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1、Module 6 War and Peace,?,war,peace,War is a state of widespread conflict between states, organisations, or relatively large groups of people. War is contrasted with peace, which is usually defined as the absence of war.,1) Do you like war or peace in the world? Why? 2) What results would be if the w

2、ar broke out?,Brainstorm,Words Preview,vengeful invade abandon declare war on operation make a breakthrough drown survivor,adj.复仇的 v.入侵,侵略 v.放弃,抛弃 向宣战 n.行动 取得重大突破 v.淹死,使溺死 n.幸存者,last occupy beach troop commander eventually heroism artillery,v.持续 v.占领 n.海滩 n.部队,士兵 n.指挥官 adv.最后,最终 n.英雄主义 n.大炮,Words Pr

3、eview,shell pick up deep wound shocked private memorial overlook,n.炮弹 停下来让某人搭车 adj.深的 v.使受伤 adj.震惊的,惊骇的 n.兵,士兵 n.纪念碑 v.俯视,往下看,Words Preview,grave weary condemn war memorial nationality rescue backpack afterwards,n.墓,墓穴 v.使人疲倦,使人厌烦 v.责难,谴责 战争纪念碑 n.国籍 v.营救,拯救 n.背包 adv.后来,Words Preview,Look at the phot

4、os of some famous people in the world and see how they thought of the war.,Laozi (Chinese philosopher),“A good soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry. A good winner is not vengeful.”,Warm up,1. Laozi: What do “vengeful” winners do? They revenge themselves on the people they have beaten.

5、,Discussion,善为士者不武,善战者不怒,善胜敌者不与,“There has never been a good war or a bad peace.”,Benjamin Franklin (American scientist),从来没有一场好的战争和一个坏的和平,Bertrand Russell (British philosopher),“War doesnt tell us who is right - only who is left.”,3. Bertrand Russell: Explain the meaning of the words right and left

6、 in the quotation. right: a) on the right side b) holding the right beliefs left: a) on the left side b) still alive,战争并没有确定谁是正确的,只是谁还活着。,Albert Einstein (German-born American theoretical physicist),“You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.”,4. Albert Einstein: What can governments d

7、o to prevent war? Not prepare for war.,你不能同时阻止又准备战争,“If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set, wed have peace.”,John Lennon (British musician),5. John Lennon: What does it mean if people demand peace? a) They want peace. b) They dont want peace,如果每个人都祈求要和平而不是一台新的电视机, 那么世界就会和平。,4. A good

8、soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry. A good winner is not vengeful,2.There has never been a good war or a bad peace.,1. You cant prevent and prepare for war at the same time.,3.War doesnt tell us who is right - only who is left.,5. If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set

9、, wed have peace.,Laozi,Einstein,Franklin,Lennon,Russell,War logo,Anti-war logo,Peace logo,1. There was a war that took place between 1939 and 1945. Whats the name of this war? a) the Great War b) the Second World War 2. When the war began, which countries were involved? a) Britain and Germany b) th

10、e United States and Japan 3. The war began when a country was invaded. Which country was invaded? a) Poland b) France,Vocabulary and Reading,- The D-Day Landings,Look at the photos and the map and get ready to talk about something about the war.,- The D-Day Landings,1. What kind of people can you se

11、e in the photo? Soldiers. 2. Where on the map do you think the photo was taken? Approaching the French coast. 3. What are the people in the photo doing? They are waiting to land on the French beaches.,abandon attempt danger kill,1 British and American troops _ to land in France. 2 These landings wer

12、e very _. 3 Many troops were _during the landings. 4 At one point, military commanders thought about _ the operation.,attempted,dangerous,killed,abandoning,1. declare war on: to tell another country that you are going to start a war with them 2. military operation: a planned activity during a war 3.

13、 make a breakthrough: to be successful 4. drown: to die in water 5. survivors: people who are not killed in an accident,Vocabulary,1. The first passage is taken from_. a) a history book b) a newspaper article 2. The second passage is _. a) a government report on the war b) the history of a particula

14、r group of soldiers 3. The third passage refers to _. a) an event related to the war b) an event before the war,Skimming,Careful Reading,1 What event started the Second World War? Germanys invasion of Poland. 2 What was the purpose of Operation Overlord? To invade France. 3 What nationality were the

15、 troops who took part in the operation? British, American and Canadian.,Passage 1,4 Where was the most dangerous place to land? Omaha Beach. 5 Was Operation Overlord successful? Yes, it was.,Omaha Beach cemetery,1. When the Germans started firing at the boats,_. (a) the boats were so far from the be

16、ach that they were not hit. (b) the boats were one kilometer from the beach 2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,_. (a) everyone was killed (b) most of the men were rescued from the water,Passage 2,3. The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because_. (a) their backpacks were too heavy (b) the water was too deep 4. Six men tried to climb up the cliff and _. (a) some of them managed t


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