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1、初二单词(1 到 6 单元)1. Study hard! The harder you study, the better r_ youll get.2. Dont be late for your i_,or you wont get the job.3. My hobby is c_ different kinds of tickets.4. I will go to Qingdao to go s_ in the sea with my uncle this summer holiday.5. Lots of t_ have realized that playing computer

2、games too much is bad for their study.6. This shirt is the cheapest of all and it costs the l_.7. Tom is not good at sweet words, but he knows how to earn money with his s_.8. I can i_ how happy my grandparents will be when they see me.9. Each summer millions of Americans drive to the countryside wh

3、ere they find places to c_.10. In my school there are many a_ for the students after school.11. Welcome to my _(私人的) websites. You can find some interesting things here.12. Dont speak loudly in a _(公共的) place like a hospital.13. The boy is a_(亲戚) of mine. He is my aunts son.14. This afternoon we hav

4、e important _(事情) to talk about.15. People think that the moon is _(更明亮的) on Mid-Autumn Day than any other day.16. Mike is h_ a book in his hand and entering the room.17. The workers told us not to t_ the machine. Its dangerous.18. I received lots of g_ on my birthday, such as books, cards.19. We we

5、re c_ in the past. We had lessons in the same class.20. Jack is from America, but he doesnt want people to call him a f_.21. The mother is very _(担心的) about her sick child.22. The _(场景) of the film are very beautiful.23. Theyll have fun at the birthday party _(今晚 )。24. My father went to Hong Kong by

6、 _(船)。25. The little girl was _(醒着的) to wait for her mother.26. He has _(表演) many times.27. This boat _(航行) for Yiwu every week.28. Be more careful about your _(行为) 。29. Who are the main _(角色)in the play?30. Dont _(打架) with your classmates.31. The doctor _(建议 ) that she come another day.32. The _(药)

7、 tastes terrible, but it will really work soon after you take it.33. Could you show me how to operate this new _(录音机)。34. The _(课文) mainly tells us something about the history of Fathers Day in America.35. The woman has a good _(记忆力)for names.36. Tony is an h_ boy; he hates telling lies.37. -Is Anna

8、 your c_?-Yes. We are both in Class3.38. What is the secret of your s_? The reporter asked HanHan, a famous writer.39. Bobs funny story made everyone l_.40. There is something wrong with my bike. Could you help me m_ it.41. The books on the _(架子)are ours. Those on the floor are theirs.42. Take this

9、_(药物) three times a day after meals; you will get well soon.43. Mikes right leg was _(弄伤) while he was playing football yesterday.44. Mr. Lu is an _(精力充沛的) man. He only needs to sleep fives hours a day.45. The young_(女士) we meet yesterday is our new teacher.46. Mr Lin always read a classical English

10、 _(文章)for us at the beginning of his class.47. These lovely toy animals are made of _(玻璃 ).48. Please turn right at the _(第二的) turning, and then youll see the bank.49. The room is nice and _(凉爽的)with the windows open.50. Bens dog has _(咬) several people and hes worried about it.51. He is the best fo

11、otball player and he got three g_ in the last match.52. I was p_ for the test when you called me last night.53. Could you e_ what you said just now? I dont quite understand it.54. Please c_ your paper carefully, or youll make some mistakes.55. He often helps his wife wash the d_ after dinner.56. Bot

12、h Lily and Maria study in Class Three so Lily is Marias c_.57. My sister is the famous star Wang Luodans f_.58. I have got many friends here, but I still feel l_.59. Watching TV and listening to music are Annas favorite a_.60. The boy is very l_ and he never cleans his room.61. The film is a great _

13、(成功) 。Many people like watching it.62. My brother likes playing _(排球) and it is his favorite sport.63. I feel kind of cold. Could you please _(关) the windows?64. Jerry showed us his great _(技巧) in cooking the fish last night.65. Thousands of _(外国人) come to China and study every year.66. The _(honest

14、 ) milkman poured water into his milk.67. There are lots of _(shelf)in the library.68. If we keep the secret, she will never know the _(true).69. My iPhone 4 isnt working now because there are some _(virus) on it.70. An unknown man has s_all her money.71. Our school football team _(打败) the team from No.3 middle school. 72. Their teacher _(惩罚)them for their rudeness yesterday.73. All this has _(证实) him to be an honest man.74. Of all th



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