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1、Today. Lets see something happened you may think for granted in history.,历史上的“想当然”,Rumor:It is Columbus found that the earth is round。,The first,The sphericity of the earth(地圆说),The ancient myth is believed by millions of people. We are told that Columbuss contemporaries believed that his voyage was

2、 doomed to failure, because they believed he would fall from the edge of the earth. In fact ,though it was in 1490s, many people have already known the earth is round, and two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher ,Pythagoras first proposed this theory, when Spain did not exist. Whats more, Colu

3、mbus did not reach the original-envisaged destination, but he took the opportunity to discover the Americas. Its not a bad result for the failure navigation. Sphericity of the earth have been widely recognized at that time, and all methods of the navigations were based on the fact that the earth is

4、round.,这是个被千百万人深信的古老神话了。我们是这样被告诉的,哥伦布的同时代人都相信他的航行注定失败,因为他们认定他会从地球的边缘掉下去。实际上虽然那是在15世纪90年代,但人们已经知道地球是圆的了,自从2000年前希腊哲学家毕达哥拉斯第一次提出这个学说,那时候西班牙还不存在。哥伦布没有到达最初设想的目的地,但是他顺道发现了美洲。对一次失败的航行来说实在不算个坏结果。当时地圆说已经被广泛认可,所有的导航方法都是基于地球是圆的这个事实。,传言:哥伦布发现地球是圆的。,The second,Newtons Apple,Rumor: Newton was sitting under the a

5、pple tree when the apple hit his head, then he came up with the law of gravity.,A great discovery as random event was born In the blink of eyes, We would think if not a right person in the right time and a right place, he has lost an important research results incredibly. Based on this idea, we beli

6、eve that an apple hit Newton head so that he discovered the law of gravity. But in fact, the first time with the rumor came up, Newton had gone 60 years, “In 1666, he left the University of Cambridge again and returned to the mother house located in Lincolnshire. When he was walking while thinking d

7、eeply in garden, he suddenly thought of gravity (its role making an apple from the tree fell to the ground) will not be confined to a limited distance around the Earth, but will extend to the wider than usual place. “(John, Newtons assistant when he worked at the Royal Mint and husband of Newtons ni

8、ece, read in biography about the memories of Newton.),传言:牛顿坐在苹果树下时被掉下的苹果砸到了脑袋,于是想出了万有引力定律。,在眨眼之间因为一起偶然的事件诞生了一个伟大发现,这种事自然令人感慨万千。我们感慨,如果不是一个正确的人出现在一个正确的时间和一个正确的地点,人类将会丧失一项令人难以置信的具有重要意义的研究成果。基于这样的想法,大家深信因为一个苹果砸中了他的脑袋让牛顿发现了万有引力定律。但是事实上,第一次把一个苹果和牛顿扯到一起还是在他死了60年以后的事情:“1666年,他再次离开了剑桥大学,回到了住在林肯郡的母亲身边。当他在一座花

9、园中沉思散步时,他突然想到重力(它的作用让一颗苹果从树上掉到地上)不会仅局限于地球周围的有限距离里,而会延伸到比平常认为的更远的地方。”(约翰康杜特,牛顿在皇家造币厂时的助理及牛顿外甥女的丈夫,在回忆牛顿的传记中这样写道。),Fun Fact: Although he was known for his science achievements, the “Bible“ is the belief of Newton. His time spending on Scripture study was much more than science. He added: “I have a bas

10、ic faith, “ the Bible “as Gods revelation, written by those who believe. I study day and night, He spent a lot of time trying to crack secret hidden in the “Bible“,有趣的事实:虽然他以热爱科学闻名于世,但圣经才是艾萨克牛顿爵士的信仰。他致力于经文研究的时间比科学多得多。他还说:“我有一个基本的信念,圣经作为上帝的启示,是那些信奉者所写。我日夜研究圣经。”他花了大量的时间试图去破解隐藏在圣经中的秘密启示。,The third,Albe

11、rt Einstein,Rumors: Einstein failed mathematics in school.,传言:爱因斯坦在学校数学不及格。,Strangely, this thing has been misunderstood for a long time but still a lot of people believe. Rumor origin was from the 1935 comic magazine, “Believe it or not, “ an article entitled “the greatest living mathematicians fai

12、led mathematics. “ On thinking that Einstein failed mathematics but still could be a genius, making the children who were bad at mathematics see their hopes. Unfortunately, the fact is that Einstein was very young to show their talent, including in the areas of mathematics. When he saw the magazine

13、article, laughed and said: “I have never failed math. before 5 years old I have mastered infinitesimal calculus. “,很奇怪,这事被误解很久了但还是很多人相信。传言大概源自1935年黎普列的漫画杂志信不信由你的一篇文章,标题是在世的最伟大的数学家数学不及格。一想到爱因斯坦数学不及格却仍旧能成为天才,总是被数学弄得焦头烂额的童鞋们看到了自己的希望。不幸的消息是,爱因斯坦在很小的年纪就展现了自己的天分,包括在数学的领域。当他看到杂志上的这篇文章时,爱因斯坦笑着说:“我数学从来没有不及格过

14、。5岁之前我就精通微积分了。”,There is another saying: Thinking Einstein was a poor student, because of a misreading of Einsteins reports. When Einstein was in school, students score from one to six,one is the highest Results. That year Einstein graduated reversed the scoring, one became the worst results.,还有个说法。

15、关于爱因斯坦是个差学生,是因为一个美国学者误读了爱因斯坦的成绩册。当爱因斯坦上学的时候,学生们的评分从1到6,1分是最高的成绩。爱因斯坦毕业那年这个评分标准倒过来了,1成了最差的成绩。,Then,Typhoid Mary (伤寒玛丽),Rumors: Typhoid Mary, the most dangerous woman in American history, making hundreds (if not thousands) of people infected with typhoid fever and died.,传言:伤寒玛丽,美国历史上最危险的女人,让数百(如果不是上千)

16、人感染上伤寒而死亡。,Typhoid Marys story is very famous. She was carrying the incidence of typhoid bacteria, but shes not dead, which of course is true, Consequence was causing the death of people, is also the truth. But she caused a massacre is not true. In fact, Mary (she was a cook) resulted in 30 to 53 people were infected with typhoid fever, but only 3 of them died. When one began to find Mary, she was isolated. After a very short time she was thought to be unfair becaus


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