外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 m4u2

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1、M4u2导学案_九_年级_英语_学科导学案 执笔: 审核:授课人: 授课时间: 班级: 姓名: 小组:课题:M4U2 课型:reading and writing【学习目标】一、掌握本单元actually,order,unable,turn off ,be worried about ,tidy up等单词和短语。(重点) 二、看懂教材中的文章想想当父母不在身边时自己能做什么及不能做什么然后写一篇短文表达自己的观点。【学法指导】Task-based 【学习流程】 一 自主学习The book says he died at the age of 47, but _(事实上), he died

2、at 43. 2. Usually Kate has only a _(零食) at lunchtime. 3. Dont worry, son. You are _ (不会的) to do such a difficult job now. 4. The old man has an _(空的) purse2、 合作交流三知识链接:Turn off the TV! 把电视关掉。 短语1:turn off 关掉;关闭(设备) turn off,意为“关掉;关闭(设备)”,其反义词组为turn on(打开)。turn off是“动词+副词”结构,如果后接代词作宾语,代词要放在短语中间。如果后接名

3、词作宾语,名词可放在短语中间,也可放在off后。 I want to sleep for a few more minutes . Please turn off the alarm clock. 我想再睡几分钟。请把闹钟关了。 The TV is on. Dont forget to turn it off before you go out . 电视开着。外出前别忘了要关掉。 拓展:turn down与turn up的用法 (1) turn down,意为“关小,调低(音量)”。 Its so noisy . Turn down the radio. 这么吵把收音机音量调小点儿. (2)

4、turn up,意为“开大,调高(音量)”。和turn down是一对反义短语. Turn the radio up so that the students can hear clearly.【过关检测】单项选择 Will you please_ the TV? I want to see the Animal World. A. turn off B. turn down C. turn on D. turn upPlease _the paper , Jimmy ! - But I havent checked it yet , Mr Black. A. hand in B. take out C. look at D. go throughHe was seriously injured . He lay on the ground , _to stand up. A. was unable B. being not ableC. unable D. being able not【自主反思】知识盘点:心得感悟:备注(教师复备及学生笔记)


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