高中英语 unit3 section3 using language课件 新人教版必修2

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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版 必修2,Computers,Unit 3,Section Using Language,Unit 3,.单词速记 1_(vt.)下载 2_(n.)病毒 3_(vi.& vt.)发信号(n.)信号 4_(n.)类型(vt.& vi.)打字 5_(n.)教练 6_(n.)性格;特点 7_(n.)拖把(vt.)用拖把拖;擦,download virus signal type coach character mop,8_(vi.)出现;发生 _(过去式) _(过去分词) 9_(adj.)电子的 _(n.)电 _(adj.)电动的 _(adj.)

2、与电有关的,arise arose arisen electronic electricity electric electrical,10_(n.)外观;外貌;出现 _(v.)出现 _(v.)消失 11_(n.)侄女;甥女 _(n.)侄子;外甥,appearance appear disappear 11.niece nephew,.短语互译 1好好利用 _ 2对着迷 _ 3捐赠;赠送;泄露 _ 4在某种程度上 _ 5在的帮助下 _ 6deal with _ 7watch over _ 8after all _ 9consist of _ 10come true _,make good us

3、e of be crazy about give sth. away in a way with the help of 处理;安排;对付 看守;监视 毕竟 由组成 实现,.完成句子 1我和人一样大。 Im _ a human.(as.as.) 2她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我们的程序。 She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen _.(状语从句的省略),3我真的想和真人球队比赛,因为我被设计成像他们一样地活动。 I would really like to play against a human team

4、, _ _ to act just like them.(for作并列连词引导并列句) 答案:1.as big as 2.while watching human games 3.for I have been programmed,.课文理解 Step 1 阅读课文并完成下列各题 1Whats the main idea of the passage? (No more than 8 words) _ 2Which sentence can replace the following one? In my opinion, the team that won first place chea

5、ted. _,3Use at least two adjectives to describe Andys character. _ 4What can the writer be? _,Step 2 阅读填空 Andy is part of an android football team. As a 1._ on the football team,he can run very fast. His computer 2._ help him to 3._and think like a human. Last year, his team competed with another on

6、e and won second place. He thought the team that won first place 4._, and he wanted his 5._ to improve his 6._, because he thought that they could work together to 7._ an even better 8._.,答案:Step 1 1. A brief introduction to Andythe android. 2Personally,I think the team that won first place cheated.

7、 3Competitive, cooperative and clever. 4A robot player. Step 2 1.striker 2.chips 3.move 4.cheated 5.programmer 6.intelligence 7.create 8.system,1.signal (1)n. 信号;暗号 Usually there is a weak television signal in the deep mountain area. 在深山地区通常电视信号很弱。,标志;预示;信号 Her speech yesterday was a signal that her

8、 views have changed. 她昨天的讲话标志着她的观点已经转变。 (尤指铁路或公路上的)指示灯,信号灯,红绿灯 A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。,(2)vi. & vt. 发信号 The ship in danger signaled for help. 处境危险的船只发出求救信号。 As soon as he sat down at the table, he signaled (to)the waiter to bring the menu. 一在桌边坐下,他就示意侍者拿菜单来。,归纳拓展 (1)si

9、gnal (sb.) that 示意 signal (to) sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事 signal to sb. 向某人示意 (2)a danger/warning (stop) signal 危险/警告(停车)信号 traffic signals 交通信号灯,易混辨析,活学活用 选词填空(signal/mark/sign/symbol)。 The spilt coffee has left a_ on the table cloth. There are traffic _ at each crossing of this town. The color red is

10、a _ of enthusiasm(热情) There are _ that the economy is improving.,单句语法填空 (2015湖北,24改编)In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards _(signal)that someone was moving about upstairs. 答案:mark signals symbol signs to signal 考查不定式作目的状语。句意:为了不让别人听到自己的声音,她竖起手指示意有人正在楼上走动。,2type (1)n. C类型;种类 Which

11、type of tea do you prefer? 你喜欢哪种茶? sing. 具有某种特征的人;典型 Men of his type are not to be trusted. 像他那一类型的人不可靠。 字体 In this book, the headwords are in large type. 本书里的条目词用大号字体。,(2)v. 打字 If I want to write fast,I must learn to type. 如果我想写得快,我就得学会打字。 Please type this letter for me. 请替我把这封信打出来。,易混辨析,归纳拓展 (1)ty

12、pewriter n打字机 typist n打字员 (2)typical adj.典型的,一向如此的 巧学助记 “type”真不少! As an old typist, it used to be typical of him to use this type of typewriter to type articles very fast. 作为一位老打字员,过去他总是用这种型号的打字机迅速打文章。,活学活用 用type的适当词性完成句子。 This is _, which will be of great help to you. 这是一种新型的词典,将会对你很有帮助。 He has ha

13、d _. 他已让他的秘书打印出了这份报告。 答案:a new type of dictionary his secretary type the report,3arise vi. (arose, arisen) (1)出现;发生 Three problems arose during product development. 在产品开发过程中出现了三个问题。 How did the quarrel arise? 争吵是怎样发生的? (2)起身; 起来; 起立 He arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。,归纳拓展 arise from (give rise to)由引起 Accidents arise from carelessness. 疏忽大意往往会引起事故。,易混辨析,The white snow aroused his interest in playing with his child in the snow field. 白茫茫的雪激起了他和孩子在雪地里玩耍的兴趣。 As the red flag was rising, soldiers raised their hands to salute to it. 随着红旗冉冉升起,战士们举手向红旗敬礼。,巧学助记 arise,rise,raise巧辨析,活学活用 选词填空(arise/rise/arouse/rai


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