外研版高中英语选修7《module 4 music born in america》ppt课件之三

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1、.单词聚焦 1_ n 技巧;手法 2_ n. 方法;步骤 3_ n. 衰退;下降;减少 4_ v. 出现 5_ v. 触动;感动;使动心,technique,approach,decline,emerge,touch,6_ v. 繁荣;兴起;迅速发 展 7_ n. 融洽,一致 8_ n. 美德 9_ adj. 新潮的 10_ adj. 整齐的;整洁的 11_ v. 制定预算,按预算来 安排开支 12_ adj. 自负的,自视过高的,boom,Harmony,virtue,fancy,neat,budget,vain,13_ adj. (控制)严格的,严密 的 14_ n. 计划表,进度表,日

2、程表 15_ n. 截止时间,最后期限 16_ adv. 否则,要不然,tight,schedule,deadline,otherwise,17_ n. 津贴,补助 18_ n. 养老金;退休金; 抚恤金 19_ v. 离开,辞去 20_ adj. 幽默的,allowance,pension,quit,humorous,.短语扫描 1dance _ music 配合音乐跳舞 2side _ side 并排;并肩 3be bored _ 厌烦 4_ silence 沉默地;静静地 5try _ 尝试,to,by,with,in,out,6be blessed _ 有幸 7come _ 出版 8f

3、ar _ 完全不 9be devoted _ 对专一,专注 10beg _ 乞求,请求,with,out,from,to,for,.原句突破 1“_ _ _ _ _(我一听到),”he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” 【答案】 The moment I heard it 2Hip top _ _ _ _ (利用了这一点) and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco! 【答案】 took advantage of that,3I wanted

4、black music _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (给白人听众留下印象) and we got some great blues,jazzand gospel artists and Robert Johnson was the greatest. 【答案】 to make an impression on white audience,4“My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black,white,fat,thin,old and youngwere all the same,its_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(这是一个美妙的

5、世界,你可以在有生之年做些事情)” 【答案】 a great world and you can do something with your life,5Songs that _ _ _ _ _(不是唱而是说出来的) are called rap. 【答案】 are spoken rather than sung,approach n(研究)方法;接近;通道,入口 This is the best approach to learn English well. 这是学好英语的最佳方法。 At the approach of the Spring Festival,we are all bus

6、y going shopping.春节将至,我们大家都忙着购物。,With the approach of winter,the weather came colder. 随着冬天的来临,天气越来越冷了。 All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police. 所有通往机场的路都被警察封锁了。,vt.& vi.走近,接近;看待,处理(问题) We approached the birds quietly and watched them. 我们悄悄上前观察那些小鸟。 The Spring Festival was approa

7、ching.A lot of people were traveling back and forth.春节快到了,来往的旅客很多。,He will know how to approach the problem correctly. 他会知道如何正确处理这个问题的。 We should approach this problem with great care. 我们应该非常慎重地处理这个问题。,1.With spring_,the weather became warmer. AApproaches Bapproaching Capproach Dapproached 【解析】 “随着春

8、天的临近”用with spring approaching或As spring approached/approaches.因为with是介词,后面要接动名词。 【答案】 B,touch vt.接触,触摸,碰及 lose touch with/be out of touch with 与失去联系 get in touch with/be in touch with与取得联系 keep/stay in touch with与保持联系 No visitors are allowed to touch the exhibits. 游客禁止触摸展品。,Dont touch the button.别碰那

9、个按钮。 When the war broke out,they lost touch with each other. 战争爆发后,他们失去了联系。 How did you get in touch with her? 你是怎样与她取得联系的? They keep in touch with each other by Email. 他们靠电子邮件保持联系。,vt.感动(move) touching adj.令人感动的 touched adj.被感动的 Its obvious that the students were all touched by the touching film.很明

10、显,这部感人的电影让学生们非常感动。 We were deeply touched by his story. 我们被他的故事深深地感动了。,2.The doctor keeps _touch _telephone _his patients. Ain;with;with Bin;by;with Con;by;with Don;with;by,【解析】 本题考查了两个词组,即keep in touch with 与保持联系和by telephone 通过电话。因为by telephone插入keep in touch with之中,无疑给解答此题增加了不少难度。 【答案】 B,arise vi

11、.(arose,arisen)出现,发生(appear);起源于,起因于(arise from/out of起因于) A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新困难。 A strong wind arose in the night.夜间刮起了大风。 New difficulties will arise from such situation. 那种状况将会产生新的难题。,A good idea arose in his mind. 一个好主意浮现在他的脑海中。 There are many problems arising out of the lack of com

12、munication.有很多由于缺乏交流而产生的问题。 Accidents can arise from carelessness. 意外事故可能因疏忽而引起的。,上升;起来 He arose from a chair and walked to the fire. 他从椅子上起身向火炉边走去。,3.We should be aware that difficulties might _ from such a situation. Aarise Bawake Ccause Darouse,【解析】 句意为:我们应该意识到困难可能由这种情况产生。arise 意为“(由)引起/产生”;cause

13、 为及物动词,若用 cause 应为被动语态;awake 唤醒,arouse 唤起,均与句意不符。 【答案】 A,harmony n和谐,一致,融合 In a beautiful picture there is harmony between the different colors.美丽的画面中,不同色彩相互协调。 They worked in perfect harmony.他们合作默契。,Tom and I worked together in harmony for years. 几年来汤姆和我一起工作,和睦相处。 His tastes are in harmony with min

14、e. 他的口味与我的一致。,in harmony with.与协调一致 live in harmony和睦相处 be out of harmony with.与不协调,4.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _with its surroundings. Achance Bharmony Cresponsibility Dintroduction,【解析】 考查in harmony with这个短语的用法。in harmony with.与协调。句意为“过去有一个城镇,那儿的一切似乎都与周围的环境非常协调”。 【答案】 B,vain adj.自负的,炫耀的 She is vain about her beautiful blue eyes. 她对自己那一双漂亮的蓝眼睛颇为自负。,in vain徒劳;白辛苦 He tried to save his son from drowning,but in vain. 他试图救他儿子免于溺死,但是徒劳。 We tried in vain to persuade him to change his mind. 我们试图说服他改变主意,但没有成功。,We



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