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1、Translation of Attributive Clause,基本方法: 1.前置法:将英语的限制性定语从句翻译成“的”字结构,将其置于被修饰语之前。 Trade barrier is a pressing problem which we must deal with. There are real estate markets, foreign exchange markets, labor markets, short-term capital market, and so on; there may be a market for anything that has a pric

2、e. (任何有价值的东西都可能有市场),It was found that a country benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at lower costs than by producing everything it needs within its own border.,2. 后置法:译成并列分句,重复先行词;或省略先行词。 The managing director received a lett

3、er from her that announced her resignation. They have worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.,3. 溶合法:原句中的主语部分与定语从句溶合而译成一个独立的句子。常见于there be结构中。 Fortunately there are some US Congressmen who are supportive of extending MFN treatment to China. 幸好有些美国国会议员支持延长对华最惠国待遇。,

4、分述翻译:关系代词还原,即将它译成所指代的先行词或重复之;简化或概括先行词;主从糅合,重新组合。 He was first introduced to the employees at the welcoming party by his friend Peter Newmark who was already managing director of the corporation.,I received the impression of a brutal, clever, competent man who, in business matters, at all events, wou

5、ld be pitiless.,To those visitors who come from countries where social relationships develop more slowly during a longer period of time, the American way may seem very frightening, too personal, and rude. 在一些国家,居民的社会关系是要长期慢慢培养的。习惯了这种情形的游客一旦到了美国,可能觉得美国人的方式很可怕,太注意私人问题,没有礼貌。,The seller must deliver goo

6、ds which are of the quantity, quality and descriptions required by the contract and which are contained or packed in the manner required by the contract.,4. 带有状语功能的定语从句的翻译: 在意义上与主句有状语关联,如表原因、结果、目的、让步和假设等关系。 We did not place an order with that company whose offer was not what we had expected.,You sho

7、uld be careful not to offend the foreman, who would give you the sack at any time. There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of the directors of the board. The new assistant, who had obtained an MBA degree, could not do the right job, because he had no pra

8、ctical experience. 虽然新来的助手获得过工商管理硕士学位,但是由于缺乏实际工作经验,不能胜任工作。,They have built a new college here, where students will be trained to become business executives. Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their family. 人们极其迫切地需要工作,不管什么工作,只要能够维持一家人的生活就行。,5. 分离式定语从句的翻译: 中心语

9、+形容词短语/介词短语/谓语/其他成分/插入语+定语从句;中心词+两个定语从句. Snow-white cloth, suitable for making shirts, that is produced in our factory, has been sold out. He is the only one in the company who hasnt obtained an MBA degree. 他是公司中唯一没有取得MBA学位的人。,It is the only place we find in the US that is free of violence. 这里是我们在美国

10、所能见到的没有暴力的地方。 A fax has come from the NY-based headquarter that notifies a 5% discount off the original price. We should strengthen our ties with them, on the contrary, who will be very helpful to our economic constructions.(若有插入成分,可以考虑先译插入语,再译其他部分),6. As引导的定语从句:句首,句中或句末。 As is very natural, the big

11、gest shareholder gets the greatest benefits.最大的股东获得最多的利益,这是很自然的(天经地义的)。 The people of Europe next time would not do the fighting and let the US capitalists do the profit-making, as they did in the first two world wars.,The facts of science are not, as some think, dry and lifeless. 在否定句中,可以将as引导的定语从句

12、前置,翻译成汉语“和/与相反”。 She did not, as her family had feared, go to see the stranger alone. 与家人担心的正相反,她没有独自去见陌生人。,Exercise,1. They saw the glimmerings of the “new economic order” for which many third world countries have long been clamoring. 2. After a decade of restructuring, the company is making a bela

13、ted attempt to regain a steady foothold on its traditional stamping ground. 3. In the absence of aggressive legislation, the lottery business is sure to mushroom, as organized groups invade territory held today by small-time pioneers.,4. 中国既是一个能源消费大国,又是一个能源生产大国。在能源问题上,我们一直主张在平等互利基础上,加强国际合作,共同应对包括油价高

14、在内的能源问题。,Text translation,1. A new currency called the Euro was launched in Europe. It will replace eleven currencies by the year 2002 so that eleven European countries will share a common euro currency. The euro will make it easier for these countries to trade with each other and for other countrie

15、s to trade with them. The euro is latest in a global economy of money which sees frantic trading of currency 24 hours a day. Every day trillions of dollars are moved around the world via banks computers. Even as nations sleep, the fiber optic cables, fax and phone lines, and Internet cyberspace high

16、ways are humming with the trade in money.,2. 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们: 早上好,很高兴参加财富论坛,我谨以“中国的开放与世界的供赢”为题,与各位交流。27年前,开放对于中国还是一个很陌生的词汇。当邓小平提出对外开放的时候,中国人遇到了思维上前所未有的挑战,很多人怀疑中国的开放是不是风险太大了?但无论阻力有多大,二十多年来中国始终坚持了对外开放的基本国策。今天,当人们回首往事时,惊喜的发现,中国已实现了历史的跨越:27年间,国民生产总值增加了1100%,平均增速达9.4%。改革开放之初,人们把那些巨富的人称为“万元户”,而目前我国居民人均储蓄就有上万元了。所以,开放给中国人民带来了实惠,中国人从心里喜欢开放。,


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