receiver strategy 中山大学 商务沟通

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《receiver strategy 中山大学 商务沟通》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《receiver strategy 中山大学 商务沟通(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Receiver Strategy,strategy,strategy,Culture,Culture,Climate,Climate,Sender,Receiver,Purpose,Time,Channel,Content,Environment,Onion Chart,Who Are They?,The first step in analyzing your receivers (audience ) is to decide who your audience is. Organizational messages have multiple audiences: Initial au

2、dience is the first audience to get your message. A gatekeeper has the power to stop your message instead of sending it on to other audiences. The gatekeeper controls whether your message even gets to the primary audience.,3. The primary audience will decide whether to accept your recommendations or

3、 will act on the basis of your message. You must reach the primary audience to fulfill your purposes in any message.,4. The secondary audience may be asked to comment on your message or to implement your ideas after theyve been approved. 5. A watchdog audience, though it does not have the power to s

4、top the message and will not act directly on it, has political, social, or economic power. The watchdog pays close attention to the transaction between you and the primary audience and may base future actions on its evaluation of your message.,An example Dawn is an assistant account executive in an

5、ad agency. Her boss asks her to write a proposal for a marketing plan for a new product the ad agencys client is introducing.,Answer: Her primary audience is the executive committee of the client company, who will decide whether to adopt the plan. The secondary audience includes the marketing staff

6、of the client company, who will be asked for comments on the plan, as well as the artists, writers, and media buyers who will carry out details of the plan if it is adopted. Her boss, who must approve the plan before it is submitted to the client, is both the initial audience and the gatekeeper.,Way

7、s to Analyze Your Audience,Common sense Empathy,Different Types of Audiences,不同的心理需求: 成就需要型 交往需要型 权力需要型,不同的信息处理风格: 思考型 感觉型 直觉型 知觉型(理智型),气质类型: 分析型 规则型 实干型 同情型,Analyzing Organizational Culture,Is the organization tall or flat? Are there lots of levels between the CEO and t he lowest worker, or only a

8、few? How do people get ahead? Are the organizations rewards based on seniority, education, being well-liked, making technical discoveries, or serving customers? Are rewards available only to a few top people, or is everyone expected to succeed?,Does the organization value diversity or homogeneity? D

9、oes it value independence and creativity or being a team player and following orders? What stories do they tell? Who are the organizations heroes and villains? How important are friendship and sociability? To what extent do workers agree on goals, and how intently do they pursue them?,How formal are

10、 behavior, language, and dress? What are the organizations goals? Making money? Serving customers? Advancing knowledge? Contributing to the community?,Analyzing an Organizations Discourse Community,What channels, formats, and styles are preferred for communication? What do people talk about? What to

11、pics are not discussed? What kind of and how much evidence is needed to be convicing?,Analyzing Members of Groups,Baby boomers Tax-payers intellectuals,As individuals 个体分析例子 Joe Girard 的卡片档案 从制作卡片档案开始,你要记下关于顾客或潜在顾客的一切已知的信息:孩子、爱好、旅行习惯等。只要你注意到的信息都应记录下来。如果你知道顾客、其妻子或丈夫及孩子的生日,你要记在档案中。作用是什么?,As a group 团体

12、分析: 中国人 例子: 如果有人直接问你:你赞成领导关于这件事情的处理吗? 你的一个朋友向你倾诉他(她)的女朋友(男朋友)对他(她)缺乏诚意,想另攀高枝,你会怎么说? 你的上司冤枉了你,你该怎么办?,说话:模棱两可,有时言不由衷,大多数时候秉持既不赞成也不反对的态度。 行动:小心谨慎,反求诸己 重视伦理,对于人的身份地位十分关心 心思: 善于自保 深藏不露 以让代争 本性: 爱占便宜,死要面子 怕吃亏上当, 爱占小便宜,自私又爱面子,Keys for Audience Communication,What do the audiences need? What can I supply? Ho

13、w can you integrate the need with the supply? How can you realize the integration from information and channel strategies?,2. what do they know?,How much background information do they need? Low background needs; High background needs; Mixed background needs How much new information do they need? Hi

14、gh information needs; Low information needs; Mixed information needs What are their expectations and preferences? Style preferences; Channel preferences; Standard length and format preferences,3. What do they feel? 他们感觉如何 ?,How interested are they in your message? 受众对你的信息感兴趣程度如何 What is their probab

15、le bias: positive or negative? Is your desired action easy or hard for them? 你所要求的行动对受众来说是否容易做到 Easy or hard for them; Hard for them,How can you motivate them?,1. Motivate through audience benefits 以明确受众利益激发兴趣 Tangible benefits 具体好处 Career or task benefits 事业发展和完成任务过程中的利益,二、How can you motivate them

16、?,2. Motivate through credibility 通过可信度激发受众 Shared-value credibility and the “common ground” technique 通过确立“共同价值观”的可信度与“共同出发点”技巧激发受众 Goodwill credibility and the “reciprocity” technique 以传递良好意愿与“互惠”技巧激发受众 Rank credibility and punishment technique 运用地位可信度与惩罚技巧激发受众,二、How can you motivate them?,3. Motive through message structure 通过信息结构激发受众 Opening 开场白 Body of the message 主体 the “inoculation” technique; the “foot in the door” technique; the “door in the face” t


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