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1、2012 安徽太湖支教 数字表达1Number教学目的:学会各种数字表达以及读写教学流程:略(3 个课时)基数词12345678910OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTen11121314151617181920ElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenSeventeenEighteenNineteenTwenty3040506070809021686902ThirtyFortyFiftySixtySeventyEightyNinetyTwenty-one/twenty oneSix hundred and ei

2、ghty-sixNine hundred and two1001,00010,000100,0001,000,00010,000,000100,000,0001,000,000,00010,000,000,000100,000,000,0001,000,000,000,000One hundredOne thousandTen thousandOne hundred thousandOne millionTen millionOne hundred millionOne billionTen billionOne hundred billionOne trillion序数词1234567891


4、iethSeventiethEightiethNinetiethHundredthThousandthMillionth30th40th50th60th70th80th90th两位以上的词,只要把最后的个位数变为序数词,十位及更高位不管。如:21 twenty-first123 的正式读法为 one hundred and twenty three,但是口语中人们大多把中间的 hundred and 省略,即读成 one twenty three。123,456 怎么读呢?很简单,每三个数字一组,照上面的方式读出来,中间的逗号读成 thousand,也就是说 123,456 读成 123 th

5、ousand 456。例如(1):123,456,789 = one hundred and twenty three million four hundred and fifty six thousand seven hundred and eightynine (1)2012 安徽太湖支教 数字表达2当然(1)也可以读成 one twenty three million four fifty six thousand seven eighty nine。1,200,000 怎么读呢?比较正式的读法是 one billion two hundred thousand,偶尔也可以读成 twel

6、ve hundred thousand。分数的表达1/42/55/123/41/2二又四分之一One-fourth or one(-)quarterTwo-fifthsFive-twelfthsThree-fourths or three(-)quartersOne-second or one(-)half or a halfTwo and a quarter小数的表达67.890.0515.5033.141592630%28%100%0.3%Sixty-seven point eight nineZero point zero fiveFifteen point five zero thre

7、eThree point one four one five nine two sixThirty percentTwenty-eight percentOne hundred percentZero point three percent比率的表达50 比 50100-1Fifty to fiftyOne hundred to onee.g. You have fifty to fifty chance of success. 你成功的机会有一半。We win the match by four to three. 我们以四比三的成绩赢得了比赛。年月日的表达公元前 59 年公元 8 年385

8、 年509 年1050 年1763 年2063 年2006 年写作 59 B.C. 读作 fifty-nine B.C.写作 8A.D. 读作 eight A.D.Three hundred and eighty-five or three eighty-fiveFive hundred and nine or five O nineTen fifty or ten hundred and fiveSeventeen sixty-three or seventeen hundred and sixty-threeTwenty sixty-three or twenty hundred and

9、sixty-threeTwo hundred and six 二月上旬二月中旬二月下旬一月二月Early FebruaryMid-FebruaryLate FebruaryJanuary (Jan.)February (Feb.)三月四月五月六月七月March (Mar.)April (Apr.)MayJune (Jun.)July (Jul.)八月九月十月十一月十二月August (Aug.)September (Sept.)October (Oct.)November (Nov.)December (Dec.)4 月 21 日 April 21(st) the twenty-first o

10、f April or April (the) twenty-first 1993 年 9 月 2 日 写作 September 2(nd),19931986 年 7 月 2 日 英 7/2/1986 或 7,2,1986 美 2/7/1986 或 2,7,1986在 19 世纪 in the 19th century在 20 世纪 70 年代 in the 1970s or in the 1970s在 18 世纪 90 年代初期 in the early 1790s or in the early 1790s2012 安徽太湖支教 数字表达3在 80 年代中期 in the mid-eight

11、ies时刻的表达9:35 a.m.(=9:35 in the morning)4 p.m.(=4 oclock in the afternoon)At 8 oclock a.m. ()At 8 a.m. () At 8 oclock in the morning ()9:05 nine O five five (mimutes) past/after nine9:15 nine fifteen a quarter past/aftey nine9:30 nine thirty half past nine9:45 nine forty-five a quarter to/of ten9:55

12、nine fifty-five five (minutes) to/of ten编号的表达207 房间128 路公车第 127 页第 10 行Room 207,Room No. 207,the No. 207 RoomBus No. 128,Bus 128,the No. 128 BusPage 127Line 10第 10 号大街第 8 章第 8 册第二次世界大战Street No. 10,the No. 10 StreetChapter 8Book (读作 Book Eight)World War ,the Second World War算式的表达7+5=12 Seven and fiv

13、e is/are twelve seven plus five equals/is twelve seven added five is/are twelve12-5=7 Twelve taken away five leaves/is seven five from twelve leaves/is seven3*4=12 Three fours are twelve three times four is twelve three multiplied by four equals twelve355=7 Thirty-five divided by five equals/is seven 倍数的表达This room is twice as big as that one.This room is twice the size of that one.This room is twice lager than that one.This room is larger than that one by twice.


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