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1、Add up, calmdown, at dusk , on purpose, be concerned about, go through, face to face, in order to , set down, walk the dog when he was really angry , only his wife could _ him _. Nowadays more and more people, whether they are young or old, _ their health. He wanted to _ all those important thoughts

2、 in his diary. Peter has lost his job, and the family is _ a very difficult time. It is necessary to _ in the park every day if you want it to be healthy enough. When we _ the bills , we realized we had spent too much. The street lights go on _. I want to see him as soon as possible and tell him the

3、 good news _. _ improve his English, he jointed an English club. As everybody can see, the little boy made the mistake_.,calmdown 2. are concerned about 3. set down 4. going though 5. walk the dog 6. added up 7. at dusk 8. face to face 9. In order to 10. on purpose,rather than, at present, turn off,

4、 hold on, make sense, come up, base on, without a second thought, the latter, make use of _ the TV. Its time to go to bed. He jumped into the lake to save the drowning boy_. _ for a while, and I will com to help you soon. I have decided to travel by bike _ by bus. I dont think what he said _. With C

5、hristmas _, few people have much money to spare. I dont need the dictionary _. We should _ our spare time to improve ourselves. Both the cookie and the cake were good, but I preferred _. Your theory should be _ the fact.,1. Turn off 2. without a second thought 3. hold on 4. rather than 5. makes sens

6、e 6. coming up 7. at present 8. make use of 9. the latter 10. based on,Cant wait to, sothat , at midnight, go/run like clockwork , as usual, put up, no matter how, be proper for, at an altitude of , give in _, the sky became clearer and the stars brighter. if you have any questions to ask, please _

7、your hands. It was _ cold _ our water bottles froze. I _ hear form you. She takes good care of the orphan _ though she is ill. The project _. I am sure we will finish it on time. _ busy I am, I always try to spare some time to accompany my daughter. The mother _ and bought a toy for her child. Were

8、flying _ 6,000 metres. I dont think your dress _ the party.,1. At midnight 2. put up 3. sothat 4. cant wait to 5. as usual 6. goes/runs like clockwork 7. No matter how 8. gave in 9. at an altitude of 10. is proper for,单词拼写: A love of n_ means a love of plants, flowers. Birds. Etc. I think its wrong

9、of you to i_ the teachers opinion. The post office will issue a s_ of new stamps. As far as I am c_ ,I cant agree with what you said. I came back to school for the p_ of being admitted to a better university. She suffered form the loss of her pupils respect, which u_ her. The boy hid himself behind

10、the c_ and looked out through the window. The boss was e_ satisfied with what the workers had done. Doctors are predicting that it will soon be within their p_ to cure the disease. Children should spend more time taking exercise o_ and less time watching TV at home. F_, Id like to thank all those pe

11、ople who helped make the conference such a success.,1.nature 2. ignore 3. series 4. concerned 5. purpose 6. upset 7. curtain 8. entirely 9. power 10. outdoors 11. Finally,He received his degree at eighteen, the youngest g_ in Oxford University. He is so s_ that no one can persuade him to change hi m

12、ind. He p_ her to go to school, even though she did not want to. Whats your a_ toward his behavior? What is the train f_ from Beijing to Shanghai? The plane is flying at an a_ of 20,000 feet. All these goods will be t_ abroad by ship. He has been b_ in the novel for 3 hours. Females find it e_ diffi

13、cult to get a job in such a field. Many people were killed or i_ in the earthquake. You may b_ the balloon if you are not careful. After e_ was cut off, the lights went off. After the war, the city lay in r_. Hundreds of people are still in the water, waiting to be r_.,12. graduate 13. stubborn 14. persuaded 15. attitude 16. fare 17. altitude 18. transported 19. buried 20. extremely 21. injured 22. burst 23. electricity 24. ruins 25. rescued,



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