管他们的表达方式有所不同,但他们还是能够做到相互理解,听懂对方要表达的内容。在最后对英语以后的发展趋势进行讲解。“理解”(Comprehending)该部分通过练习题的形式,让学生对课文有个整体把握。加深对课文的理解,并提高学生的快速

3、阅读的能力。“语言学习”( Learning about language) 部分是通过练习题的形式,让学生能够对该单元出现的单词和短语进行练习,达到学以致用的目的。并通过几组练习的形式来让学生更进一步了解英语和美语的差别。另外还着重讲述了该单元的语法祈使句及间接引语。“语言运用”(using language)中的Reading主要介绍了当今世界各国各地说英语都有自己的特色,学生读完文章后可讨论中国的方言,感受不同国家的不同的方言,又助于学生更好的学习语言。 Listening部分取材于一个美国男孩的独白录音,他来自美国南部得克萨州的休斯顿市,通过学生听这段纯正的美语方言来更好的了解英语。S

4、peaking主要让学生通过联系对话再次感悟和体验英国英语和美国英语的差异,让学生在实践中熟练掌握如何运用直接引语和见解引语表达请求。Writing 部分让学生根据所给师范步骤完成a poster。 “小结”(Summing Up)部分引导学生从本单元的话题、词汇、和语法等方面对所学内容进行总结,便于学生形成一个整体的框架,对本单元的知识形成体系。 “学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分,想学生揭示英语词汇学习的一个重要特点,即一词多义,同时提醒学生注意这一特点, 并通过一些幽默的故事或绕口令来体现这一特点。 II教学重点和难点(一) 了解英语在世界上的发展状况, 以及各种各样带有民族、

5、地域特色的英语。(二) 了解英语和美语的一些基本的差异,像单词的拼写,单词的发音,句式结构等。尤其是一些常用词。(三) 掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的词汇的用法。(四) 学会英语中有关交际困难的表达法,如Pardon? I beg your pardon?熟练掌握祈使句及其间接引语的表达法。III教学计划第一课时:Warming Up第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading,第三课时:Comprehending, Learning about Language第四课时:Using Language第五课时:Listening, Speaking, Writing 第六课时:Workbo

6、okIV教学步骤: Period 1 Warming UpTeaching Goals: 1. Get Ss to realize that there are some differences between American English and British English. 2. Get Ss to practise their oral English. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inDo you like to see the film? Do you know the other name of film? Yes. Its mo

7、vie. Do you know the difference betweens the two words? One is British English and the other is American English. Do you know the differences between them? The differences between the British and American English are spelling, pronunciation, usage and the most important is culture.Step 2. Warming Up

8、 Purpose: To make students understand the differences between American and British English 1. Pair work:(1) Get Ss to discuss other words that they have learned.(2) Give Ss some words and expressions and have a discussion Words: 英 美电影 films movies汽油 petrol gas, gasoline图钉 drawing thumb tack钞票 bankno

9、te bill跳远 long jump broad jump糖果 sweets candy Expressions: British English American EnglishIve just had lunch.I just had lunch/ Ive just had lunch.Ive already seen that film.Ive already seen that film/I already saw that film.Have you finished your homework yet?Have you finished your homework yet/Did

10、 you finish your homework yet?Do you have a car?Have you got a car?He hasnt got any friends.He doesnt have any friends.She has a beautiful new home.Shes got a beautiful new home.On the weekend.At the weekend.On the team.In the team.Please write me soon.Please write to me soon.2. Group work: (1) Divi

11、de Ss into groups and ask them to make a dialogue.(2) Let Ss practice the dialogue with their partners. Periods 2 Pre-reading and Reading Teaching Goals: 1. Get Ss to learn about English spoken around the world2. Improve Ss reading ability, especially the skills of summarizing, word guessing and sca

12、nning.3. Get Ss to realize the importance of learning English and of love of our own country.4. Encourage Ss to think and talk in English through communicative tasks and provide Ss with chances of cooperation.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-inPresent Ss with the names of seven countries (the UK,

13、 the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand), and ask Ss: “Is there any relationship between these 7 countries?” Allow Ss to show their own opinions. The answer is that English is the mother tongue to the people in these 7 countries.1. Present Ss with the names of some other c

14、ountries: India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines. Then ask: “Is English spoken in these countries?” Allow Ss to show their own opinions. English is used as an official language in these countries, which is spoken on formal occasions like governing, schooling and news reporting.2. Also in many

15、countries, English is learned as a foreign language, like in China, Japan, France and so on. So although English doesnt have the most speakers in the world, it is the most popular language all over the world. Today were going to read a lesson entitled English around the world.Step 2. Reading 1. Skimming: Get Ss to read through the passage and find the topic sentence of each paragraph.Para 1 Today, more people speak English as their fi



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