国际结算chapter 10 letter of guarantee

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《国际结算chapter 10 letter of guarantee》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际结算chapter 10 letter of guarantee(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 8.Letter of Guarantee,1.Definition, parties of guarantee. 2.Contents and procedure of guarantee. 3.Main types of guarantee.,8.1.1 Definition(银行保函的含义),A bank guarantee is a written promise issued by a bank at the request of its customer, undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within t

2、he limits of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal. 含义:银行保函是银行应客户的要求而开立的书面承诺,保证在委托人违约时向受益人支付规定的货币金额。,8.1.2 Function,银行保函的作用: 是以银行信用作为手段来保护受益人的经济利益,它使交易双方受到了双重信用保障,性质是备用的银行信用。,8.1 .3 Characteristics(银行保函的特点),1、开立的目的是促使申请人履行合同。 2、保函有独立性保函和从属性保函。 3、银行责任有第一性和第二性之分。 4、银行付款的依据是单据及

3、其他证明文件。 5、适用范围广泛。,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),委托人(Principal)或申请人(Applicant) 即向银行提出申请,要求银行开立保函的一方。 主要责任: 第一,负担保函项下的一切费用及利息。 第二,若发生保函下的支付,应偿还担保行的支付。 第三,担保人认为有需要时,应预支部分或全部押金。,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),受益人(Beneficiary) 指收到保函并有权按保函规定的条款向担保银行提出索赔的一方。 权利:按保函条款向担保行提出索偿索赔。

4、,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),担保行(Guarantor bank) 指根据委托人的申请,向受益人开立保函的银行。 责任与权利:第一,按照保函承诺的条件受理索偿索赔。 第二,如果发生保函下的支付赔偿,有权向委托人索偿。,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),通知行(Advising bank ),又称转递行(Transmitting bank)即应担保行要求和委托,将保函通知或转递给受益人的银行。 责任和权利: 第一,负责核验和确认保函的真实性。 第二,按担保行的指示及时将保函转递

5、给受益人。 第三,有权按保函规定向受益人担保行收取通知费。,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),保兑行(Conforming bank) 指根据担保行的要求在保函上加具保兑的银行。 保兑行在替担保行赔偿后,有权向担保行索偿。,8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),转开行(Reissuing bank) 指根据担保行的要求,凭担保行的反担保向受益人开出保函的银行。 若新保函一开出,原担保行就变成了反担保人(Counter guarantor )或指示行(Instructing bank)。,

6、8.1.4 Parties and obligations (银行保函的当事人及其权责),反担保人(Counter guarantor) 指接受申请人的委托向担保行出具不可撤销反担保函,承诺在申请人违约且无法付款时,负责赔偿担保行所做出的全部支付。,8.2.1 Contents (1),Guarantee purpose Parties involved: the principle, the beneficiary and guarantor The underlying transaction requiring the issue of guarantee Amount of the g

7、uarantee The expiry date or expiry event of the guarantor,8.2.1 Contents (2),The expiry date or expiry event of the guarantee Payment mechanism or terms for demanding payment Assignment Other provisions: reduction of the amount, the governing law and jurisdiction,8.2.2 Procedure(1),The underlying co

8、ntract is entered into by and between the principle and the beneficiary. The principle applies to a bank and requests the issuance of the guarantee. If the guarantor is satisfied that joining in a guarantee is justified, it then issues a letter of guarantee undertaking to make payment to the benefic

9、iary in compensation in the event of default of the principle against the presentation of a written demand and other specified documents.,8.2.2 Procedure(2),At the same time, the principle will be asked to sign a counter indemnity to authorize the guarantor to debit the account with the cost of any

10、payments under the guarantee. In case the principle does not fulfill his obligations towards the beneficiary in respect of the underlying transaction for which the guarantee is given, the principle is claimed and so the guarantor answers for the debt, default of principle (in case of accessory guara

11、ntee). The guarantor debits the principles account as previously authorized in the counter indemnity signed by the principle with any money paid out under the guarantee.,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,In terms of methods of issuing the guarantee 直接保函(Direct guarantee)与间接保函(Indirect guarantee) 直接保函

12、是应委托人的指示直接开立保函给受益人的保函. 当事人有3个:委托人(即申请人) 、担保人、受益人,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,间接保函 指委托人要求他的银行(指示行)向受益人所在地银行(担保银行)发出开立保函的指示,由受益人本国银行开立的保函。 在间接保函中多了一个当事人:指示行。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,In terms of the relationship with the underlying transaction 独立性保函(Independent Guarantee)与从属性保函(Accessory

13、Guarantee) 独立性保函作为自足性契约而独立于基础合同,担保行承担第一性支付责任. 从属性保函是附属性契约而依附于基础合同的,担保行承担从属性的非见索即付责任.,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,In terms of the conditions for a claim 无条件保函(Unconditional Guarantee)和有条件保函(Conditional Guarantee) 无条件保函指受益人向担保行索偿时无须提供由受益人以外的他人所出具的单据也没有其他任何附加条件的保函.,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee

14、,有条件保函指受益人向担保行索偿时须提供由受益人以外的他人出具的单据或有其他附加条件的银行保函.,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,出口保函、进口保函 、借贷保函与其他保函 (一)出口保函 指银行应国际贸易出口方的申请,向进口方开立的用以担保前者履行投标合同或贸易合同某项义务的各种信用保函。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,投标保函(Tender guarantee) 指担保行应投标人(申请人)向招标人(受益人)开立的保证文件,保证投标人在开标前不中途撤标或片面修改投标条件,中标后不拒绝签约,并承诺当投标人出现上述违约行为时,由

15、担保人赔偿全部损失。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,履约保函(Performance guarantee) 指担保行应申请人的要求向受益人开出的保证申请人按合同条款履行各项义务,否则由担保行赔偿受益人一定金额的保证文件。 履约保函应用范围比较广。 有效期一般自相关合同生效之日起,至合同失效之日或双方协商确定的期限为止。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,预付款保函(Advanced payment Guarantee) 又称定金保函或还款保函,指担保行应申请人(预付款收取人)要求向受益人(预付款支付者)开出的担保,保证如果申请

16、人不按合同规定履行义务,也未将预付款偿还时,由担保行向受益人赔付一定金额。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,(二)进口保函 指担保行应国际贸易进口方的申请,向出口方开立的,用以担保当后者履行了贸易合同时,前者必定偿付合同价款或履行相应义务的保函。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,付款保函(Payment Guarantee) 指担保行应申请人(进口方)要求向受益人(出口方)开出的保证进口方在收到符合合同规定的货物后向出口方支付全部货款,否则由担保行赔偿出口方损失的保证文件。 按照付款时间不同分为即期付款保函远期付款保函。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,(三)借贷保函 指在国际借贷关系中,债务方依约向债权人提供的担保行担保债务方将履行其还贷义务,否则由担保行承担给予债权方保函规定金额的保函。,8.3 Types of Letter of Guarantee,租赁保函(Leasing guarantee) 指担保行应承租人的要求向出租人开立的保证承租人按照合同的规定支付租金,


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