外研版高考英语选修6 module 5《cloning》ppt课件

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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 选修6,Cloning,Module 5,Is sciencefiction just bad science? Many Hollywood sciencefiction movies rely heavily on outofthisworld ideas. Some scientists think that their preposterous storylines are damaging the public understanding of science. Sidney Perkowitz, a professor of

2、physics at Emory University in Atlanta, US, watched 123 scifi films in 18 months while researching his book Hollywood Science. Speaking recently at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, he said that many of the Hollywoods biggest scientific movies have begun seriously to affect th

3、e publics understanding of important issues. He named cloning as an example.,“In a movie, if you clone a 30yearold, you immediately get another 30yearold, an identical twin with identical genetic makeup.” he said.“In reality, you would have a new egg, which would turn into a new foetus and in 30 yea

4、rs time you would have a 30yearold person. So theres a basic misunderstanding of how cloning works.” All around the world, teams of scientists are racing against time to collect DNA material from endangered animals before they disappear.,They hope that if it is frozen and stored, it could help them

5、to one day bring an extinct animal back to life with cloning technology. The program, called_Frozen_Ark, was created by the Zoological Society of London (伦敦动物学会), the UKs Natural History Museum and the University of Nottingham. Scientists collect DNA material from animals in zoos and those in the wild and freeze and store them at the University of Nottingham.,知识点击: preposterous 荒谬的 speaking recently 为现在分词短语作状语,意为“当/在时”。 identical 完全相同的 foetus 胎儿 extinct灭绝的 called Frozen Ark 为过去分词短语作定语。,


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